Average rating3.5
Up until the last 3 chapters, I would have said it was my favorite book ever. I was completely stunned by the quotidian detail, the voices of the 3 main characters, the unconventional frankness about desire and sex, and the non-punishing, non-judging attitude the author has toward her characters. However I felt at the end that she did tend toward judgment and a sort of punishment. Or maybe not. Still processing this one, really and plan to revise this review later.
Between a 3.5/4 out of 5 star reads. I was intrigued by the two different paths that Irina's life could end up. Some elements of the alternative lives I didn't feel were realistic but overall I felt Shriver creates realistic, raw and honest alternative lives for Irina. Some mirroring of scenarios and repeated sentences within the text was rather tedious but overall I was emotionally engaged with Irina's story and her romantic engagements to both Ramsey and Lawrence. This book could have been slightly shorter and I think the structure of this novel is limited as a style. However I think the characters will stay with me long after finishing this book and I will mull over which path she should have chosen for some time to come. And doesn't that say all it needs to about Shriver's skill as a writer?