The Princess Saves Herself in this One

The Princess Saves Herself in this One

2016 • 208 pages


Average rating3.5

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February 5, 2017

“When I had
no friends
I reached inside
my beloved
& sculpted some
out of
12 pt
Times new roman.

– & it was almost good enough.”

March 1, 2023

“1. fill in the blank:
a) poetry is ___.
- anything you want it to be

August 7, 2016
November 11, 2018


August 17, 2019
November 5, 2020
January 3, 2017

I don't think this is REAL poetry, like we all imagine. But I enjoyed it very much, so I'll give it 4 stars.

December 17, 2016
June 10, 2019

so personaland beautiful

July 23, 2016

Not for me. Is poetry about hitting enter after every sentence these days?

April 14, 2022

Sentí que le faltaba más contenido.
Lo sentí repetitivo e incluso poco original.
No obstante, estuvo bien.

September 27, 2018

This is a very deep and raw poetry book. Amand writes to emote feelings and deep thoughts.
* Has mature content and language.

November 1, 2020

remember when you told me you wrote that beautiful song for me & only me— your “only one”? well, i'm willing to bet you don't remember that you had already showed it to me, saying it was for her. - you were in love with the idea of love, not me.

April 4, 2021
November 1, 2017

It is evident that modern poetry is not my thing. I can not consider it poetic or deep even if it touches some very important topics. It just looks like something we all used to write in our statuses on MSN, but of course it is only a strictly personal point of view and preference

August 3, 2018


November 3, 2017
January 6, 2017

This book was absolutely beautiful, I loved every second of it.

December 25, 2017

Still not sure what to think of this kind of poetry. I like the general message, but it's so simple sometimes it just drops literal definitions of words in a slightly quirky way.

August 10, 2023

3.5/5 stars

December 1, 2018

The feeling is nice and I agree with her pretty words, but it seems like a bunch of artsy phrases together with strange spaces between them. Maybe I expected too much of this.

March 20, 2017

3.5 rounded up to 4 because i am SOBBING

the romance parts were a bit on the nose and felt a bit tumblr-y

the FAMILY parts??? the MOTHER parts ?? the SISTER parts ??? IM A MESS... please look away as i ugly cry into oblivion...

you are now,
i hope there is
a beach”

August 15, 2023

This was just... eh.

I wasn't too big a fan of Rupi Kaur's Milk and Honey either. I guess poetry novels just aren't for me.

January 3, 2018

For all the readers who dig Rupi Kaur. (I know some ppl are down on insta-poets but I believe in the laws of Ranganathan: for every reader their book and every book it's reader)

June 2, 2018