Average rating3.5
Okay, I've had enough of this.
I'm not going to live long enough to read everything on my TBR list. Ergo, I neither have to soldier through this one and work myself into a frothing rage over what qualifies as (Goodreads) award-winning poetry these days. In fact, I'm gonna do myself a favour and avoid anything that Goodreads members pick as “award winning”.
- i got other books waiting
Reading copy courtesy of NetGalley.
“When I had
no friends
I reached inside
my beloved
& sculpted some
out of
12 pt
Times new roman.
– & it was almost good enough.”
2 1/2 stars. There is promise here, yes. But there is also pretentiousness. And much of it.
(One should not name-check Anne Sexton, Sylvia Plath, and Virginia Woolf in their first boom of poetry. Be your own poet for some time first before claiming sisters in the word.)
Also, Amanda's style of naming or footnoting—I could not tell which—each poem with an italicized aside at the end was jolting for me as a reader, and made each of these feel rather like a zinger, like Amanda herself popping up to chortle “See what I did there?” A poem would resonate with me, then be abruptly bookended by this screeching halt to the flow. These extra endings made me feel as if she as the writer didn't trust me as the reader to get it, and had to give me a hint as to each poem's meaning. That violates the contract of the nebulousness of poetry; what the writer meant when she rang the bell may mean something different to every ear that hears its tone, and therein lies poetry's resounding, and compelling, beauty. There must be trust for the readers.
4.5 stars
This was really good. I don't read a lot of poetry, but I intend to keep reading Amanda Lovelace's work.
This is her story told in poems, her story of the stuff she's been through and how she learned to love herself. I didn't always agree with her conclusions, but I appreciate the questions she raised and her acknowledgement of the things we're told as women that have a long-term effect. For example:
sticks and stones
never broke
my bones,
but words
made me
starve myself
you could
see all of them.
Trigger warnings for abuse, rape, self harm, eating disorder, and suicide. However, as someone who is triggered by some of these, I felt more seen than triggered. I found this collection affirming and empowering.
Additional note: there is some swearing, so be aware of that if that bothers you.
I ordered it after reading all the rave reviews and didn't get the hype. It read like the stuff I thought was poetry in the third grade - basic, boring sentences just spaced out on the page. I was hoping for beautiful language, interesting concepts, or something worthwhile, but it was like a gross mashup of every sentimental teenage angsty quote on Pinterest. Resold immediately.
The author was definitely brave to share her emotional journey with readers - but it didn't resonate with me, as I was hoping for something more along the lines of Richard Siken's Crush or even something Andrea Gibson-y.
I don't think this is REAL poetry, like we all imagine. But I enjoyed it very much, so I'll give it 4 stars.
2,5 ★
Opinião impopular: isso não é poesia.
Estou um pouco inconformada que esse livro foi escolhido como Goodreads Choice Awards.
Mas vamos ao porque da minha indignação.
Exemplo de um dos muitos trechos que achei consideráveis deste livro:
- my sun & rain.”
Excerpt from: “the princess saves herself in this one” by Amanda Lovelace. Scribd.
This material may be protected by copyright.
Read this book on Scribd: https://www.scribd.com/book/335846435
Muito bem, todos encantados com a ideia de um corpo de interesse te pegar de jeito? Agora leia assim:
“𝚏𝚕𝚘𝚠𝚎𝚛𝚜 𝚐𝚛𝚘𝚠 𝚠𝚑𝚎𝚛𝚎𝚟𝚎𝚛 𝚑𝚒𝚜 𝚏𝚒𝚗𝚐𝚎𝚛𝚝𝚒𝚙𝚜 𝚐𝚛𝚊𝚣𝚎 𝚖𝚎”
É exatamente a mesma frase. Uma frase e não um 𝓿𝓮𝓻𝓼𝓸.
Se o livro todo fosse escrito como as frases (repito, frases) que são, escritas em texto corrido, em 50 páginas havíamos resolvido tudo isso.
Os assuntos abordados são interessantes (a dor do câncer, a superação, a familia, as perdas, amor - o perde e encontrar dele - a superação pessoal e a autoafirmação). Porém... são apenas frases escritas
Isso desse um
No texto.
E Não. Deu no mesmo.
Sentí que le faltaba más contenido.
Lo sentí repetitivo e incluso poco original.
No obstante, estuvo bien.
This is a very deep and raw poetry book. Amand writes to emote feelings and deep thoughts.
* Has mature content and language.
remember when you told me you wrote that beautiful song for me & only me— your “only one”? well, i'm willing to bet you don't remember that you had already showed it to me, saying it was for her. - you were in love with the idea of love, not me.
Oh my GOSH
I've never cried so much because of a book before.
This was a beautiful read that EVERYONE NEEDS TO READ!!! It talks about real topics that everyone can relate with at least one poem.
But the last chapter ( IV you) was the one that touched me the most.
I'm going to shut up now, but yes go and get yo self a copy because you won't regret it!
It is evident that modern poetry is not my thing. I can not consider it poetic or deep even if it touches some very important topics. It just looks like something we all used to write in our statuses on MSN, but of course it is only a strictly personal point of view and preference
I've been seeing this book pop up everywhere, and wanted to give it a try after hearing so many good things about it. This book was a very quick read and I was honestly surprised at how raw and personal this book was.
I sat here for a long time struggling to find the right words to explain why this book is worth 4 stars. Its worth the 4 stars, because of how much I saw myself through her words. It's an indescribable feeling when you read a book written by someone else, but their words and feelings are pretty close to your own.
I can see why some people might not enjoy this book. A few didn't like how this book was formatted, however, I didn't mind it at all. Sometimes it changed to correlate with what she was talking about. And to me, that just made it more powerful. At times it did feel like I was reading from a angsty teen's tumblr, but again, that didn't bother me. However, if that doesn't appeal to you, then you may not enjoy it as much as I did.
The reason I didn't give it a 5 stars is because of how messy it was. Amanda Lovelace jumped around a lot from topic to topic. One page she will be talking about her mother, then the next about her body issues, then about a boy then back to her mother. The changes were very abrup and that kind of ruined it a bit for me. Maybe it was intentional, I'm not a poetry reader so maybe I missed the point.
I loved the You section, that was my favorite part of the whole book. I loved seeing her emotions transform from an insecure girl to a more empowered woman.
This book may not be everyone's cup of tea but I do recommend to read it at least once.
Still not sure what to think of this kind of poetry. I like the general message, but it's so simple sometimes it just drops literal definitions of words in a slightly quirky way.
The feeling is nice and I agree with her pretty words, but it seems like a bunch of artsy phrases together with strange spaces between them. Maybe I expected too much of this.
3.5 rounded up to 4 because i am SOBBING
the romance parts were a bit on the nose and felt a bit tumblr-y
the FAMILY parts??? the MOTHER parts ?? the SISTER parts ??? IM A MESS... please look away as i ugly cry into oblivion...
you are now,
i hope there is
a beach”
This was just... eh.
I wasn't too big a fan of Rupi Kaur's Milk and Honey either. I guess poetry novels just aren't for me.
For all the readers who dig Rupi Kaur. (I know some ppl are down on insta-poets but I believe in the laws of Ranganathan: for every reader their book and every book it's reader)