Average rating3.8
Would have been a 3 star review, but I gave it an extra one for making me cry at the end.
So I actually didn't know that Practical Magic the movie was based on a book. But when I saw The Rules of Magic billed as the prequel to a movie I had loved, I knew I had to read it. And I'm so glad I did. The Rules of Magic is, well, magical. Magical and nostalgic and spell-binding. Most book worlds feel different than their respective movie-worlds, but this felt like a logical prequel. (It may be because I haven't seen the movie in some time - I intend to remedy that soon, and I might just have to read the book as well.)
Practical Magic, the well known movie with Sandra Bullock and Nicole Kidman, centers around the two girls and their elderly aunts. The Rules of Magic is the aunts' story. And what a story. It begins in New York, as the older of the two aunts is turning 17. On an Owens' girl's seventeenth birthday, they receive an invitation to spend the summer at the Owens home in Massachusetts. Frances, the older of the two girls, receives the invitation, and her two siblings won't let her go alone, so all three of them (yes, three, the movie doesn't mention their brother that I recall, though I suppose Bullock and Kidman's characters had to come from somewhere!) pack up and head to Massachusetts, where they meet their Aunt Isabelle. Over the course of the summer, they learn their family history, and get verification that they are indeed witches. (They'd had certain powers throughout childhood, though their mother tried to deny it.)
It was Vincent's storyline that intrigued me, since I knew where Frances and Jet ended up. There was an unexpected curveball that I won't spoil here, but I enjoyed it. It was Jet and Frances' storylines that had me crying at the end of the book, though. Not the very last chapter - it ended on a hopeful note - but the few chapters preceding it had me in tears. (It was midnight, and everyone else was asleep, so I had myself a good cry over my book, and then had to try to sleep on a wet pillow.)
If you enjoyed Practical Magic the movie, you should read this book. It's a perfect prequel.
You can find all my reviews at Goddess in the Stacks.
Okay so I would give this book a 3 for a few reasons and that's because it's not for me. It was well written and I enjoyed some parts but overall it's not my style.
The pace of the story was too fast and the story felt rushed. I don't understand the hype and it seems more like a YA book. Also, the story was scattered and events would happen too quickly and jump around.
I'm discouraged to read the rest of the series.
3.75 stars
Until almost the very end of the book it felt as a book created only for the purpose of being a prequel with no depth of the main characters. However it was still interesting and now I will read “Practical Magic” as soon as possible.
★★★½ A sweet, enchanting book about finding out who you are and being true to yourself; about living, loving, losing, and going on living; about choosing courage; and about loving more, not less.
I enjoyed this book so much. The characters were interesting and I particularly enjoy a book that follows one family through their entire lives. You become invested in the characters and you feel as though you know them as the book progresses.
It wasn't full of a lot of action, but was a good character driven drama and it kept me interested through the whole thing.
Rating: 3.77 leaves out of 5-Characters: 3/5 -Cover: 5/5-Story: 2/5-Writing: 5/5Genre: Fantasy, HisFic, Magic, Magic Realism, Witch-Fantasy: 4/5-HisFic: 3/5-Magic: 5/5-Magic Realism: 5/5-Witch: 5/5Type: AudiobookWorth?: EhHated Disliked Meh It Was Okay Liked Really Liked LovedI do like how they went down the bloodline but what I don't care for is the pedophilia and incestuous bits in this. Also the story, besides that, just kind of fell flat compared to the last book. Maybe since the beginning gave me the ick it just... dampered a lot of the story.
A little slow to get going, but I loved getting to know these characters better. Looking forward to reading magic lessons!
Talk about a boring book. I'm not even sure what the point was. Tell us everything but somehow don't say anything.
4.5 stars. It took me about 100 pages to become completely engulfed in these character's lives (though I was quite curious from the start) and by the end of the book I has cried multiple times because I was so invested. This is not a plot-driven book, it reminds me of what a memoir would be like in some ways and is written beautifully. I did not read “Practical Magic” and picked this up because I love the movie and was curious about this book. If you're interested in character-driven books or magical realism, you might enjoy this one.
It kills me to give a Hoffman book less than 4 stars but The Rules of Magic is just......not that great. If you are going into it looking to recapture the charm and incredible storytelling of Practical Magic, it just doesn't get there. If you are looking for some nostalgia, it's there but it's muted. I don't know. A lot of this didn't work for me. I was only really into the story when it was about Jet and her storyline kind of goes flat before the halfway mark. This is really about the curse, and whether you read PM or not, just hearing about the curse over and over again gets old. It's the driving factor behind everything the characters do in this story, and I think I wanted it to be more about the bond between sisters and family.
It is what it is and I didn't love it. Hoffman's writing chops are usually set at such a higher caliber than this.
Oddly, this story was really comforting to me. Usually when I read witchy stories, I'm scared or excited or stressed, but the Rules of Magic honestly felt like a warm hug. Despite constantly experiencing traumatic events and uncertainty the Owens family always rises above these challenges stronger than ever. Hoffman expertly develops her characters to be distinct yet strong personalities. I saw a bit of myself in each of the siblings. The plot isn't exceptionally unique or anything, it kind of follows the three siblings as they grow up — but their bond and magic is truly beautiful and powerful! Very few books I've read have truly made me feel comforted and loved, and it seems that Hoffman accomplishes that beautiful! And with a bit of magic!!!! Also I LOVED the Practical Magic (sequel to Rules of Magic) movie with Sandra Bullock and Nicole Kidman. So basically you should read this one.