Average rating3.8
Weird is an understatement for this book.
It was okay, but this book is so clearly not my cup of tea. It was like the strangest and most awkward fairytale that I've read in my life. And strange not in a good way.
I don't even want to review it. And I will not continue with the series.
I loved this book. I laughed out loud through much of it. It has some very good themes about good an evil and the grey area in between.
4.5 stars Such a wonderful story! How can you not fall in love with Sophie and Agatha?
Excellent and refreshing view on the good and evil concept. I had my hunches when the book first started on who was evil and who was pure. In the end you kinda felt like we're all good and evil. Definitely continuing with the series!
This was a great premise but the execution is all over the place. I liked how it ended but the narrative is hard to follow, like the author never really decided how the story would get to that conclusion.
It was an enjoyable read and I can't wait to read the next book in the series!
2.5 stars.
The premise was interesting and original, but I could not stand the “gné gné” childish tone anymore.
4.5 stars!
Reread 2022: loved it even more this time around! ❤️
I thoroughly enjoyed this one!! So much fun
I didn't thought I would like this book at all but I loved it! The book is really unique and I was so impressed by it. Go read it!
I absolutely adored this series as a kid and after watching the movie I was left feeling a little disappointed so I went to read the book. I don't really read middle-grade often anymore, and I think that slightly effected my mood while reading it. I just found it really hard to connect with any of the characters at all. While this is still a great read it just had a a few problems that kept sticking out to me. And while I know they fit in with the universe it still really bothered me. There somehow was a mix of woman empowerment and misogyny it in too. Half of the time I felt I was reading one or the other. Sometimes both at the same time. And also there was just to much of an emphasis on peoples looks and especially on being skinny. Especially on not eating to be skinny as well major red flag.
Original: 5/5New rating: 3/5
I've been meaning to change the rating for a while now. Although I love the book, I can admit that it has too many flaws. I couldn't stand the queer baiting. I don't think the kiss between Agatha and Sophie should have been included especially when the author planned to make Agatha choose the prince in the end anyway. It was also weird in which he tried to justify the kiss by making it be done out of sisterly love.
I read this book for the third time with the intention of making notes for my best friend. She has yet to read the SGE series and I hope she likes it as much as I do.
idenya sih bagus tp eksekusinya kok kurang greget, bbrp kali gk ngerti tulisannya maksudnya apa, entah dr author nya atau krn terjemahan. tp tetap bisa enjoy...
Fue una lectura algo confusa al principio. Me gustó mucho la idea pero la narrativa a veces no era del todo clara y me hizo perder el interés a ratos. Sin embargo, al llegar a las últimas páginas, me hizo reflexionar, suspirar y me dejó sorprendida por los giros que dio. Tiene muy bonitas lecciones y en verdad quiero el segundo libro aunque tengo algunas dudas.