Average rating4
Quick read, just like there first book. Content is somewhat better, and the ending was surprising!
The second book from the Percy Jackson series was pretty good too. I feel kinda bad I didn't read it sooner like I read the first book over a year ago and only the 2nd just now? When will I be able to finish this series then start the Last Olympian??? Anyways, I am pretty satisfied with the ending and everything. I'd say Percy can be a jerk and s fool sometimes but he has a good heart, I like it. I find it cool that Rick Riordan made all the half-bloods ADHD and dyslexic like there are not many (if at all) fantasy books with neurodivergent characters as heroes. I also like that even though they are all ADHD they're not the same and are very diverse. I knew that thing, in the end, is gonna happen and I'm excited! I loved Tyson's character and that Percy has Spoilera half-brother now, that is very cool, and Tyson is soo adorable! I also really like Annabeth and her wisdom even though she can sometimes be unwise, which is good. 1-dimensional characters are boring anyway. I can see why Rick Riordan has soo many fans, I mean who doesn't like mythology??? I sure do, especially if they're kinda like me, lol. I mean if I was a half-blood who's kid would I be? Anyways I recommend it for fans of the first PJ book and those who read only The Last Olympian books and those who want to start a new book series but aren't so sure which one. It has it all!
The sequel follows up the original well, even if Tyson makes the tone feel slightly more childish. Older readers may have more trouble staying engaged with this one.
Age range: 10+
Younger readers may find it a little scary.
The Lightning Thief review
5/5 stars “Families are messy. Immortal families are eternally messy. Sometimes the best we can do is to remind each other that we're related for better or for worse...and try to keep the maiming and killing to a minimum.”
So I guess now it's the Sea of Monster's turn to be reviewed, but I don't have much to say about it. I enjoyed this book, yes, perhaps even more than when I was a young girl, but it's probably my least favorite Rick book. I don't care for many of the introduced characters. The storyline was okay, but not as action packed as the Lighting Thief. Yet, because it's Rick Riordan, it doesn't deserve anything less than 5 stars.
I liked this book somewhat better than the last one. I was now prepared for the writing style and it didn't catch me off guard. I still don't love this much fast pace writing though. I feel like it leave something to be desired in regards to characters development and introduction. So much happens you have little time for actually having the characters just casually interact. All that is skipped over in between books.
I really liked the inclusion of greek mythology yet again. Even some much less well known things come up in the sea of monsters which I definitely enjoyed. I did ditch the podcast this time but I will be reading the next book.
I loved the Sea of Monsters. It was even better than the first book! I love Tyson genuinely, he is one of my favorite characters and he never fails to make me smile.
Just like the first one I really enjoyed this book and wished I had read it as a child because little old me would have been obsessed - beyond what I am now. This book made me laugh so many times. In no particular order: Percy's commentary is one of the sassiest things I have ever read; reading pirate talk is absolutely hilarious; bro jock ponies with their “dudes” made me laugh and the entire guinea pig scene was so whack that I cannot wait for it to be put in the show (please).
I loved the more emotional bits, the whole scene with Tyson and Percy, well more Percy's thoughts was SO GODAMN ADORABLE it made my heart melt - more of this please. ALSO, the bit about gods and not paying attention to their children and the reason they do was just... heart wrecking.
Now unfortunately I already knew what the ending was because I watched the movie but apart from that I know nothing about what is going to happen next and I am very very excited. Very excited indeed
Better than the first one!
Muito bom, mesmo. E leitura rápida, parece que Percy está conversando com o leitor, contando os fatos, simplesmente, o que torna fácil o entendimento e bem interessante!
Ainda não consigo ver a evolução da descrição com a sua idade. Era para ser um pouco mais maduro. Em compensação, é visível o maior interesse de Percy por Annabeth, e a possibilidade de um romance futuro.
Tyson, por mais inocente, é adorável. E fiquei razoavelmente contente com seu desfecho.
Odeio Clarisse. Pronto, falei.
Nesse ponto, conseguiram fazer uma personagem detestável, só por existir.
Senti pena de Percy e de sua relação com Poseidon ser tão difícil... Por mais que justificável. Estranho que não desenvolvi o mesmo sentimento por Chase ou Luke, o mais problemático de todos.
Bora seguir com a série!!
Never having read Percy Jackson as a child I have found this to be so fun. I really enjoy seeing which mythological characters get introduced and how Riordan spins them for a young audience. Tyson was a great addition and I can't wait to see how he plays into the story further along.
Meilleur que le premier, et sans aucun doutes meilleur que le film, le rythme est toujours extrêmement bien construit et s'enchaine avec fluidité. La relation avec la mythologie se creuse de plus en plus et de façon extrêmement intéressante tandis que l'univers s'épaissit et prends plus de forme. Les personnages eux aussi commencent à devenir plus attachants, en acquérant plus de personnalité à travers ce tome. Un chouette livre de littérature adolescente, je suis impatient de continuer la saga ;)
Not as good as the first but sets up the upcoming books nicely. I have it on good authority that the series just gets better and better from this point on.
Following the story of Percy Jackson, a half-blood that always gets into trouble, “The Sea of Monsters” amazed me. Okay, it might be a book destined for middle grade and I might be 22 soon, but this book touched my heart.
I fell in love with Annabeth in this book, she is becoming such a strong and beautiful young woman and I cannot wait to follow her journey through this series.
Percy is his usual self, really funny and brave. I love his sarcastic comments and his banter, he is such a nice character.
And let's talk about Tyson. Tyson is THE MOST PRECIOUS CHARACTER IN THIS BOOK. He must be protected at all costs. I didn't like him at first, but of course I ended up loving him. Such a beautiful character!
And I love how Rick Riordan has included different greek myths in this book, like the story of Circe, the big bad Cyclops Polyphemus; I felt like going back to my childhood and reading these myths for the first time, which I absolutely loved. I can't wait to dive into the next book, because this one has a huge cliffhanger at the end!!
Similar story structure to the first book, but much more emotional. The character development for Percy, Tyson, Annabeth and Clarisse felt richer, some smart mythology modernised yet again, and it doesn't fail to provide some genuine laugh out loud moments.
What a cliffhanger ending though.
Mythical monsters, Greek gods, and daring demigods. Our heroes are off on another fun adventure while a deeper threat brews. This was exactly the kind of story the boy wants.
I've been dwelling over this review for a few days now, I have literally read 2 and a half more books since I finished this one and have reviewed those on the site before coming to review this one. I had read the first Percy Jackson novel in the series earlier in the year and liked it but I hadn't felt an instant draw to pick up the second and so when I did I hoped it would offer me a huge incentive to keep coming back for more from the half-boy half-god son of Poseidon.
This was quite a quick, light read. I flew through it in just over a day but if I'm honest I could happily have seen this book have another hundred or so pages added to it because at times I felt that it lacked some of the expansive world of the first book. I wanted lots of Camp Half-Blood and instead we spend very little time there. No sooner have we arrived than we are off again on a Quest and so we skim the surface of one of the most enjoyable aspects of the world I liked in Book 1. We also have a very brief glimpse of Percy's mom but she is mentioned only in passing and we don't really return to this aspect of Percy's world again in the book.
All the characters we fell in love with in Book 1 are back, Percy, Annabeth and Grover are the fantastic trio but here we find that one of the three isn't present having still gone off on his own journey so Grover is absent for much of the book which is a shame. This is offset somewhat by the arrival of a new character, Tyson, a cylops who is another child of Poseidon and therefore Percy's half-brother. Tyson is almost the saving grace of this book, he is sweet and childlike and innocent and it's clear he is thrilled at finding not just a friend but family but Percy isn't always so thrilled and their story is the high point of this book.
As for the adventure our hero goes on, in this book he is in search of The Golden Fleece because the tree that protects Camp Half-Blood is dying and evil seeks to destroy everything they hold dear, so they need to retrieve the Golden Fleece to restore the order and save everyone before it's too late. To do this they need to cross The Sea of Monsters. This in itself was a good quest but throughout this book I just wanted Riordan to slow everything down just a little, take his time and build the tension a bit more slowly.
Everything seemed to be flying off so quickly, our hero would lurch from one disaster to another and unlike book one there wasn't so much time to pause and expand the story emotionally as we went along. Instead we are so focused on the action that by the end I wasn't sure I had invested my heart into the quest as much as I should have. I didn't feel I'd had enough Annabeth and Percy and Grover moving forward together as friends as I'd expected. I wanted them to grow together and I'm not sure they did.
I liked the book, I'm not sure if this had been the first book in the series I'd have been keen or felt invested enough to return for a second round. The only thing keeping me coming back for more is the glimpses of brilliance I saw in book one. I know Riordan can write great drama and emotion as well as the action and I'm sure that this series would not be so acclaimed unless we could expect more of that as the series goes on. I will be giving book 3 a try but I could only give this one 3 out of 5 stars.
Really loved this one, and I still remember in the movie where Percy found Clarisse's ship in the monster's belly (believe me, DON'T watch the two existing Percy Jackson movies, cuz they're horrible).
Even better than The Lightning Thief and a joy to read with my six year old son. I hope that the series keeps his attention as the characters age. I'm sure it will so long as there are monsters to fight and anaklusmos is put to good use.
Despite the very very short length of this book, there is so much information and so much action and I LOVED IT! Percy and Annabeth were fucking awesome and cute little 13-year-olds, and OH MY GOD, I LOVED IT SO. SO SO MUCH.
This was just amazingly hilarious and amazing and funny and great and I loved it and
I'm totally repeating myself.