The Second Part of Vox Populi; or Gondomar appearing in the likenes of Matchiavell in a Spanish Parliament, wherein are discouered his treacherous&subtile practises to the ruine as well of Englande as the Netherlandes. Faithfully translated out of the Spanish Coppie or rather, written by a well-willer to England and Holland. The dedication is signed, T. S. of U., i.e. Thomas Scott of Utrecht

The Second Part of Vox Populi; or Gondomar appearing in the likenes of Matchiavell in a Spanish Parliament, wherein are discouered his treacherous&subtile practises to the ruine as well of Englande as the Netherlandes. Faithfully translated out of the Spanish Coppie or rather, written by a well-willer to England and Holland. The dedication is signed, T. S. of U., i.e. Thomas Scott of Utrecht

1624 • 68 pages