The Splendor

The Splendor

2021 • 330 pages


Average rating3


Since I'm a reader, not a writer, I will start off by saying I can't imagine how complicated it is to write a good plot, keep the reader on their toes, pace it well, refine the grammar, AND include perfect character relationships while also developing characters in a fulfilling way. While this book certainly had an intriguing, dark, and creep-filled plot, it was the characters that left me wanting. I didn't feel like they were as developed as they could be, which made their interactions and relationships feel fake. BUT, the book was still a spooky read, very atmospheric with some damn good ideas, and I felt satisfied after having put it down. Could there be improvements? Yes, but only on a characterization level. When it comes to the rest of the book, I really had a grand time reading it.