Average rating3.6
I read this book while traveling in China. It was a pretty good distraction for plane rides and tired late nights. It was a solidly writer story with no glaring flaws. It was also a very easy read and innocent, so it is good for younger readers. Personally, I just wasn't crazy about it. The story felt familiar to the point of being unoriginal. I think mainly it just lacked depth. Overall, a good distraction but I would say there are better options out there in the contemporary young adult romance genre.
Genuinely no connection/chemistry with this author. I think she is quite good at what she does, and the story was good, but her work doesn't move me or stick with me. I've read at least one book by her previously, and so I'm willing to admit I don't think I would do another, but would happily recommend her to someone else.
(Review originally posted at Fictionally Inclined.)
I'm a little late to the party with The Statistical Probability of Love at First Sight, but it was worth the wait! I only wish I had read it sooner because it was great! I was worried it would not live up to my expectations. I always try to keep my expectations at normal level, but this book was crazily hyped, had a lovely cover, and a thoroughly original name. It lived up to them, though.
The Statistical Probability of Love at First Sight was very original, and I loved the premise of it. The prologue draws you into the story right away. I really enjoyed that aspect of it. Not even two minutes into the story, I was completely hooked. The story focused more on family than I thought it would, but rather than detracting from the story, it added a lot of depth to the characters. I was interested in reading how all the relationships developed, how everything was interwoven in surprising ways.
The characters were great! Hadley and Oliver had terrific interactions. They were so cute, but not unrealistic or nauseating. There was witty banter and good conversation, and but they also had great quiet moments. I truly believed everything they felt.
If I could complain about one thing, it would be that I would have loved more plane scenes. The book was pretty short; surely there could have been a few more! I'm a huge sucker for plane stories. However, the way it was worked very well for the pace of the story.
❝The day ahead of her is like something living and breathing, something that's barreling toward her at an alarming rate, and it seems only a matter of time before it will knock her flat on her back.❞
❝In the end, it's not the changes that will break your heart; it's that tug of familiarity.❞
❝Is it possible not to ever know your type – not to even know you have a type – until quite suddenly you do?❞
❝He's like a song she can't get out of her head. Hard as she tries, the melody of their meeting runs through her mind on an endless loop, each time as surprisingly sweet as the last, like a lullaby, like a hymn, and she doesn't think she could ever get tired of hearing it.❞
A cute, unique story that will make you believe in first love. Definitely recommended!
Original de: El Extraño Gato del Cuento
Con un título como “La Probabilidad Estadística del Amor a Primera Vista”, no me daba generaba exactamente un gran ansia de empezarlo, se lee algo cursi. (Aunque no tan cursi como algunos libros que han salido en estos últimos meses, la verdad :v Esos sí no los leo, no puedo :v) Los títulos de Jennifer E. Smith aunque largos, tienden a ser bastante irónicos. Eso lo notas una vez que llegas a hasta la parte exacta del libro donde la ironía cobra fuerza. Lo bueno es que casi siempre es al inicio.
Con esta historia estaba algo insegura, me esperaba una historia bastante cursi, al menos es lo que muchas reseñas me hicieron entender.
Tiene un romance bastante dulce, es un romance exacto para poder llevar los temas duros de la historia. Tanto Hadley como Oliver, han pasado por cosas similares en su familia, y la experiencia de uno ayudará al otro a llevar mejor el momento actual.
Para mí fue difícil leer ciertas partes, porque el perdón no es algo que esté en mí. A mi software le falta ese plugin. A mi libro le falta ese capítulo. A mí... Perdonar no es algo que se me dé bien. Y en esta historia tenemos las dos posibilidades: perdonar a la persona que te lastimó o no hacerlo y quedarte con el “qué tal si”. Siendo totalmente franca; este es otro de esos libros que me recuerdan que todavía tengo mucho en lo que trabajar en lo personal.
Centrándome únicamente en el romance:
Smith tiene esa cosa tan... No sé cómo llamarlo, todos sus personajes tienen historias de amor bastante dulce, pero que te dejan un toque agrio al final. Creo que porque son finales ligeramente abiertos. Te quedas pensando “¿¿¿Fin???“
No sé qué tan bien funcionará, se me hace más fácil visualizar libros fantásticos en una posible película que humanos normales, no sé por qué. :v Este libro en especial me da un poco de temor, es una historia sencilla y puede desbaratarse rápido de no tener un buen guión, se lee de manera entretenida, pero ¿verla? Ojalá los dioses de las adaptaciones sean buenos con esta película.
Una lectura dulce y agria, si solo me concentro en el romance, vomito arcoiris, pero si veo más allá de lo bonito, esta esa cosa agria qué dije más arriba. Es como una fotografía antigua cuando la miras con cuidado, sigue siendo bonita, pero... sí.
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This book was a short and quick read. I'm actually surprisingly how fast I flew through it. The book didn't turn out the way I expected, but still managed to be fairly predictable. There was just something about the writing style that bothered me though. All in all, it was an okay book—not terrible, but not amazing either.
I must tell you that I am far from the target audience of this book. Probably forty years older. And forty years more jaded.
I also must tell you that I am a sap for a good romance. I'll read a so-so romance and always rate it higher than I would a so-so historical fiction novel or a so-so fantasy novel.
Enough warnings. I liked this book. I would have probably loved it had I read it when I was sixteen. It's a gentle story of a sad girl who meets a charming boy on the airplane, a story with enough serendipity to make this a cupcake of a novel.
La verdadera razón por la cual decidí leerlo es porque me enteré que iba a salir una adaptación en netflix (con Ben Hardy). No sabía sobre este libro, así que me puse a investigar y me llamó la atención.
Para ser un libro tan cortito me sorprendió que me gustara tanto y que haya podido conectar con los personajes en tan pocas páginas.
La única razón por la cual no le doy 4 estrellas es porque el final fue demasiado abierto.
La verdad me gustó mucho!