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The Winner's Kiss was definitely one of my most anticipated novels to come out in 2016. I had read the first book as if I had journeyed into Death Valley and finally experienced what true thirst was. The second book was that holy water that finally satiated me. The third book was the way out.
The Winner's Trilogy is something that's truly magical. It stands out from all the other Young Adult books that saturate the market nowadays; instead of creating a protagonist that relies on their physical strength, Kestrel is badass in a totally different way that is sadly not as highlighted in other books. Whilst other heroines are swinging their swords and throwing daggers into the eyes of their enemies, Kestrel is working behind-the-scenes, figuring out which time is the most optimal for throwing daggers and who has the best abilities for throwing. Her mind is her greatest weapon and also her greatest flaw.
I have sung the praises of the trilogy's protagonist and now it's time to really dig deep and write about the story itself. I won't get into details about the beginning or the middle, but I do want to say a few words about the ending. Though many can feel underwhelmed with the lack of an epilogue, I feel like the ending truly fit the tone and the pace of the book. The future wasn't outlined by the author, but by the imagination of the readers themselves. Kestrel and Arin had just spent a long, long time fighting against those that wanted to tell them where to go and what to be. Now, they can write their own futures with their own hands. Perhaps I'm a bit sentimental in saying this, but in order for me to feel at peace with the ending, this is what I'm going to believe.
The Winner's Kiss is truly the type of novel that you want to end a series, no matter if it's a duology, a trilogy, or a 20-book series. There are no loose-ends and everything is tied up neatly with the right amount of emotions.
Thank you, Marie Rutkoski, for letting me into the world of Kestrel and Arin. May their own stories keep on unfurling, as they so deserve it.
4.5/5 stars
Absolutely loved this! What a wonderful conclusion! I wish this series could last forever
Original de: El Blog del Gato - El Extraño Gato del Cuento
es un final muy satisfactorio, donde vemos a los protagonistas brillar por sus personalidades, ganar o perder siendo ellos, sin ninguna salida jalada de los pelos, es un final que solo te queda sonreír y decir ¡CLARO, tha's SO [SPOILER]!
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Mi vida no volverá a ser la misma
Antes de leer:
The Winner's Kiss
El dolor del segundo libro no es nada comparado con el dolor del título de este libro.
The side characters made this slightly more bearable, but I still don't understand the appeal of this series. After three books and I feel absolutely no connection to the main characters.
I have loved every bit of this series from the start. Marie Rutkoski has woven a tale so mesmerizing and captivating that I could not put this book down once I picked it up.
Kestrel made me hold me breath at every turn. You could feel the anguish, the hurt and the wicked intelligence in her and it made me anticipate her every move. She is one of my favorite main characters. This series has grown a lot from the very light feel of the first book and it has picked up pace, and with it, grabs your feelings and takes them for a pretty brutal spin. Honestly, I was afraid someone I loved dearly was going to die in every battle scene. The writing was both heart wrenching and left me with dread at the same time.
This was an amazing finale. Kestrel, Arin, Roshar. They all show you how you can put away your anger, your vengeance, for something better.
I... can't.
It's over, and that makes me immensely sad and, really, distraught.
This trilogy has come an incredibly long way. I thought the first one was fantastic, and the second was unbelievable, and now the third? I have no words. The character development is absolutely incredible and I only wish I could develop my characters in this way.
My heart basically broke a thousand times. I never knew what was coming next and, you know, casually screamed several times when realization dawned upon me.
I'm so grateful I've read this trilogy. It is my absolute favorite series of books of all time. You could say the series is... a true winner.