Average rating3.7
The first half of this book was SOOOO good but the last half ruined it all.
This trilogy was.. below average.
The first book is one of my favourite books of all time, the second book is one of my least favourites of all time, and now this... it was better than the second book but still not great.
So even though this was technically a reread, it's been quite a long while since I've been so passionate and absorbed into a book series and I just really needed that right now.I
I also remember this'll being good,but like it's even better than that.
RTC probably. I need time to think.
Book 6 complete for O.W.L.'s 2019 Arithmancy - Written by more than 1 author
Initial Thoughts: I have finally finished this trilogy after reading These Broken Stars in November 2014. I loved Tarver and Lilac's story, but as I read more the trilogy, I never connected with the main characters in the same way and it was always less enjoyable to read. However, this installment was unique in that once I got over 1/2 through the book we got to see the other characters take a prominent role in the book. I really appreciated this because we got to see Tarver and Lilac in action again and all 6 characters worked together to accomplish their end goal. I still think Amie and Meagan have a great writing style and I enjoy their books, I just do not think Giddeon and Sophie's story was for me and I would have rather had the focus on Tarver and Lilac for the story.
az első fele kifejezetten szórakoztató volt, de aztán eléggé szétesett, inkább a végelathatatlan nyáladzásra koncentrálódott és marhára nem kötöttek le sem a karakterek, sem a végkifejlet meg az ahhoz vezető út. az első könyv is a kellemes kis humorfaktortól volt jó, örültem, hogy itt újra előkerült, nagy kár, hogy nem tartott ki végig.
újabb fölösleges trilógia, nyugodtan leállhattak volna az első könyv után. sajnos még az sem segített rajta, hogy legalább mindhárom rész más főszereplőkkel operált és nem egy párocska rétestésztáját kellett végignyűglődni.
Very awesome ending to the series. I loved the plot for this one and getting to see Lilac and Tarver again was great - and I even liked Lee and Flynn more in this book than I did their own. I also really, really liked the resolution with the ‘whispers'. I could have given this five stars, and, in fact, kind of thought I was going to, but the constant back and forth between Sofia and Gideon about the romance got really tiring for me. ‘I can't trust them; but I love them. I wish I could tell them I understand; but I feel like I can't say anything.' Blerg. The plot was awesome, the romance less awesome.