Average rating3.5
umm sophie lark really ate this up for breakfast, lunch, and dinner. i could not stop readind this and i have not had a book make me forget i was reading and this one did that. this book is about obsession and addiction and it made me also feel those. the symbols, the characters, the writing, the grittiness, the tension, the smut: all fucking fantastic
This was not a fun read for me. It was gd, and I respect the author but personally......... it was much. I liked how it went into the mentality of serial killers and people who may be attracted to them. There was no glamorisation of it, which was perfect. His “pursuit” of the main character felt like Joe from You. Annoyed that this isnt a self contained story
the only thing believable in this are the cops being stupid, useless, trigger happy power hungry racist class traders. Civil servant scum.
I'm a cop hater through and through and have my fair share of experiencing them being pathetic pussy shits but I don't want to read about it. It didn't make me feel heard just made me roll my eyes.
tattoo scene was.... yikes
I don't mind a stalker romance but can there be like, idk chemistry or something?
This is a 2/5 because it was interesting enough to be devoured quickly but I won't read the sequel.
Sophie Lark's writing is intriguing enough to make me read this all in one sitting. It's not flowery prose or complex poetry, it is a matter of fact, and sometimes you can feel it doesn't take itself all that seriously. Its most potent part is the ability to make you care enough to keep reading, I was entranced and hooked because I wanted to know what would happen to Mara.
The characters aren't exactly likable, and I don't think they would be to everybody's tastes. Still, I can understand why she dedicated this book to people who have struggled in the past because Mara can be relatable in her messy and flawed way of life because of what she's been through and who she chooses to be despite her wounds. Some moments I rooted for her, some moments I laughed at her poor decisions, and many times I was happy that she had agency over it, and she reflected on her choices.
TRAIN WRECK. LMFAO. honestly kinda garbage but you just can't look away. not sure if i care enough to read the next book.
It's giving “You” vibes, but way more fast paced.
I really enjoyed reading this, but I felt there could have been more build up. Like I always wondered how we got to certain events.
The illustrations included were amazing! And the dual POV for the same event was great.
I love SL, her writing has such good flow.
i understand it, not having a ton of plot, considering that it is in a duet series, but it felt very slow and like not a lot happened. i didn't necessarily dislike it, and i know that the cliffhanger is going to keep me reading until i've finished the series, but, there was something missing.