Average rating4
Heartstopper is a very special series to me that holds an important place in my heart. I loved all the characters in the series and I was so excited to explore them further in this novella and I am so glad I did.
I think the reason why the stories surrounding these characters are so loved by so many people is the fact that they are so breathtakingly real and relatable. I can see myself in Tori and Charlie, it's not very often that you feel so connected to characters that it's like reading yourself.
They aren't perfect, they are far from it. They're human and I love them.
I would definitely read it again and I will most certainly be checking out the rest of the solitaire series and other works by Alice Oseman.
I am going to predict this author will only give me 4 star minimum reads. The way I connect to these characters is just unreal. Like I had tears in my eyes from this little novella. I also loved that she used the perspectives of Victoria, Charlie and Oliver.
I loved being able to see all the Spring Siblings get the ability to have there own POV it was cute read ❤️ I love how close they all are as well
I've just finished this book and I loved it! It really felt like I've spent the day with the Spring siblings togather in real life, or like a Christmas movie on a New Year day, it really felt like it and I'm utterly happy for this! 5/5✨️
4.5. Ouch. This was sad. But also lovely. I love all of these characters so much. What can I say? I think it's absolutely worth a read after the 4th volume of the graphic novel. Can't wait to read the rest of the novels and novellas.
it was cute it was just lacking in some climatic point? idk
not my fav novella by this author
The Winter é uma short story muito bem escrita e com temas bem profundos e importantes trazidos por Alice. Acompanhamos Charlie e sua família na tentativa de terem um Natal “normal” após o tempo que Charlie precisou ficar no hospital psiquiátrico, acompanharemos as dores dos familiares, a dificuldade de aceitação e compreensão por parte de alguns, as brigas e os medos, o receio e a solidão de quem enfrenta uma doença mental e, claro, o melhor jeito de lidar com tudo isso.
The Winter é uma história muito delicada, mas entregue de maneira graciosa e sensível, sem grandes gatilhos e sem estigmatização. Vale à pena ler!
This was a sweet little novella! TBH publishing it like this feels like a bit of a cash grab-it feels like something that might otherwise be a lil bonus on an author's website–but you know what, it's a nice little book that you can read in one cozy sitting. And I did really enjoy the depth of the sibling relationship just seeing the same day from all 3 siblings' perspectives, and the bonus art is adorbs.
[3.5 stars]
This was definitely better than Alice Oseman's other novella, Nick and Charlie. While I do this she is much better at writing full novels, this one was good and I enjoyed reading it. It did fall into some of the same pitfalls as Nick and Charlie I felt, with a lot of the book being explaining context rather than telling the actual story, but other than that, it was good. The illustrations were also really cute :)
I saved this for Christmas, I don't know what I was expecting... It's definitely not a happy, jolly little Christmassy tale with cocoa and snow etc. I should have known it would have been a painfully truthful representation of family life. It shows just how easy it is to forget or ignore each other, particularly at a time when we should be expressing our love and acceptance. It's a good read, a necessary read, but don't expect baubles and happy-ever-afters. Oseman doesn't really do that kind of thing!
Did i cried? Obviously
This story made me realize how hard would it be for me too if i don’t have my sisters, and how hard the life could it be sometimes.
I love Oliver so much, it makes me want kids, and believe me, i don’t want kids
“Maybe, eventually, i'll just stop sleeping altogether and become a vampire. i'd be good at that.”