Average rating3.3
I'm torn between hating this book and loving it at the same time. Why? I hate it because of Kiera. She reminds me of Bella of Twilight Saga. She can't choose what she wants but she knows what she wants. I hate that she's so unfair, that she's indecisive, unfair and stubborn. She's so unfair to both of them, she can't have both, she has to choose one and i hate that she doesn't want to lose either one of them, that's not life you know, you always have to choose. She says she doesn't want to hurt both of them but doesn't she know what she's already doing? God I hate her!! And she is so wrong when she started an affair with Kellan. If you want a person and realize you love him and can't live without him, well you have to make a move a be with him and don't think twice!
okay, so enough of that, I love this book too because I felt all their emotions, the passion, the love and the intensity of every action. I was lost into the book the whole time. I felt myself bracing for what might happen next. I almost felt like I was in the story. I usually don't read this kind of thing, the one with love triangle thing. I hate third party's but this is an exemption. I truly love it!
I wanted to like this book but the main character, Kiera, is so up and down and back and forth, it was exhausting after a while. I don't condone cheating in relationships and she does exactly that, stringing along both men because she can't decide who she wants to be with. She also blushes at everything and can't have an adult conversation without getting embarrassed. The writing was nothing spectacular and it just got to the point where I was skimming paragraphs to get to the end. I have heard that the second book in the series is better so I may give it a read.
Kiera est étudiante et décide de changer d'état et quitter sa famille pour partir avec son petit ami Denny à Seattle. Là bas ils logent chez Kellan, un musicien et chanteur qui leur loue une chambre dans sa maison. Malheureusement pour Kiera, Denny doit partir deux mois dans un autre état pour son travaille. Kellan semble être parfait pour lui remonter le moral...
Je dois être complètement honnête j'ai pas réussi à le terminer. Comment exprimer mon avis sans être brutal et méchante ? Avant tout je dois prévenir que je ne dit pas que ce livre est mauvais ou que son auteure n'est pas talentueuse mais il ne m'a pas plus.
Parlons de Kiera : son copain part pour deux mois et c'est la fin du monde ? Je ne pense pas qu'on puisse faire plus niais. Jusqu'ici elle a pu vivre sans lui alors pourquoi pas pendant deux mois ? ça m'a plutôt agacée mais je pouvais faire avec. Les choses se sont compliquées après...
Suite à ce départ elle se rapproche de façon “malsaine” de Kellan. Il est là alors pourquoi ne pas se servir de lui comme d'un bouche trou, n'est ce pas ?! Mais le pire est à venir. Denny reçois une proposition d'emplois à Tucson ou il a été envoyé et accepte car ce genre d'opportunité ne se représentera pas à lui. Kiera, face à cette nouvelle, décide sans réfléchir de le quitter, de débrancher le téléphone, se soûler et passer la nuit dans le lit de Kellan ! Très mature et intelligent. et maintenant pour nous achever : les remords accablant et incessant de notre chère Kiera !
évidement je ne vous donne là qu'un aperçu de ce qu'il se passe.
Ce genre d'histoire avec des triangles amoureux c'est pas forcement ma tasse de thé. Je savais à quoi m'attendre en lisant le résumé mais j'ai quand même donné sa chance a se livre. Encore une fois même si il ne m'a pas plus je ne dit pas que c'est un mauvais livre. Beaucoup l'ont aimé et tant mieux ! je ne l'ai pas terminer tout simplement parce qu'il ne plaisait pas et beaucoup d'autre livres m'attendent !
I guess what I'm going to write will contain the tiniest spoilers. So please, have that in mind if you don't want any kind of information about the book. It's pretty much me ranting a little bit about the poor decisions that our main character makes
so I loved this a lot more then I thought I would but I have to admit between unpacking and having no net this has been my late night companion. I will be writing my review after work I just wanted to post that I LOVED it.
I bought this book after a recommendation from one of my favorite authors but was skeptical when I saw a bunch of negative reviews on Amazon, especially criticizing the lead female character. WHY bad reviews, I have NO clue. I LOVED this book more than I can say! While I was not ok with the cheating aspect, the story was amazing. I loved the characters, fell in love with Kellan and found myself rooting for him and Kiera, just wishing Denny would leave.. People complained about Kiera's thought process and her highly sensitive ways and thoughts.. but I can only love her more for it, as she reminds me very much of myself. Another one day read for me and Im headed back in for Effortless :)
it was a bit of College romance, which I am not a huge fan of, and I was confused with how much in love with her boyfriend she was, and then with both, till the very end, so I am not a fan of this lost girl either, who cries of loneliness spending over a week away from the boyfriend - and then comforts herself with the roommate.
Still, The hero is the cute angsty type I do have a fondness for.