Tower of Dawn
2017 • 663 pages


Average rating4.2


Dude... oh my god.
I technically started this book in November and read ten pages and put it down. Not because those ten pages bored me or anything. But because this book is so daunting. Going away from well-known lands to new lands, from well-known characters to new - or at least some we haven't seen in a while, from a novella to a nearly 700 paged book, there's nothing about this book that is not daunting. It is the SIXTH installment in a series, that alone is frightening when you know it's not the last book you're reading.
So I finally picked up the book again three or four days ago, I can't remember, and I was scared to begin because it's so long and I knew that I would go straight to Kingdom of Ash afterwards (which I am, most definitely), but I did begin again and look at me now I'm done.
It was a crazy ride. Like there were ships sinking and sailing, birds flying and spiders trapping, demons possessing, trauma healing, like what did I not encounter in this book? Seriously, what.
I was blown away. Forgot how much I love Sarah's writing, it's been years since I read a book from her, the last either being ACOMAF or Empire of Storms, again, I can't remember, but it's so easy! And as you sit there reading the sixth book in a series, it's hard to remember all the details, but this book brought me back to the first three so smoothly in Chaol's flashbacks. So many things I most definitely would have not connected as an overall arc thing if I had not been reminded in this book, and I'm sure I'll be glad to know it for the next one.
Anyway, there's nothing to say without spoiling, so just know that, yes this book is intimdating as hell but that, yes it is also completely and totally worth it. Such character developement. I honestly thought Sarah had left Chaol for the dead in this series, I'm very glad she didn't put him on the bench for the rest of the story and we got this book from it. I think we were all worried he was becoming less than even a side character in this huge story arc, so to see him with so much purpose again was truly wonderful.
Loved it. 10/10. Or, well, you know what I mean.

March 6, 2019