Average rating3.6
Like others have mentioned, it isn't the characters here that don't do - it's the lack of plot. While I definitely found humor in Davidson's novel, the plot wasn't as strong as I hoped and so I didn't find it strong enough to give a 3 or 4.
Betsy is having a really bad day. She got laid off, the she was killed in a car accident. Then, she wakes up in the funeral home wearing cheap shoes! After trying to kill herself numerous ways, Betsy must finally accept the truth, she is a vampire. I really enjoyed this book. The characters are great, and very funny.
I think I would have enjoyed it more if some of the dialogue and the main character weren't as childish.
Elizabeth Taylor is having a bad birthday which ends up with her dead. Betsy, as she prefers to be known, wakes up later to realize that the world has moved on without her and she is still here among the living, but as what? This first book introduces you to her friends and her life as it was, is, and what it might become.
I had never read or heard of the author when I picked up this book, I still do not know how I came across it, but I am glad I did. The writing style reminds me of another favorite author of mine: Lass Small. It is quick-witted, smart, and relatable. Now you are thinking, “How are vampires relatable?” Betsy does not see herself as a vampire and that is the key point of the story. She is just like the rest of us and just struggling to get along in this crazy thing we call life - with the exception that everyone is trying to kill her. She handles it all with humor, sarcasm, and style. Davidson focuses on the secondary characters and the relationships involved which is important for a series and this is done smoothly.
This quick read is full of sarcasm and quick wit. It has a range of characters including LGBT and includes a group sex scene (Betsy is not in it).