Average rating3.3
We talk a lot about the plot of a book but less about the mood of a book, and atmosphere is the real vehicle behind this one. Even now, it makes me feel like I know something I shouldn't.
I read this all in one day and I'm like, still processing it? I mean on one level, I obviously couldn't put it down, so that's something. But also: what is this
IDK I feel like this was definitely ambiguous on purpose, but I think for me as a reader, I would have appreciated a tiny bit more of like...what actually happened?
The character voices were great though!
Also: +1 star for Iowa nostalgia. Take me 2 the Taco John's plz!!!
The pace is slow slow slow - one continually asks: “is this going to turn out weird? Maybe a little, but not horribly.” Meditate on small towns and the people who stay in them, the choices we make.
John Darnielle always seems to capture something about the Midwest that is so hard to describe. I didn't understand the plot at all until the final pages but the vibe is so familiar.