Average rating3.3
What a mess
Buuuut it did end the way I wanted it to. Was it a good ending? No but it was the one I wanted.. sort of
I'm going to echo the same sentiment that many other readers have about this book. If I could rate it on the writing alone, it would have been a definite 5-star book. The writing was beautiful and it hooks you to this book from the very first paragraph.
The chemistry between Maise and Evan is evident from the first moment they meet on the roller coaster. I went back and forth on being okay with their relationship because of the whole teacher/student thing but they are both adults and technically they didn't know when they first hooked up that they would soon be in that situation.
My opinion of Evan changed drastically when a secret about his past comes to light in the last part of the book. At that point, I didn't know if his feelings toward Maise were as genuine as he claimed they were or if he was just a big perv who was taking advantage of the situation they were in. I'm still not sure even now that I'm finished reading.
I felt the ending was too rushed. There are questions I didn't get the answers to, such as what happened with Maise's mother and what happened when they got to LA. Perhaps these things could have been answered in an epilogue but there wasn't one. Overall I'm disappointed because I liked this book enough to give it 4-5 stars up until about the 80% mark.
bárcsak minden könyv ilyen nyersen életszerű lenne! úgy érzem, ezzel az egy mondattal teljes mértékben megragadtam a lényeget és nem is tudom, hogyan lenne érdemes bővebben kifejteni, főleg úgy, hogy ne legyen spoileres.
egészen remekül kapta el raeder a hangulatot, az érzelmeket és a karaktereket. végre egy nehézségekkel küzdő tinédzser, aki nem felszínes, aki nem nyavalyog egyfolytában, aki erős és tettrekész és képes szembenézni önmagával. hülyeségeket csinál? szét van esve? naiv? igen. de tizennyolc éves, és ehhez mérten érdemes elhelyezni őt az érett gondolkodás skáláján, amivel ő maga is tisztában van. nekem ettől lett több, szebb, jobb az átlag ya/na főszereplőknél.
a tanárát pedig sikerült olyan érett férfinak megírni, aki nem csak attól vonzó, hogy kékszemű, kockahasú és szexi szőke lobonca van, és aki az érzelmei kimutatásával sem válik olyan horrorisztikus nyáltengerré, mint pl. a slammed willje. (visszatekintve még borzasztóbbnak tűnik mindaz, amit colleen hoover művelt szerencsétlennel.)
mindketten nagyon szerethetők, annak ellenére vagy éppen azért, mert nem tökéletesek, viszont tökéletesen ábrázoltak.
itt nincsen finomkodás, itt szexjelenetek vannak és összetört életek. van persze romantika és limonádé is, finoman körbelengi egyfajta ponyva jelleg, de ha ezzel ki tud békülni az ember és amúgy is szereti a felnövéstörténeteket, akkor az unteachable őrülten magával ragadó szórakozást nyújt. legszívesebben együltő helyemben olvastam volna el, annyira tetszett. nem is akarok negatív véleményeket látni róla, szeretném csak magamhoz szorítani és dédelgetni. nem azért, mert olyan bájos vagy kedves a sztori, hanem azért, mert bárcsak minden könyv ilyen nyersen életszerű lenne.
voltak hibái, tulajdonképpen elég kiszámítható is, de kibaszott jól van megírva. mindamellett, hogy a témája miatt tele van filmes utalásokkal (amik azért az igazán ismert klasszikusoknál nem nyúlnak messzebb), sokszor a jelenetek is filmszerűek, ami ad az egésznek egy kis indie életérzést.például már a harmadik említésnél muszáj volt rákeresnem és kiderítenem, hogy összesen tizenhatszor szerepel benne a “stubble” - és akadt még pár ilyen feltűnő ismétlődés -, ami azért furcsa, mert egyébként tök igényes a nyelvezete.
Ignoring the age gap, I still struggled with the story. I felt no connection to the characters at all. The writing style bothered me, but I could appreciate the beauty of the words.
The writing of this book was beautiful and I liked the main character but honestly, the romance really didn't work for me. I didn't understand the chemistry, there was really no repercussions for the things we find out about the love interest, and I feel like by the end I didn't really know Evan. The rest of the book had really strong, interesting points but in the end, a romance book should have a good romance and this one just didn't do it for me.
This is not my genre at all, but I read it upon my friend’s insistence. I’ve made it a habit not to read blurbs on any books recommended to me, so I was not aware of the genre going into it. Sorry to say this just wasn’t my cup of tea. In my opinion, it felt like the writer tried too hard to write beautiful prose so that the reader could feel and imagine everything the protagonist was going through. It was beautiful at first, but a little over the top; how many ways can one describe having mind-blowing sex before the reader stops and thinks to him/herself, “alright, I get the picture.” At least you get a story line and characters that have brains in this one. If you’d like to read a smarter version of Fifty Shades, sans the violence, try this one on for size.
Word candy; prose magic. How do simple letters form simple words that sink into me like teeth and gnaw me raw while I delight in every sublimely torturous shard? I'm high and dazed from the poetry of Leah Raeder's own pièce de résistance. Author, who ARE YOU?! And just thank you for giving us this.
Maise is in that transitory time between a childhood that's seen too much, been stripped away too soon, and the experience and awareness of actual adulthood. She is such an old soul juxtaposed with naivety and youth. We, as readers, are given the occasional conspiratorial hindsight from Maise, adding the perfect amount of suspense and tension.
I happened to have an interesting collection of somewhat fitting music I was going through while reading but I'll just leave these few.
Troye Sivan - Bite
W. Darling - Hunting Happiness
Tender - Belong
This was a good surprise. A student-teacher romance that has a little meat to it, as well as being miles better written than most books in this genre. A little darker and grittier than my taste, but I'll take that any day over some of the cheesy rubbish I've read lately in the genre.