V for Vendetta


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Amazing work but I felt the ending seemed a bit rushed.

August 1, 2008

I have to think about this one.

December 15, 2018
August 2, 2019

I always expect to be blown away when something has the sort of following this has but the second half seemed convoluted and uninteresting. I can see how this would have resonated in Thatcher's Britain though.

April 19, 2021

Unpopular opinion here xD

July 17, 2022

An interesting read over all. I feel conflicted about the character of Evey and her almost blind acceptance of some of V's methods and convictions. I wish that she had been older and more questioning, as I think that could have enhanced the story.

August 14, 2016
July 24, 2019
April 4, 2012
August 22, 2018

Always wanted to extensively read Alan Moore's work. Finally started with V for Vendetta.

October 3, 2024
November 7, 2022

Read: 2006-01-01

January 1, 2006