Average rating3.7
SIALAN hahaha
Because I don't like the book, because i LOVE the book. Rose & Dimitri are adorable. And Dimitri... ouch where do i begin? He's Russian, the way he call Rose Roza, his personal detail, everything. I don't care if he's a fictional character, i want to marry him...
Ak menyiksa diri sdr dgn membaca seri ini krn cuma 4 buku dr 6 buku seri inii yg sempat diterjemahkan. Ak tau ak bakal galau stlh baca buku keempat, tp ternyata stlh buku pertama pun udh terjadi.
I'm giving this one 4 stars, but it's probably more like 3.5. I really enjoyed it. Especially the first half of the novel. A lot of people told me to give this series a chance, despite the title and description not sounding very appealing. They were right. It was a lot better than I would have expected. I enjoyed it greatly and was sulked in immediately.
I really enjoyed the diverse group of characters. I especially liked seeing two female best friends playing the leads. Their dynamic was terrific and I really enjoyed it. The characters were deeply flawed, which always makes for fascinating stories. The mystery and conspiracy behind the novel was also very good.
The author also tackled ideas of misogyny. Having the misogynistic principles in the society as a major plot point and obstacle for our characters. At times this was done really well and I loved it. The characters struggled with the roles they were put in and also showed the problems of internalizing other people's ideas of who they should be, which I loved. Despite that, sometimes the book fell into the trap of prompting stereotypes, which undermined what the author seemed to be trying for. At times it seemed to fall into the stereotype of girls as caddy and backstabbing. The book almost seemed to prompt both that stereotype and that behavior at times. Other times there seemed to be a glimmer of subverting the stereotype, but it never fully committed to this. I am curious to see whether there is growth in the next novel, but it was a frustrating point in this one. That aspect of the book, which was pretty glaring toward the middle portion, was frustrating and pulled me out of the story.
I still am curious where it will go, and I plan to try the next novel at least.
I hate to say this but I was very underwhelmed with this one.. I love vampire books always have a little blood has always made things more intriguing for me. I was hoping for so much but didn't get much. will give book two a try but don't have high hopes
There are a few problematic issues such as Rose being 17 and Dimitri being 24, the age gap is awful but understandable in the sense that when this book came out, there were hundreds of other books coming out with similar age gaps. However, Rose's hypocrisy was astonishing that she made fun of Mia dating Aaron while she could possibly be a child of eleven years. The comment she made about Aaron being a pedophile(?).
Other than that, regarding the story itself, i liked it but there wasnt much vampire-y stuff like biting, fangs, blood, etc. there were moments i forgot i was reading a book about vampires.
Overall, not bad.
As I am a person who loves the Twilight movies, I was very excited to read this book. I went into this book knowing barely anything and I truly wasn't expecting The Greatest Story In The World™. I have to admit that my first readthrough of this book was a DNF. The second time I read it, it turned out to be one of the first books I had ever read in one sitting. The story enthralled me to the point of where I literally couldn't put the book down! The characters were well written and the ending was a huge plot twist!! I love this book and I highly recommend it!
even though I'm interested in the mythology, like Gameboard of Gods a lot more, Justin and Mae and the future...
If you are not a fan of young adult books and vampire stuff you wont like this book. It is practically about a bunch of teenage girls in school and their relationship with their boyfriends.
Loved it. Thought is might be a little...confusing but I loved Rose from the get go. Lissa I'm still on the fence about. Love Dimitri too. Can't wait to see where the story goes. I have #2, #4, #5 here for my vacation from work. How did I forget to pick up #3?????
So unfortunate when an author tries to make a strong, self-secure female character and winds up creating a self-absorbed, shallow asshole. This story would've been better if it had been more about the girl this hateful heroine was trying to protect. But it's not. And then it gets even worse when our super-tough femme fatale gets herself in trouble and has to be saved...twice. By a dude. Groan.