Average rating3.6
Meh. Didn't hate it, certainly didn't love it. Mostly I was just bored. Took me forever to finish.
Loved this book. In my opinion, this is definitely an instance where the sequel is better than the original. The story is definitely emotional as there were times when I felt Adam's pain and heartbreak, yet it also made me smile. The way the author ends the book is the perfect closure to Mia and Adam's story. Highly recommended!
This book pulled a 180 on the “If I Stay” story. I think it is so much better than it's predecessor. I was actually invested in the characters and just I couldn't put it down. I wasn't happy about what happened to Adam, how messed up he became, but somehow I understood him and his agony. And I felt the bitterness of it all. Reading this was a cathartic experience. The only thing that prevented me from completely loving this book was the ending. I think the damage between of the two of them is irreparable and that they should have gone their separate ways. Because Mia was incredibly selfish and incapable of genuine love. Even from the other book I felt that Adam loved her so much more that she loved him. If this had been a real story, they would've broken up again after a few months.
I really enjoyed this story. I think I may even like it better than If I Stay.
Adam is so adorable in this book. Mia was such a bitch.
I hated how most of the book is a re-telling of things that happened earlier and the actual night was not described sufficiently.
it resembled book one too much for my taste in the way of story telling that it annoyed me. but still one of the best series I have read. loved Adam, and I love music. Gosh, it makes me want to jump on my piano right now haha
A fantastic book. I really enjoyed If I Stay but this was even better. I got to know both Adam and Mia really well as this sequel progressed and I couldn't put the book down until I finished it and found out what happened to both of them. Highly recommended.
At first I thought this book would be better, I was wrong. I had to wait almost an entire book for Mia and Adam to meet, and then proceed to be annoyed by Mia. I honestly had moments where I wished she had just died in the first book. I think the worst part was my emotional detachment from the characters. Adam I found interesting, really I did, but I also found him sickeningly pathetic. I get that Mia was his love, I do, but he didn't act like a man, he had too many feminine qualities in his personality. Needless to say I won't be reading anymore from this author.
t was a long time after I read If I Stay before I read Where She Went. I was scared! If I Stay crushed my heart and had me ugly crying for the majority of the book. I wasn't sure if I was ever going to be emotionally read for Where She Went. Then I got it from the library so I sort of had to read it before I returned it. :)
Where She Went takes place 3 years after If I Stay (3!!!). When I initially saw the synopsis, I was just thinking “what the crap?!” Anyway, Mia has been pursuing her music at Juilliard and Adam's band has taken off and reached rock star status. This story is told in Adam's POV and you see his turmoil during these years without Mia. God, it broke my heart.
By a twist of fate, Adam and Mia meet in New York after all that time and explore the city together before they each have to leave the next day. I enjoyed seeing how they interacted but they kept dancing around the big elephant in the room – like, hey Mia, why did you go and break my effing heart?
I think I was mad at Mia for a large part of this book and it detracted from how I felt about the story. Of course the book was emotional, especially the flashbacks and seeing what Adam went through. However, while emotional and while I teared up in a few parts, it wasn't as soul crushing as If I Stay.
Adam Wilde. Oh Adam. My heart ached and I just wanted to hold him for most of the book. I loved that it was in his POV. Was there ever such a perfect boy? One of my favorite aspects of this book was the music and each chapter opened with a snippet of lyrics from one of his songs. It added a lot to the story since the majority of his music is about what he's feeling. It made me wish Adam was REAL so I could go and buy his album because I want to listen to it!!
I really enjoyed this emotional addition to Adam and Mia's story but I think I liked If I Stay more. Maybe If I Stay touched me more or maybe I was just upset at Mia for too long. However, all that to say, Where She Went was still amazing.
Hermoso, perfecto, ay es la cosa más maravilloso que leí -
Reseña no tan fangirl pronto
Its was good, I lowkey liked the first one better though.. I really enjoyed reading these books!
This is so much better than the first book. I can't believe Adam's story hits harder than Mia's.
I have to say this was a really good read! The emotions felt so much more real than the first book. I didn't know what kind of ending this book was leading to and am so glad it ended the way that it did.
i liked that they were reunited but i personally didnt like this one. maybe because it was more romance contemporary than the realistic fiction piece that was in the first book.
I wasn't planning to read the second book, after reading the first at the behest of my co-worker. But I made the “mistake” of reading the first chapter of Where She Went included in the back of If I Stay, and I was more interested in it than I wanted to admit. I enjoyed If I Stay, but Where She Went totally drew me in. I don't know whether Adam was just a stronger character for me, or whether I could just relate better to that perspective, but I definitely found the second better than the first.
Thanks a lot, Jill. :P
Its was good, I lowkey liked the first one better though.. I really enjoyed reading these books!
Actual Rating: 4.75
Wow! I was honestly not expecting that!
Unlike a lot of my friends, I wasn't a huge fan of If I Stay (sorry, Jen). I read this book, because I wasn't in the mood to start another series. And... I was pleasantly surprised.
It's told in Adam's POV, and is basically about how he was trying to get over Mia. It switches between memories of the past and the current events happening in the book. Unlike in If I Stay, the memories were related to what was going on when Mia and Adam met on that fateful night. So, if Mia said something that sparked a memory of Adam's, we were able to see that memory.
It was actually pretty depressing, because we saw what fame did to Adam. We were able to see how the weight of expectations and stress can really mess a person up. Not to mention, it was pretty sad to read about Adam's situation with Bryn, since it was completely based on the media's feelings and opinions.
Where She Went is a very solemn novel, and much more saddening than its predecessor, If I Stay. The song lyrics that Adam wrote at the beginning of each chapter allowed us to see how painful losing Mia was. It was, honestly, a tale of discovery and moving on. And Forman executed it brilliantly.
I'm not a huge fan of romances, and my friends know this, but I really enjoyed this book. I'd definitely suggest reading it if you read If I Stay. Afterall, I enjoyed it much more than I did If I Stay.
For the second time, this book tore my chest open, took my heart out, broke it in half, squeezed it until it was a raisin, put it back, threw in some tears and left it there to suffer. Por segunda vez, este libro desgarró abierto mi pecho, me sacó el corazón, lo partió en dos, lo aplastó hasta que se convirtió en una pasa, lo devolvió, lanzó algunas lágrimas y lo dejó ahí para sufrir. It was beautiful.Fue hermoso. I was talking to some friends about Where She Went and I got the unbearable necessity to read it again and feel what I felt the first time Adam took me on the journey of his broken heart. I may say that this is the fastest that I've ever read a book more than 100 pages long. If I didn't need to go to work, I would've finished it the first afternoon. I was again so submerged in the story and in Adam's experience, that I just wanted to live through it all at once. It's so sad that is.... cathartic.Estaba hablando con unos amigos acerca de Lo Que Fue De Ella y tuve la necesidad insoportable de leerlo de nuevo y sentir lo que sentí la primera vez que Adam me llevó en la travesía de su corazón roto. Podría decir que que esto es lo más rápido que he leído un libro de más de 100 páginas. Si no necesitara ir a trabajar, lo hubiera terminado en la primera tarde. De nuevo estaba tan sumergida en la historia y en la experiencia de Adam, que sólo quería vivir todo eso de una vez. Es tan triste que es... catártico. I love two reviews I read before this second read; one from Tatiana :Me encantan dos reseñas que leí antes de ésta segunda lectura; una de Tatiana :“I mean, If I Stay was all about people dying and lying in coma and there were hardly any tears in my eyes and here I spent hours sobbing over a guy's broken heart?““Quiero decir, Si Decido Quedarme fue todo acerca de gente muriendo y estando en coma y difícilmente hubo lágrimas en mis ojos, ¿y aquí estuve horas sollozando por el corazón roto de un chico?“And another from Emily May :Y otra de Emily May :“...[Where She Went] it was gut-wrenchingly sad. I mean “I've ran out of tissues” sad.I honestly felt every bit of sadness, despair and anger with Adam. I don't recall ever being so in tune with a male protagonist's emotions...““...[Where She Went] fue desgarradoramente triste. Quiero decir “se me acabaron los pañuelos” triste. Honestamente sentí cada pedacito de tristeza, desesperación y furia con Adam. No recuerdo nunca haber estado tan sincronizada con las emociones de un protagonista masculino...“They're both so on point and sum up perfectly what this book is about: loss, grief, love and how raw all these can be. I feel it won't be long until I get this need for it again.Ambas dan en el punto y resumen perfectamente de qué trata este libro: pérdida, duelo, amor y lo crudos que éstos pueden ser. Siento que no pasará mucho tiempo en que vuelva a tener la necesidad por leerlo de nuevo.Definetly one of my all-time favorites.Definitivamente uno de mis favoritos de todos los tiempos.Edit - 3rd read/Edición - 3ra lectura 26/01/2020I'm still discovering details from this beautiful book every time I read it. It's not that is a complicated or complex novel. It's simply that, with each new read, I sincronize with Adam's feelings and Mia's reasoning in another way, which sheds new light onto the little details and make the reading into a different experience.Sigo descubriendo detalles de este hermoso libro cada vez que lo leo. No es que sea una novela complicada o compleja. Simplemente es que, con cada nueva lectura, me sincronizo de otra manera con los sentimientos de Adam y el razonamiento de Mia, lo que da nueva luz a los pequeños detalles y convierte la lectura en una experiencia diferente.More than a review, this edit is just to get closure for all the feelings that the book left me with in this ocassion. I even made a playlist with the songs [a:Gayle Forman 295178 Gayle Forman https://images.gr-assets.com/authors/1472502468p2/295178.jpg] references at the end of the novel. In case you need it: Where She Went playlistMás que una reseña, esta edición sólo es para dar cierre a todos los sentimientos que en esta ocasión dejó el libro dentro de mí. Incluso ahora hice una lista de reproducción con las canciones referenciadas por [a:Gayle Forman 295178 Gayle Forman https://images.gr-assets.com/authors/1472502468p2/295178.jpg] al final de la novela. En caso de que lo necesites: Where She Went playlist