Average rating3.8
Me ha alucinado esta lectura. No sabía muy bien qué esperar al leer la sinopsis, no parecía un thriller, pero tampoco no dejaba de parecerlo. La cosa no mejora cuando abres el libro y está contado a través de varios formatos epistolares, y la voz principal de la hija de la protagonista, Bee. Pero no por ello dejó de fascinarme, página tras página, a pesar de que, como la protagonista que da nombre al libro, no sabía hacia donde iba. Inteligente, cautivador, fresco y sorprendente, este libro me ha maravillado y me ha entregado una de las lecturas más fascinantes y satisfactorias del verano. 10/10
I was blown away by this reading. I didn't quite know what to expect when I read the synopsis, it didn't sound like a thriller, but it didn't stop sounding like one either. It doesn't get any better when you open the book and it's told through various epistolary formats, and the main voice of the main character's daughter, Bee. But it didn't fail to fascinate me, page after page, even though, like the protagonist after whom the book is named, I didn't know where I was going. Intelligent, captivating, fresh and surprising, this book blew me away and delivered one of the most fascinating and satisfying reads of the summer. 10/10