

1993 • 256 pages


Average rating3.8


An 8,5/10 collection of (rather) short stories, most with a Southern/cajun touch, about various things hiding in plain sight on the fringes of our ordinary world.
The good: highly original in ideas; very good expressive and descriptive (but not too much) writing; very believable and convincing ”facts”; powerful story-telling (one feels sucked into the dread); King-like quality, but even creepier.
The bad: almost all the stories are about a couple of young emo male rockers, under different guises/names, most times gay, sometimes (maybe) just friends, which gets boring really fast. Also, sometimes the author overdoes the story, crossing the thin, but essential line between horror and excess gore.
If i will come over more of her books, I will definitely read more Poppy Z Brites.

June 17, 2017Report this review