#2 of 4 in コミック昭和史 (全4巻)
#1 of 4 in コミック昭和史 (全4巻)
#1 of 2 in Game Change
#3 of 3 in Persepolis
#1 of 3 in Persepolis
The 30-Minute Shakespeare
#1 of 6 in The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy
Les Classiques illustrés
Heinlein's Juveniles
#1 of 4 in Oxford Time Travel
#1 of 3 in The Comic Books
#1 of 11 in Calvin and Hobbes
#1 of 3 in Civilizations Rise and Fall
Graphic Shakespeare
#1 of 2 in American Gods
#4 of 8 in Philip Marlowe
#2 of 6 in The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy
#2 of 4 in Adventures of Tom and Huck
Middle-earth Legendarium
#4 of 2 in Shakespeare's Major Tetralogy