2.5 ?????? On the younger ya side. It was fine and the characters were likeable but the story / romance was too light for me.
1.5 ??????
Disappointing. The story has potential but was ruined by the instalove relationship that I just couldn???t buy.
Dnf 40%
Was here for the trapped together part but after checking reviews see that it is only a small section during the second half of the book. (Misleading blurb)
It???s well written but way too much description for me which made the story super slow and I decided not to continue.
Dnf 8% couldn???t connect to the story or characters. Probably more a me problem than the book, but I???m going to stick with 1st person narratives in the future.
1.5 ??????
I very nearly dnfed this at 40% and probably should have.
Sophie was scared of her shadow and just annoying. I liked the brother, but that was about it. The book did pick up a bit once the romance started but it was too long with lots of unnecessary drama. Writing was good as were the descriptions of France/culture.
3.5 ?????? took ages for characters to meet and I nearly quit early on due to mmc being a jerk, but I???m glad I continued and he improved. Ending was too lovey-dovey for me but overall it was a good read.
Only for Christians.
I wrote a longer review but don???t really want to criticise anyone???s faith, so let???s just say that if you aren???t a believer, there???s too much God this and God that to wade through for anyone other than the most die-hard little mermaid fan.
I really enjoyed this. It wasn???t all that well written but the story was engaging and the characters were adorable. I was planning to give it a higher rating until I came on Goodreads and discovered how much of the plot was a ripoff of A Cinderella Story (too much to be a coincidence). Off to find the movie now???
Dnf 53% it wasn???t terrible, just boring. I read romance for the romance but there was no sign of any.
I didn???t like Mallory. Nolan was great but not much more than a side character.
Also, I may be old fashioned but I found Mallory???s use of hookup apps and casual sex (no need to remember their names) to be out of place in a ya romance.
The book was closed door, so there wasn???t really much difference when she slept with Nolan than the guys in earlier chapters.
Feel like this would???ve been better as NA including some steamy scenes with the main love interest. As it was, they didn???t have much chemistry and I had no idea why he liked her.
The chess plot was okay, but all very unrealistic. I struggled to believe someone who hadn???t played chess for a long time would so easily beat the best in the world.
Dnf 30%
The author???s tone was incredibly negative (no sign of the humo(u)r promised in the blurb). She spends a lot of time talking about how Brits hate the Americanisation of the English language, cherry picking examples to agree with her point. While it would be wrong of me to discount her experience of living in the uk, I don???t agree with this as the prevailing attitude and it bothers me that American readers of this book might take it as fact rather than opinion.
Yes, some people will object to things such as ???could care less??? but that???s more about the poor grammar. The reality is that language evolves, and speaking as a Brit, a huge proportion of our entertainment media originates in the USA and people will learn from that without seeing it as different/wrong. In my 40+ years on the planet (most spent in England) I???ve never encountered anywhere near the degree of negativity that is supposed to exist towards Americanisms.
I picked this up hoping to learn about some of the language differences after enjoying the author???s blog. There were some examples but as of 30% though, there weren???t enough to make me continue.
Dnf 10%
The blurb made this sound great but it wasn???t at all what I expected. I should???ve read a preview because it was clear from the start that it wasn???t going to be my type of book. Monty was unlikeable and I didn???t fancy being stuck in his head for another 90%
It was okay. An easy, quick read. Clean contemporary romance isn???t my favourite genre but I picked this up on the strength of the premise.Unfortunately, the whole do-over of a bad year was more of a gimmick that could easily have been omitted, leaving it as a story of a woman who gets perved on by almost every man she meets and eventually stands up for herself and all the other women who haven???t been standing up for themselves. The romance felt like more of a subplot which is a shame because cinnamon roll hero (just warning you up for the bazillion baking puns) Jacob was by far the best thing about the book.
3.5 ??????
I liked George, but I liked the ex too and she didn???t treat him well.
It was very progressive (should be a good thing but it was too much for me.)