Really a very good story, I understandably wish I had read the original rather than listened to the adaptation. But it was very well done.
The version of the audio book I had was, at worst, terrible... at best, inconsistent... audio quality. But the story was very good and generally engaging.
Very happy I finally got round to reading Terry Pratchett and look forward to making progress through the rest of the Discworld series.
Just a fantastic reflection on humanity. It is hopeful but aware of the power and risk of calamity that we all have individually and as a collective.
An excellent buddy-scientist story. With one of my favourite SF duos. An incredible look at humanity from both a broad a personal perspective. Endless problem solving and just the right level of detail to allow you to think ahead occasionally, without things feeling predictable or inevitable.
A lovely, beautiful piecemeal memoir. That shows (me at least) that paying attention is more valuable than I sometimes think.
Very interesting read about the ways that other animals can sense significantly more than humanity.
Another short gap in the story filled, in hind sight I wish I had read the novellas in the right places, rather than at the end.
I love a flipped fairy tale retelling. And one that isn't filled with lots of fluff to bump up the word count... Chef's kiss.
Gutted that I have caught up on this series. Time to be back in my born world for a while. I look forward to finding another Door soon, I'm sure.
This felt like it was written for me.
Fluidized seas of spores that explode in crazy ways when hydrated, strong female lead who doesn't truly realise how special she is until she has her own loyal crew of pirates insisting on helping her, curses that prevent the cursed from informing others of ways to help lift the curse.
Having started the kindle book and struggling to find momentum, I discovered that the narration of the audio book was by Ray Porter. At which point I started the audio book and really enjoyed it.
I know a little apollo history and therefore caught some of the names of real people/things, but as much as more prior knowledge would probably be more enjoyable, it is by know means required to enjoy the story.
Excellent book, written in the style of your funniest and best friend giving you some general life advice, but it just so happens they have been fact checked and are incredibly well informed about the theories of morality and ethics.
The introduction of another alternative school for wayward children, more sinister... Sometimes more permanent.