
Star Wars


Star Wars

#4 of 9 in Star Wars Disney Canon Novel

1976 • 1 Reader 5


Most Wanted

9 Star Wars Disney Canon Novel

2018 • 16 Readers • 348 pages 3.7


Thrawn: Alliances

9 Star Wars Disney Canon Novel

2018 • 113 Readers • 342 pages 3.5


Rebel Dawn

5 Star Wars Legends

1998 • 21 Readers • 389 pages 3.8



Journey to Star Wars: The Last Jedi

2017 • 39 Readers • 381 pages 3.7


Inferno Squad

9 Star Wars Disney Canon Novel

2017 • 23 Readers • 372 pages 3.6



9 Star Wars Disney Canon Novel

2018 • 104 Readers • 274 pages 3.9


Star Wars: The Wrath of Darth Maul

2014 • 3 Readers • 224 pages 5


The Hutt Gambit

5 Star Wars Legends

1997 • 23 Readers • 340 pages 3.7


Cover 1

#Darth Vader #1 in Star Wars Disney Canon Graphic Novel

2015 • 15 Readers • 160 pages 4


Outbound Flight

5 Star Wars Legends

2006 • 35 Readers • 480 pages 3.8


The Last Command

#3 of 3 in Star Wars: The Thrawn Trilogy

1993 • 158 Readers • 498 pages 4.1


Dark Force Rising

#2 of 3 in Star Wars: The Thrawn Trilogy

1992 • 175 Readers • 391 pages 4


The Paradise Snare

5 Star Wars Legends

1997 • 32 Readers • 306 pages 3.8


Dynasty of Evil: Star Wars Legends

#3 of 3 in Star Wars: Darth Bane

2009 • 62 Readers • 321 pages 4


Rule of Two
                Star Wars Darth Bane Paperback

#2 of 3 in Star Wars: Darth Bane

2007 • 66 Readers • 354 pages 3.9


Heir to the Empire

#1 of 3 in Star Wars: The Thrawn Trilogy

1991 • 299 Readers • 404 pages 4



#1 of 3 in Star Wars: Thrawn

2017 • 218 Readers • 360 pages 4.2


Path of Destruction

5 Star Wars Legends

2006 • 100 Readers • 418 pages 4.2


A New Dawn

9 Star Wars Disney Canon Novel

2014 • 41 Readers • 367 pages 3.7



9 Star Wars Disney Canon Novel

2014 • 63 Readers • 288 pages 3.5


Lords of the Sith

9 Star Wars Disney Canon Novel

2015 • 52 Readers • 320 pages 3.2


Dark Disciple

9 Star Wars Disney Canon Novel

2015 • 68 Readers • 336 pages 3.9


Resistance Reborn

Journey to Star Wars: The Rise of Skywalker

2019 • 34 Readers 3.4


Star Wars Rebel Rising

2018 • 2 Readers 4


Alphabet Squadron

9 Star Wars Disney Canon Novel

2019 • 51 Readers • 432 pages 3.9


Doctor Aphra

2021 • 14 Readers • 320 pages 3.5


Chaos Rising

9 Star Wars Disney Canon Novel

2020 • 84 Readers • 400 pages 4


Rebel Rising

9 Star Wars Disney Canon Novel

2017 • 29 Readers • 416 pages 3.5


Shadow Fall

9 Star Wars Disney Canon Novel

2020 • 27 Readers • 393 pages 3.5


Greater Good

9 Star Wars Disney Canon Novel

2021 • 55 Readers • 432 pages 3.6


Lesser Evil

9 Star Wars Disney Canon Novel

2021 • 46 Readers 4.2


Victory's Price

9 Star Wars Disney Canon Novel

2021 • 22 Readers 3.6