So I have a few ughs about this book. 1. He was thinking about the journal before she told him about it. 2. Why did he stab someone before leaving the room? 3. Why was there a note asking for them to be helped if nothing untold was happening? They were just being recorded... So what then? I mean it feels like she chickened out at last minute instead I following through what she was leading up to...
I would have liked it better if it hadn't been first person. I mean it would have been fun to see other perspectives. The main character was a huge whiner though... I mean I was like damn... I have major anxiety about a lot of things but even she made me feel good about myself
Not too bad. Could have been better. I liked the read, but won't continue the series. Not intrigued enough. I tried, but not my flavor
Great concept for a story line
I enjoyed the story, but the descriptions were so in depth that they took away from the story so I would skim them. The plot was excellent, but the timeline was off. She was 26, a teacher for 4 years, and had taught while he was there plus he was held captive for 2 years and went to school to become a teacher... I would suggest she take another look at some grammar errors. Silly things that can be easily missed like hand supposed to be hang and double words. A LOT OF DUPLICATE WORDS. It was worse towards the end like whoever was checking it over got lazy. I didn't take stars off for that, but I admit it got annoying. I only gave it 3 stars because of the timeline issues, some of the story points that were incredibly confusing and the overly descriptive areas. I liked it though...
Feels written AROUND intimate scenes
If i broke it down. 1/8=work drama 1/4 = eating 1/8 = worrying about her weight 1/2 =sexual relationship/intimacy
I swear to the writing gods that this woman wrote all the intimate scenes FIRST then put a storyline in to REVOLVE around the sex... you know... tomake sure there wasn't too much plot to take away from the intimate scenes. Seemed too... unrealistic and quick... a lot of intimate details and no much of other stuff... the the really story was an after thought and the whole thing was just about sex
It was a cute fun read and I enjoyed it. Very short but I wasn't in the mood for something long
It was cute although predictable. Rambled on about things that didn't further the story in my opinion, but it was a good read all the same.
I always look for information about lilacs. This was much more informed than I have found. Very happy to have found it!
It was good but it seems she always wraps up her stories with a nice little bow. I mean... She doesn't have to make EVERYTHING nice and neat.
Ok... let me lead off saying it was cute. A little more detail within sex than I appreciate, but that can be overlooked.
What Can't be overlooked is the obvious cop out with the character Juliet. Christma Elle put a lot of effort into making her into a specific type of person. There is no doubt about it. Juliet was money hungry. When Wes wasn't bringing in the fame and money, she walked out no problems into another man's arms. When seeing Wes with someone that is supposed to be friends, she is catty and mean.
To kiss someone the night before marrying another man who was where she DIDN'T think Wes could take her... and even having her own grandmother catty against her THEN, ALL OF THE SUDDEN, she realizes it was all a mistake she can't marry her cash cow? Nope... that is why I gave it 3 stars.
Don't spend all that time on a protagonist and then try to redeem her in the end. You did your best to make us feel the spite and egg Wes on for his revenge. You wanted us to have pity for Teegan... don't back down in the end.
Brandish the bow
And they all lived happily ever after... thee end... or at least it should say that. Honestly... a little too happily ever after
It is pretty much a thesaurus for a book. I was hoping for something more. This didn't give me what I was looking for
I really liked it! It was funny and fun to read. Enjoyed the back and forth between characters. Wouldn't have minded it going slightly different but at the same time it worked how it was. Guess that is the imaginative writer in me
A few bits bothered me. Timing, consistency and such. Very tiny things with the villian and POV's. Sometimes it seemed like she forgot whose POV it was or would just start a POV of a different character randomly who never had one before.
Not anything that bothered me too much, but I just really noticed. ALSO, how she constantly talked about the body of the FL. Her breasts straining against her shirt, her bouncy breast and so forth... and dude... these bitches be pale. Creamy white skin. All of them. Creamy white.
Pretty good
I liked it. Not obnoxious with the sex scenes. It has them yes and pretty explicit BUT majority make sense. It furthers the plot line for the most part. 1 didn't but that is forgiven.
The first book was better and this one was good. The conflict seems a little forced though. I know there needs to be conflict, but the way it is getting remedied makes them lose significance.
Pretty good
Was really good and wasn't any worse or better than the first. I liked it and enjoyed how engaging it was. Ended a little weird, but mostly fine. Glad to read it. Not a huge alien novel fan but these are fun
Cute and fun
It was a short and fun read. Great take on an alien science fiction romance. Glad I found it and enjoyed. It was very engaging. Mixed enough of new age alien type tech, earthy vibes if reality TV and mixing of cultures.
Not nearly as engaging or intriguing as the first two, but a good story all the same. It might have been too fast without enough details. Like how did Frank get to Station 21? Seems to lack plausibility. Don't get me wrong, it was a good story but just lacked some details that could have made it better
This isn't really facts but where to to find the information you might want. I bought the book to read the theories and get the psychology. Not links. Gave two stars instead of one because at least I know where to look I guess.
Good Enough
Not sure how I feel about this one. I mean I liked if but also... The was something. Not sure what it was but just something about it that I didn't like. Still read it. Will still read more. I am not hating on it and it was still a good read. I will also still recommend it to others.
Hard to follow
It was intriguing but extremely hard to follow. He bounced ball and forth, which was confusing because you had a hard time. There would be the sorry then Japanese history then the story the history... Then it would repeat things that hit confusing too. Honestly, it felt disorganized. Not like a book but was it you were having a conversation with someone with ADHD during a concert was you were watching a movie and having someone cleaning directly in front of you.
It was ok
I read it but I like the miss fortune series better. This was too open and closed mushy. Not really my style.