August 4, 2015


I would have liked it better if it hadn't been first person. I mean it would have been fun to see other perspectives. The main character was a huge whiner though... I mean I was like damn... I have major anxiety about a lot of things but even she made me feel good about myself

November 5, 2015


Not too bad. Could have been better. I liked the read, but won't continue the series. Not intrigued enough. I tried, but not my flavor

August 2, 2018
July 29, 2015
August 24, 2018


It was a cute fun read and I enjoyed it. Very short but I wasn't in the mood for something long

November 3, 2015

It was cute although predictable. Rambled on about things that didn't further the story in my opinion, but it was a good read all the same.

November 9, 2015


I always look for information about lilacs. This was much more informed than I have found. Very happy to have found it!

April 24, 2017


It was good but it seems she always wraps up her stories with a nice little bow. I mean... She doesn't have to make EVERYTHING nice and neat.

October 4, 2017
August 8, 2018

Brandish the bow

And they all lived happily ever after... thee end... or at least it should say that. Honestly... a little too happily ever after

October 4, 2017


It is pretty much a thesaurus for a book. I was hoping for something more. This didn't give me what I was looking for

May 13, 2019


I really liked it! It was funny and fun to read. Enjoyed the back and forth between characters. Wouldn't have minded it going slightly different but at the same time it worked how it was. Guess that is the imaginative writer in me

August 4, 2018

Pretty good

I liked it. Not obnoxious with the sex scenes. It has them yes and pretty explicit BUT majority make sense. It furthers the plot line for the most part. 1 didn't but that is forgiven.

June 3, 2021


The first book was better and this one was good. The conflict seems a little forced though. I know there needs to be conflict, but the way it is getting remedied makes them lose significance.

April 29, 2022

Cute and would probably be better for a younger audience. Still a nice light read

July 23, 2014

Pretty good

Was really good and wasn't any worse or better than the first. I liked it and enjoyed how engaging it was. Ended a little weird, but mostly fine. Glad to read it. Not a huge alien novel fan but these are fun

May 1, 2022

Cute and fun

It was a short and fun read. Great take on an alien science fiction romance. Glad I found it and enjoyed. It was very engaging. Mixed enough of new age alien type tech, earthy vibes if reality TV and mixing of cultures.

May 1, 2022
May 4, 2022


This isn't really facts but where to to find the information you might want. I bought the book to read the theories and get the psychology. Not links. Gave two stars instead of one because at least I know where to look I guess.

June 14, 2023

Good Enough

Not sure how I feel about this one. I mean I liked if but also... The was something. Not sure what it was but just something about it that I didn't like. Still read it. Will still read more. I am not hating on it and it was still a good read. I will also still recommend it to others.

May 16, 2022
May 30, 2023

It was ok

I read it but I like the miss fortune series better. This was too open and closed mushy. Not really my style.

August 10, 2015

I am actually looking forward to seeing more of these as movies

June 24, 2014