First I have to say, I wish I received a mansion for my wedding gift for FREE :-).
However, nothing in life is ‘free' is it?
The Wedding Gift is a story of a young girl who marries into a wealthy family, receives a mansion as her wedding gift from her groom's father, but, well, some gifts are not made to be cherished. Throughout the story, I asked myself many times if 17 year old Leeann Worthier who marries 26 year old, filthy rich George Willet, is truly a gold digger, a gold digger by circumstance or as her best friend says, dumber than a box of hair.
Leeann, who is said to be the most beautiful female in all of Dalton, maybe even Oklahoma, was courted by the only son of the wealthiest family in Oklahoma. She ends up pregnant and George being a ‘gentleman' and in love with Leeann, decides he will be responsible and marry her the week after she graduates high school. Leeann of course is swept up by the things that George has bought her and the promise of the things he will buy her. For their wedding gift, they are given the title to the family owned mansion, Willet House. Isn't that just the grandest gift ever? Well, not so much. Willet House is haunted and has been the town haunted house since the mid 70's when George's uncle and his family (wife and five children) were murdered there; supposedly, by the wife. Guess who she decides to show herself to, yes Leeann. Did she or did she not kill her children? Why is she still in the house? It all unravels when George turns up dead and Leeann is the accused.
I don't necessarily believe in ghosts, but the story was written with such vivid descriptions that I could see, hear and smell everything the author described. Kathleen McKenna has written a great ghost story that captures the readers and places them in the town of Dalton where everything is happening.
After reading the story, the answer has become more clear to me whether Leeann was a true gold digger, a gold digger by circumstance or dumber than a box of hair. Thing is, she doesn't have a lot to fall back on besides being the most beautiful girl in Dalton, maybe even Oklahoma, so it was easy to fall for a lavish lifestyle. And for those of us who loves a hero at the end, there is one and again, the description is so vivid, I want to look into those beautiful green eyes...:-)
Twenty-five Years Ago Today was intriguing, captivating and realistic. The story about an unsolved murder being investigated by fresh pair of eyes 25 years after it happened is such a realistic story it grabbed my attention from the first sentence. The story is filled with drama, suspense, deception and romance. What I liked about the story was that it was not predictable. There was enough twists in the plot to leave the me asking ‘well if he didn't do it, then who?'
Twenty-five Years Ago Today is a well written story with a well written plot and wonderful imagery. Stacy Juba was able to write a fascinating story that was easy to fall into and become consumed with.
The Assassin's Village begins with a very thrilling and frightening scene. When I read it, I thought of the hunter is now caught by the hunted. The scene was captivating and left me wanting to read more. The rest of the book did not disappoint. It seems that throughout the book I kept wondering and guessing ‘who did it. Is it this person, I bet it's that person.' It seemed there was always a reason why anyone of the characters would or could have been the killer but the story was never predictable. By the end of each chapter I was almost convinced the killer was the person focused on the most in that chapter but then the realization hit that I will not know who the killer is until I finish the book.
The author wrote a well developed story with wonderful imagery and well developed characters. I especially enjoyed each quote from Macbeth at the beginning of each chapter. This story was a fascinating story and I hope to be able to read more by this author.
First I want to say that I absolutely loved this story. I think everyone should read this book whether you have young kids, old kids or no kids. I also believe everyone knows a Lindsey or an Avery or was one or the other themselves. Bullying is so big in children nowadays, having books like this available to children is a great deal. It's like an outsider looking in and understanding the different aspects of bullying and how and why some people become bullies.
This story touched me because it somewhat reminded me of myself when I began high school in some ways. Except I didn't have a Teeny or Grouper to be my “cheerleaders”. I thought it was really good Lindsey had her two best friends to lift her up and give her some of the confidence she needed. We also get a glimpse of where Avery learns her behavior; and it is quite unfortunate.
Bullying is so big in children nowadays, having books like this available to children is a great deal. It's like an outsider looking in and understanding the different aspects of bullying and how and why some people become bullies.
I think the characters in this book were very “real” and relatable to our everyday world. There were parts of the story where I wanted to jump in and put Avery in her place. There were parts I wanted to cry and there were parts where I did cry.
I won't give too much away because I want and think EVERYONE should read this book. Everyone should own it and embrace it. The author did a really good job of putting an important issue today on paper.
My initial thought about Strangers on a Bus, when asked if I could review the book was “I hope this is as funny or funnier than his first book.” The title of the book had me thinking twice about the humor because, well, I think riding the bus is CREEPY. I must say the author did not disappoint me. Strangers on a Bus to me opened up to belly busting laughter. I started reading the book at work on my lunch and my co-workers were looking at me crazy because I was laughing so hard. I think the story was even funnier to me because a)I have similar thoughts and b)Having lived in the NY/NJ area where Robb began his bus journey, I could visualize what he was writing.
The basis of the story is about Robb journaling his trip back to his hometown of Canada after breaking up with his girlfriend and the people he encountered including a girl we will call Gertrude and his “like” for her. Robb wrote the story the way he was thinking at the time. And, I love the way he thinks and puts his words together. There are so many sections of the book that I could put in for you to get a snippet of his humor but I would be putting in most if not all of the book. I don't believe there was a chapter I didn't find funny. I think if you like a good humorous book, Strangers on a Bus is one to pick up, you will not be disappointed.
As a person who enjoys a good horror/thriller, whether it be reading or watching, I enjoyed Evol immensely. Although a bit scary at times, it was in a good way. The hard part was going to bed after reading the book. The story seemed so real. I wasn't sure if it's because it was or because I watch so many of those Discovery ID shows that I thought it was real.
Jess Wygle managed to write a story that seemed so real it was frightening. The story was well written and there was a lot of attention given to the details in the story. I believe that made it so easy to read and so enjoyable.
Whether you like thrillers or not, you will definitely enjoy Evol
I absolutely loved this story. I finished the book in an 8 - 10 hour period. The story was thrilling, chilling and psychological that some parts had me believing that such circumstances could possibly be real. The author goes from present to past; from character to character and melds it together so perfectly that there never seemed to be a disconnect. There were times when I thought the book was going to have a predictable ending, but lo and behold, the author pulls a fast one and left me in awe. To me the book was not predictable at all and I enjoyed that aspect.
After reading the prologue, I tried figuring out how exactly that was going to tie in. But the author did a very good job of tying it all together and weaving everything together very well.
This is my very first time reading a graphic novel. It seemed all over the place to me. I don't know if I liked it or disliked it.However, I appreciate the “realness” of the author's writing. The drawings seemed real. Real people shapes. Real bad hair and haircuts. The conversations seemed real even though I sometimes I had time trying to figure out where to read first and then next. One thing I loved is that she didn't harp
On being a curvy woman. She accepted it and seemed to have loved herself and her size.
I'm not a usually a reader of romance. But this was such a sweet rom-com. It captured me from the beginning because it was so funny. I think I'll have to add this author to my list of (I just learned this term) auto-buy
This is my first book by this author. I'm not usually a romance reader but I enjoyed this book so much. It was funny and feel good. I loved GiGi. I loved Red and I loved the sarcasm between Red and Chloe.
This is my third book read by Katee Robert. I must say that I expected a lot of spice but in comparison to the other two books I've read it was pretty mellow. Albeit, I truly enjoyed the story. The dynamic between the demon hunter and the demons she encounter in the demon realm was woven very well. She wasn't there trying to slay every demon she met. She was searching for her mother's story and how her life ended. At the same time she ends up falling in love with the same creatures she was taught to kill. The emotional turmoil both her and her demon went through in the end and how they overcame it together with each others love and understanding was, in my eyes, beautiful. Katee Robert is easily becoming one of my favorite authors.
I so enjoy a good Police Procedural.
The Chestnut Man begins strong and never falters. I love a good mystery and this was different from the cozy mysteries I read from time to time. However, it captured my interest from the beginning and I could not stop reading. I could imagine the crime scenes and often wished I was a part of the Forensics team on the case or even one of the detectives.
This is the second Simone St. James book I've read and absolutely loved. The twists in the story and the thrill when everything is revealed is written so well. Being a true crime fan, and an Oregon resident the first thing I did was Google if maybe it was loosely based on a true story i wish I had read this a while ago but I'm happy it did not disappoint.
This is my first book by this author. I thought the book was very well written and it wasn't long and drawn out. My favorite character was Kiera. She seemed to be the only one that thought something was weird before we found out there was something weird. I liked the twists at the end and was so happy Kiera was alive and came back.I would recommend this book to anyone who likes psychological thrillers.
I've read two Stacy Willingham books in the last week. I do enjoy her writing and the twists she adds to her plots. However, I didn't particularly care for the main female character in A Flicker in the Dark. I thought she was too impulsive with her thoughts and desires didn't always think logically. I did still enjoy the story. I'm do love a good a murder mystery. Although I did hope for a love ever after happy ending, I appreciate that there wasn't one. Every story doesn't end in a happily ever after.
I've had this book on my shelf for a while. I've read mixed reviews about it. But I'm very happy I finally read it. I enjoyed the writing. I enjoyed the dual timelines and how they intertwined. It was also a quick easy read. The only thing I didn't like was the last chapter and how it actually ended. But overall I thought it was a good read