August 29, 2024

If it were a film, it certainly wouldn???t pass the Bechdel test. Some of the writing is a bit cringe worthy but overall it wasn???t a terrible Star Trek yarn.

April 15, 2022

One of the better Star Trek books I???ve read. I loved that it???s a bridge between Star Trek VI and Generations. I think I???d like to read more from Christie Golden.

July 5, 2023

Up there with The Stand as one of King's best works.

October 23, 2013

While I do find it hard to believe that kids in 2044 would find movies, tv shows, music and games from the 80's so unbelievably awesome, I really got swept up in this story with these characters and could not put this book down. I'm very curious to see how Spielberg's movie turns out.

April 18, 2017

Incredible. Such massive depth and history to the story. Each character is so well developed. I had a hard time putting it down during the final 200 pages. Very curious to see what happens next.

January 29, 2018

I think I actually enjoyed this one the most out of the three. Montolio was a great character.

February 14, 2021

Really enjoyed all three of these stories. It helps that the audio book narrators (Jeff Daniels, Ethan Hawke and January LaVoy) were all really good.

September 24, 2022

The first half suffers from the same problem The Whistler did, which is that it???s fairly repetitive, but the final third is strong.

January 29, 2022
August 28, 2021

Satisfying conclusion to Gwendy???s story.

December 10, 2022
April 11, 2021

I???m embarrassed by how long it took me to read this book but dang, was it good. Highly recommend.

June 26, 2021
June 30, 2021

Not as good as Ready Player One but I still enjoyed it quite a bit.

December 30, 2020
August 19, 2020

Not quite as good as the first Fletch book but still very enjoyable. Flynn was a fun character and I know he has his own series of books. I look forward to reading them.

Also, this book has one of the BEST opening chapters I???ve ever read.

November 9, 2022

I may have a new author to add to my list of favorites. Holy smokes this was a good book.

September 15, 2019

Wanted to give this 2.5 stars but forgot Goodreads doesn???t do half stars. Not a terrible book but also not super interesting. Repetitive at times.

November 22, 2021

For 90% of this book, I thought it was entertaining but nothing special. Then the last 10% completely wowed me. Definitely recommend.

November 3, 2016
December 4, 2016

I've only read 9 Reacher books (including this one) but Make Me has to be in my top 3 favorite. Very enjoyable.

July 9, 2016

Not bad. Certain characters act differently than they should but you have to remember when it was written.

November 9, 2017

Not as good as the first book but still an exciting read for the most part.

April 28, 2020

Not King's best. Good ending though.

January 12, 2015