August 20, 2020

I am strongly into military literature and also into horror, and I got that in here. I am also into original, well written stories by good writers, and unfortunately I did not get that here. None is actually bad, but none is more than just ok and forgettable, either.

January 18, 2021

very good for an introduction into the lovecraftian universe for those not so versed in it (like myself). I did not really enjoy the illustrations, though, which felt too artsy for a horror purpose

May 4, 2019
January 10, 2017

I really enjoyed reading Neural Alchemist and Tree of Life. The rest varied from ok-ish to not even ok from a literary point of view - the science was good, but the writing abilities often not at all.
Still worth the money and time, for the 2 mentioned.

July 25, 2019
September 22, 2018

Strong names, weak stories. I only liked one, found a few ok, a few unreadable, most utterly forgettable. I was amazed NOT to like stories from authors I usually love, like Gaiman, Baxter or Ellison.

July 7, 2019
January 3, 2019
June 30, 2016
September 27, 2018
May 9, 2019
April 23, 2018

din păcate, de la a 5a carte (aceasta e a 6a) este evident că autorul și-a pierdut ori cheful, ori inspirația, și tot reciclează poveștile și personajele, doar cu alte nume. Nu e o carte proastă, dar nu mai aduce nimic nou.

May 24, 2019

recenzie pe larg

May 17, 2021

Definitely not my cup of tea...

July 17, 2020
May 20, 2019

Nothing really bad, nothing really good. Nothing really original either. A month from now, I won't remember any of these.

April 14, 2020
November 30, 2020
September 9, 2021
April 27, 2021

Există umor absurd amuzant, ca in Ghidul Autostopistului Galactic, si există umor absurd doar absurd, ca aici. M-a amuzat doar vag si rar.

March 4, 2021
April 14, 2023
May 27, 2022

Excellent noir whodunit policier, with very good slow burning (&cyberpunk feeling) personal drama on the background of an unoriginal space opera pretext.

April 26, 2023
April 12, 2020