#1 of 2 in Bittersweet in the Hollow
#8 of 13 in SPY×FAMILY
#2 of 2 in These Violent Delights
#7 of 9 in Wayward Children
#8 of 9 in Wayward Children
#1 of 1 in The Wicker King
#9 of 9 in Wayward Children
#1 of 1 in Rita Todacheene
#0.5 of 1 in Mr. Penumbra's 24-Hour Bookstore
3 Bois Sauvage
#1 of 2 in The Day the Angels Fell
#5 of 3 in Pippin Lane Hawthorne Mysteries
#1 of 2 in The Book of Tea
#1 of 1 in The History of Light
#1 of 1 in The Archives of the Forgotten
#1 of 3 in Shadowshaper Cypher
#1 of 2 in The Graveyard Book
#22 of 29 in 呪術廻戦 / Jujutsu Kaisen
#3 of 29 in 呪術廻戦 / Jujutsu Kaisen
#1 of 2 in The Physick Book