cheesy, corny, good smut! only downside was the very end had an unexpected pregnancy and i hate that in books. but other than that, c enjoyable
this was such a drag of a book :'c
i need to read something good before i read the other 2 CC books lmao
umm i flew through this LOL. it actually wasn't bad but i do see why people do this & EoS as tandem reads now. (tbh i did skim read quite a few chapters in the beginning/middle bc booooring)
now i'm terrified for KoA :c
who's cutting onions haha stop it my eyes hurt haha
(fr though this was a rollercoaster of emotions and i was crying through the last like 20 chapters. so good)
zoooooomed through this so i could start a new book LOL
overall for the whole series, 8/10. loved it and will re-read for sure.
i'm not super keen on the background short stories.. this was a good book, don't get me wrong - i just didn't like it as much. i enjoyed reading the background of celaena but meh
i was really looking forward to reading this book but i got 7 chapters in and i just could not finish it. in my opinion, the writing style isn't great, it's all over the place and just not for me. DNF.