Practical read. Lots of fluff and a bit out of date and didn't much cover the scenarios I was particularly interested in. That said still learned quite a bit of useful knowledge.

August 15, 2023

I definitely prefer the zero book over this one

August 2, 2023

If you never went to college and are starting your first desk job, this book is a great resource. For people who've been at it for 10 years, skip this one.

Poses questions like: How much time should I spend distracted on FB? How can I cultivate a flow state and growth mindset?

November 20, 2022

Solidly insightful to a depth beyond most books in the genre. Would read again. Loved the writing style.

January 1, 2023

This book might be a good introduction to personal finance but don't seem to have much to add if you already know the basics. I preferred rich dad poor dad over this.

November 24, 2021

Very practical guide to wooing vc's to tech startups in Silicon Valley. If that's your thing.

November 18, 2022

I was excited to put this to work, and found it to be totally useless. It's a giant list of witty snide remarks. I was drawn in since leafing through it I found one that made me chuckle, but 99% were just ugh.

June 19, 2024

Lots of interesting history. Scope didn't match the title. Instead it focused on a couple of selected topics: geographical disparities, gender roles, and the European origins. From the title, I expected more of a common person's perspective, not a historical perspective.

March 4, 2023

Great simple overview. Covers everything a beginner needs to know without going too deep. Small enough to finish in just a couple hours.

March 19, 2023

Very well written and organized. Confirmed many of my closely held beliefs. Ultimately could have gone much deeper, but definitely still worth a read.

February 11, 2024
November 11, 2023

enlightening and entertaining

Pretty old school feeling but still totally relevant and practical. No dull segments. Witty and bold. Would be happy to reread it after a while.

September 16, 2023

Lots of great points. Definitely cringed a lot though.

May 4, 2023

Surprisingly low fluff level for a business book. Instead packed with solid practical realistic relatable advice for working remotely.

October 23, 2022

It's a great collection of diy home improvement project ideas, and makes it all seem less intimidating. However the book is not sufficiently detailed to actually make you know exactly how to do anything. But the idea is important, and then for the rest one could look at YouTube.

November 2, 2024

Lots of practical info presented in clear terms. Relevant for everyone in Texas at any age. Even though it's several years old, it's still probably 95% accurate.

October 5, 2024
June 26, 2024
July 15, 2024

Very clear and informative, with appropriate length. Lots of important subtopics that I had not thought about, like how should the courts evaluate how much power the president has over the rules followed by the regulatory agencies.

July 30, 2023

Very enjoyable and engrossing. Not a dry and practical how-to guide, but more of a collection of a wise grandmother's own ideas and lifestyle decisions. Had some nice insights throughout and the rest was still pleasurable to read.

October 13, 2024

Learned a lot. Wasn't always clear and seemed unfinished overall. Really liked several of the explanations including the bloc section. Recommended overall.

March 19, 2023
July 29, 2024
March 26, 2024