Average rating3.7
The various sources of storytelling, podcast transcripts, articles, emails, letters, and regular storytelling, kept me reading this one. The characters were frustrating because they seem to make the same mistakes so often, but I'm glad I kept reading because it was good to see them grow by the end of the book. I also liked the slow way we are introduced to the more fantastic theories about Violet's disappearance.
Flawed characters, twisty history, and interesting ending.
I LOVED the mixed media format and reading the podcast transcript, the emails, and letters throughout. I also loved reading about the different magic tricks, it was all very fun. The last 25% of the book got a little too weird and confusing for my liking
Rating: 3.5 leaves out of 5
Characters: 3/5 (2 points for Violet. 1 point for the podcaster. And 0 for the Crap Family)
Cover: 3/5
Story: 3/5
Writing: 5/5
Genre: Thriller/Mystery/Magic
Type: Audiobook
Worth?: Yes
Want to thank Netgalley and publishers for giving me the chance to listen to this book. Now I will begin with the things that I loved about because ranting about the things I disliked is going to be a doozy. And honestly I don't see how people could give it as high of a rating.
First, I love love love how it was read! I don't know how it worked for Ereader or the physical book but if you like podcasts... you are going to love this. I absolutely adored how it was done in that aspect. With podcast I love breaks and this did that even with the other storytelling. It reminded me of Upped and Vanished, a real podcast. We got to hear him to his research, his interaction with his bosses and other people. We also got him going around and interviewing, it was great.
Second, the magic and Violet. I was astounded by what Violet could do and what she did for herself. I could honestly see why people loved her. She had to fight big for who she wanted to be and I madly respect that.
It may seem like this list is short but these two were the majority of the book so don't worry! (Also the fight against the misogynistic pricks is 100.)
First, I hated the family. Straight up seeetthhiiing hate. I hate that they didn't really take accountability (minus the niece.) Sasha had it basically all and took the one person Violet had from her, THEN at the end of the book gave a piss ass poor excuse for it. Like how can you not see that what YOU did would hurt and cause a riff between the two?
Second, Sasha. She was a “pity me I did this to myself but it is my sister's fault” piece of crap. I feel like the author had inserted herself into Sasha and tried to get us to pity both. Not ONE time did Sasha ever sit and freaking think that hey... MAYBE I am the problem. Is Violet spotless? Flawless even? Hell no. Violet had ISSUES but you know what? She freaking OWNED up to them more so than her sister who bashed and bashed and bashed. I am not going to feel sorry for the girl who got it all and refused to see her sister STRUGGLING.
And also, side note, just because you DO good things doesn't make you a good person. Psycho's do good to hide the freaking crazy.
Third, the military aspect we were left with loose ends for that and I wish there had been more of an explanation.
Fourth, the ending was so rushed. I mean RUSHED. It wasn't so bad but it wasn't great. We got SOME answers but how it was presented wasn't up to par.