Average rating3.5
Very thankful that Fernanda recommended this series! So toxic, so addicting. I couldn't put this book down. Not a happily ever after ending. This will be a good series, but I might pause and read something a little lighter, softer.
— I've come to really like Loren.. not love but like..
— I can't say for certain, but I can feel Lily Calloway becoming one of my favorite characters.
— I LOVE rcc.
— I've already made up my mind to dislike Ryke (for..reasons.)
— And I love Rose for being a supportive sister. I really do.
This book is so good. I love how they try to work out they problem together and not by they self. Love how they love each other no matter what is going on in the life.
finally decided to dnf this book and so, not continuing the series
probably a “me-problem” and not precisely the book itself
this show us how sometimes we need to work on ourselves before we can get together with someone else. such a beautiful love story.
Maybe I didn't give it a chance, or that it just didn't appear to be my usual taste in romance.
I absolutely loved this book. it was a good first book to a series. I loved that you got to take more of a look into both Lo's and Lilly's addictions. I also really like that it wasn't romanticizing addiction. I love Lo and I think he's a sweetheart. The plot twist at the end with Ryke I kind of saw coming but still was shocked. The ending was absolutely beautiful and made me cry at least five times. I started the book not really liking Rose but ended the book kind of loving her. she's such a good sister to Lilly!
honestly I think everyone should give this series a try.
I want to kick all these insufferable, privileged, asshole characters in the shins. Also, a big fat NO @ using sexual assault as the climax/turning point of the book >:(
I loved this book! At the beginning I thought Lily and all were really toxic for one another but at the end I was crying so badly it was ridiculus. I still believe they are wrong for each other right now, but I like where I think it is going.
I also loved the side carachter so I am really excited about the whole series!
started 6/18/22 and tried reading it until 7/5/22 but i just couldn't force myself to try anymore of it
too much hype around the book for me to not give it another try but DNF for now 9/21/22
a bit disappointed but apparently this is the worst book in the series so we'll see
It was not it for me. I felt that Lily was only thinking about herself in some ways and that made me mad. She always said that she was helping Lo but actually she was adding to his addiction. I didn’t like the fact that they normalized talking about how skinny Lily was as a joke when clearly it was one of her insecurities and never addressed it in the book. And to be honest the only character that I genuinely liked was Connor.
Aún no se si me gustó, el comienzo me desesperó, luego me frustró y al final lloré. Y a pesar de que era obvio lo que iba a pasar, sentí que podía entender lo mal que los personajes se estaban sintiendo
Not that thrilled by it to be honest.
I don't get the hype, but to each their own.
DNF @ 10%, thought I'd give it a try even though it's not usually my cup of tea but couldn't get through it
“Isn't this the part where our love overcomes our addictions? Where our problems magically solve from a kiss and a promise?” rating- 4/5
I'm bawling my eyes. THAT is not what i expected.
Did I pick this up because i thought it would be a light hearted romance series? yes. Am I disappointed that it is exactly the opposite of light hearted? honestly..not? This was something i didn't know I needed T_T
But then again I probably wouldn't have picked this up if somebody had given me the brief beforehand:
‘A book about two addicts being dependent on each other, pretending to have a healthy life and dating. While in reality, they're infact not okay; absolutely spiralling, going off the deep end and enabling each other.'
the lack of plot
could've been shorter
recurring, unchanging nature was a more realistic portrayal of their problems
Wait for me.” The words come out choked and pained. “I need you to wait for me.”
The half brother thing was pretty evident. The only thing i didn't anticipate was Ryke being Jonathan and Sara's son. idk.
Final thoughts: