Average rating3.9
This was a touching romance though at times I found it to be a little saccharine and repetitive. I loved Archer's journey and back story, so that made up for everything else.
*♾/5. I have SO much to say about this book. First of all, I immediately fell in love with the writing style, it flowed so easily. That made it easier to ease into the story. Bree is one of my favorite main characters now, she's the sweetest and I loved the way she accepted Archer..the way she gave him a chance. Archer..ugh I could go on for days about him. It honestly hurt when he kept saying he was hard to handle. I was just like NO, YOU'RE NOT! He's just so sweet and considerate. One of my favorites scenes was the thunderstorm scene..my heart MELTED. I really liked how Bree just gave him a chance without knowing him, that's what made this story “It” for me. I loved the way Archer slowly let her in.. after what happened. There were times where I felt what the characters felt..which was a lot honestly. I'm glad that Bree & Archer were able to be there for each other, as friends..and then as more. They are definitely one of my favorite couples. And this is definitely in the top five of my favorite books. No words to describe my love for this book. No words whatsoever.
Well, hello, finally a male character who is not an asshole. And a female character who is not so self-absorbed and bimbo. I sighed in relief as I finished reading this book. At least it's not another horny teenage melodrama, thank God! Not that we don't have a pair of horny couple here. I digress.
There's plot, and there's some unnecessary disruption, unnecessary details. There can be more to the story itself, but alas, the author must've thought the sex scenes are equally important. It's nearly there, but did not quite reach the climax (pun intended). Almost. Likable characters, though. The background story is interesting enough, makes you wonder just what exactly happened in the past. Predictable, but keeps you wondering just as well.
Both MC have their own trauma, their own tragedy, but somehow it got a little downplayed. Unfortunate, really, as there are so many chances that the story can be developed to tease readers' emotion, to ensure the MCs really deserving of our unconditional love and support. A decent read, this one.
I have heard such wonderful things about this story and I was so excited to read it.
“I was thinking about how I thank my lucky stars every day that I ended up here... right here, with you.”
I loved that Archer's healing was his own and wasn't relying on Bree. I was worried about how the love story was developing and it didn't feel healthy when Archer was expressing how he didn't believe he could recover losing Bree. I appreciated that he took the time for himself to learn how to live for himself and not anyone else.
Archer is probably one of my favourite male protagonists. I loved reading him growing into himself and him learning that he is worth more than he originally believed.
My only issue is that some of the storyline was predictable for me and some felt quite rushed whereas I personally felt like it needed to be dragged out further for me to feel any connection to it.
However, I loved this and it was such a sweet read.
“I Archer you. God, I Archer you so much”
I'm so sorry. I really had high hopes for this one. It reminded me of “Southern Storms” by Brittiany Cherry but the villains just felt sooo cartoonish. It was also extremely long and I still don't feel like I fully understood the past. I might read “Travis” to see if that provides any more info but this was just not for me. I'm just in a mood I guess because my latest ratings have been rough
look the TW before reading it !
okay... this is a good romance book
big plus because the communication- amazing
BUT, this is an instant love... and because of that the relationship wasn't credible, I didn't really cared for them that much
the spice was okay if you like it (communication, consent etc...) but too much and detailed for me
spoiler and confusing things;
at a specific moment Bree said something she wasn't supposed to, in the way that it wasn't HER secret but HIS so she wasn't allowed to do it, I was PISSED ugh how would you do that to “the man you love” ?!
you're telling me that the man, at his twenties, NEVER communicated with anybody before Bree ? like she's the good girl and everyone's mean ? duh
anyway its a 2,75 because it's a good book but some points weren't for me
reading the most wished for romances on Amazon: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ssbXPpwN4Ww
Okay.. I absolutely loved this book. From cover to cover, I was so hooked. Archer Hale is so so precious and deserves everything good. I was so sad the more I learned about his childhood and how people treated him. I love Archer and Bree SO MUCH. They are one of my favorite couples and Archer Hale will forever have my entire heart. The epilogue took me out. When the boys used sign, I cried. It was so wholesome, I loved it. Also, when he ran to her house in the middle of a thunderstorm because it triggers her PTSD? CRIED. It broke my entire heart and then healed it all over again. I don't want to say goodbye to these characters. I have. Feelings about Travis.. Idk. I might still read his book, I'm not sure though.
Me ha gustado mucho, que bonitoooo.
Es verdad que el final se me ha hecho un poco precipitado pero por lo general ha estado muy bien.
This book became my favourite book of all times! There's not a single bad thing I can say about it. Love the characters, hate some of them (but you have to hate them), forgive some. Love the plot and the growth of the characters.
Booktok brought success to a lot of books. Some of those I don't understand but this is not one of those cases.
I'm glad I've learned of its existence and decided to pick it up to read.
This was a beautiful love story between two broken people who are able to help each other heal. A book to help us remember that everyone has a voice, we just need to try to hear it.
I liked it
I love Bree and Archer so much. Their chemistry was so well done! They literally spoke their own language.
Archer. Sweet, silent Archer. He deserved so much in his life. I'm happy he got there in the end. Not just as he found his place in the world, but how he found himself. He started off as a grumpy hero (we all know I love that trope) But as I learned more about his past, I realised that he wasn't grumpy, he was wounded. But he overcame that, and like Bree, I loved him for it.
Bree. She was kind to everyone and held her tongue when she couldn't be. She was strong and resilient. She knew what she wanted and didn't waiver. There was something in the way she loved Archer so fiercely that made me want to cry. I knew Archer loved her too, of course. But, ah, the way she loved him. It broke my heart.
The character development was really well done. I loved the side characters. Although they didn't add to the plot, they added to the story, if that makes sense.
Lastly and most obviously, I have to acknowledge the last few chapters because Mia Sheridan did me so dirty with that one. Not gonna go into too much detail but my emotions were all over the place.
Verdict: Archer's Voice made me want to move to a small town and fall in love.
TW: abuse, alcoholism, attempted rape, shooting
5/5 - I seen so much hype about this book, but never looked into what it was about, but I'm so glad i read it. This was a beautifully written story about 2 broken people working through their tragedy and trauma, who essentially fall in love. I will say I was unprepared for the spice, but I was not upset. The story took me through a whirlwind of emotions; from anger, to laughing and crying. I will read this book again in the future as it truly tugged at my heartstrings.
oh. my. god. this book was so beautiful i absolutely loved it! i just finished it and i already want to reread it. instantly became one of my new favs!
(reread mar 21st): i could read this book forever. wow
(reread apr 6): when in doubt...read archer's voice
~Full review here on The Bent Bookworm!~Ok, let me make something quite clear: I don't read romance. Especially modern romance.However...I saw someone gushing about this book on Twitter and was kind of in a reading slump and thought, “Well, why not...everyone needs a little spicy love story now and then.”Let me make something else clear: If it wasn't for that gosh darn stupid cover, I would buy a hard copy of this book for my shelf. But I'm a cover snob and I hate “sexy” covers with a passion. Not because I don't appreciate a well-muscled male back as well as the next person...but I find them highly embarrassing to read in anything but the deepest privacy – which happens next to never, for me. So I bought the ebook (it was a total impulse buy and read).Oh, hi there. Yes, this book is VERY hung up on how sexy Archer (the male MC) is. Buuuuut...it's totally ok. ;)Archer's Voice is all about feelings. ALL THE FEELS. I did have a few minor quibbles with the plot and the writing style. For instance, somewhere in the middle of the book, the author repeatedly has Bree use the word “tummy” in descriptions of her sensual feelings and OMG JUST STOP. I actually saw another reviewer mention this before I started the book, and thought that surely they were just overreacting...no, they most absolutely were not. Note to self: when writing sex scenes that word is NEVER A GOOD IDEA. The plot is somewhat predictable...ok, a lot predictable. It's a romance. It's a New Adult (NA) romance, so it contains a fan-yourself-go-take-a-cold-shower (or...don't) quantity of steamy sex. What was supposed to be a big plot twist was...not that shocking, and actually didn't make a lot of sense but okay whatever. Archer and his arch-nemesis cousin are suddenly revealed to be brothers...which means their father had sex with both his high school sweetheart and another woman two months apart, and let his sweetheart marry his brother because she thought she was pregnant with his baby? Like WTF was even going on there and how are we still supposed to think he was the GOOD GUY? I feel like that was not thought through well AT ALL.I went into this book skeptical of its ability to give me feels. Romances usually have me rolling my eyes and tossing them into the corner halfway through. I was intrigued by the premise of the male MC in this book though – no voice? I originally thought he must be deaf, but no.Archer (male MC) and Bree (female MC) are both severely wounded, scarred people. Somewhat physically, but mostly emotionally. I could identify strongly with that. Bree's wounds are more recent, and she had a mostly happy, healthy childhood to give her a strong foundation to stand on even despite her recent horrors. Archer on the other hand, has never had a normal life with a functional family and a devastating accident when he was 7 years old robbed him of both his parents and his voice. Raised by an eccentric, paranoid (but caring) uncle, he has been almost a complete recluse his entire life. Until Bree, fleeing her life in Ohio after some very traumatic events, stumbles into his little town and almost literally into him.Aside from his voice, physically Archer is perfection. His life of hard work (and apparently, good genes) have give him a god-like body. Bree is understandably smitten after just a few meetings. But he is an emotional cripple. Almost completely anthropophobic, but highly intelligent, he has spent his 23 years becoming self-sufficient and as well-educated as reading every book he can get his hands on can make him. I really didn't think an author would be able to sell a recluse as a romantic interest, but Mia Sheridan does it very well. Maybe too well.Maybe there was no right or wrong, no black or white, only a thousand shades of gray when it came to pain what we each held ourselves responsible for.I was...well, I can't say that I think Bree's attraction to Archer is wrong. Or even unhealthy. But I think it could very quickly have gone that way, had he not been as willing to fight his fear of people and his limitations as he was. And as in love with him as she was, I'm not sure she would have had the backbone to leave an unhealthy situation. Because Bree is a healer. She is a caregiver. She wants to fix things. She wants to make Archer feel cared for and loved (besides the intense physical attraction). Multiple times though, she mentions that Archer reminds her of a little boy or a small child needing reassurance or love and...feeling like your significant other is a child in need of care is not really a good thing, in my opinion. As someone who was married to an extremely insecure person who eventually became vindictive and bitter in his insecurity, and knowing that I often felt a constant, exhausting need to reassure him of my love/respect/admiration/dedication – that is NOT a good thing. Now in this case, Archer was growing and learning and slowly coming out of his shell, and he was inherently sweet and gentle-hearted (qualities my ex most definitely lacked). He slowly accepts Bree's love and compassion, but he also gives her his own and takes care of her. He melted my heart.He looked like a little boy in that moment, and I realized how much he needed me to tell him that I wouldn't go away like everyone else.I ached along with Bree to ease some of the pain of all those years of mistreatment and neglect he had suffered. Even while alarm bells rang in my head about his intense emotional neediness...which, thankfully, his willingness to give as well as get and to push himself out of his comfort zone, more for Bree's sake than his own, eliminated.Complete honesty was the only thing I would give him. I would never purposefully hurt this beautiful, sensitive, wounded man more than he had already been hurt.Archer's biggest appeal is in the disconnect in his physical appearance and his attitude. He is, as Bree notes, a quick study and good at anything he has been taught or taught himself. He is completely unpretentious and unconscious of his physical appeal. If anything, he sees himself as broken, flawed, and undesirable due to his one “defect.”Bree's physical appearance is given less attention. She seems to be your typical girl-next-door type of cute, but Archer becomes completely smitten with her and she attracts attention from a few other guys as well – mostly due to her being new to the small town, it would seem. I was slightly worried by what seemed like her apparent willingness to just give up EVERYTHING to be with Archer, but she was already running from her past life and in need of someone to restore her faith in humanity. Archer, for all his issues, turned out to be that person. I loved how closely he paid attention to her likes and dislikes, even down to what chips out of a bag she liked (folded over tortilla chips, hehehe).“Think of the strength of spirit you have to have to come through what he did and not be as mad as a hatter, to still retain a gentle heart.”The strength of the human spirit is the real backbone of the story. The plot mostly centers on Bree and Archer overcoming their various personal demons, and for the most part doing it together. Near the end of the book, there is a point at which Archer deals with his demons ALONE...which is a huge turning point in his personal development and was so very important to his character. Without his strength of will and willingness to face his fears, he would have indeed been an emotional cripple for the rest of his life.There is a side plot going on with what happened to Bree and the death of her father, as well as the small-town drama around Archer, but they are truly secondary and stay mostly in the background. There is some tension created by Bree's conversations and relationships with Travis, Archer's cousin, town police officer and local heartbreaker. They never truly have a relationship but Travis' ego becomes a sticking point and his childhood tormenting of Archer resumes, creating a good deal of conflict and pain on all sides.This was a HEA I could believe in. Shocking, yes, for someone as jaded and anti-love-at-first-sight as myself. But Bree and Archer are not perfect, and their relationship is not perfect. They are so human, but so in love and SO RIGHT for each other. I would definitely recommend this book, and that's not something I can say about many straight-up romance novels. I might even try another of Mia Sheridan's NA novels.Blog Twitter Bloglovin Instagram
Sebenarnya bagus sih buku ini bagi penggemar romance, bkn berarti ak gk suka contemporary romance, hanya buku ini terlalu sentimentil buatku. Terlalu berlebihan & puitis dlm penggambarannya. Hey, the world isn't always rainbow & butterflies, welcome to the real life...
Di GR ini masuk NA, tapi menurutku ini khusus untuk adult reader ya, krn adegan olah ranjangnya lumayan graphic.
Ak kasih 3 bintang krn kepiawaian author dlm merangkai cerita yg ringan & mudah dipahami alurnya.
Will forever be chasing the high this book gave me. The butterflies were through the roof. Read this right now and thank me later.
xoxo, girly now in a book slump because this was so good
4.5/5 Stars
It had potential. The past of both MCs was intriguing. But the plot... Well... Not so much.
We follow Bree, and she was a nice girl, who was instantly obsessed by Archer (enter hot misterious awkward guy). Her initial connection, with her father being mute is understandable, but she instantly took it to a 100. Her fixation was too much too fast.
Now Archer was interesting. He was like a child, and Bree kept mothering him and the interaction got weird that way. And also, kinda toxic in the sense of him not being able to breathe without her.
The townspeople were good supporting characters but we found out very little about them. Travis was a character I wanted to know more about but sadly didn't.
And, like I said, the plot. Huge chapter cliffhanger followed by swift resolution every time.
Overall, I liked that Archer was sweet and really tried to better himself in the end, that made the book enjoyable enough.
So, bad books, work sucks but it's not too bad? A bit of escapism would be nice? Quickly, grab a fluffy romance novel and laugh, cry, cringe. Sometimes at the same time. That pretty much covers how I came to read this book - and for a long time, I was absolutely loving it because probably most of us have “leaned back against [our] car and grinned like a fool”. This is Bree Prescott, heroine in this wonderfully sappy romance, fawning over Archer Hale, “the local, mute loner” - well, you get the gist.This book features a lot of those moments and they were definitely a huge part of what made this book appeal to me. The writing is... adequate. It's certainly not great but it fits the overall mood quite well:“I stared at him, our eyes meeting and tangling just like the first time we had met.” As long as you don't actually think about “tangling eyes”, you'll be fine. There are even a few insights in there that were unexpected, at least for me: “Maybe there was no right or wrong, no black or white, only a thousand shades of grey when it came to pain and what we each held ourselves responsible for.” And, at times, it gets very, well, soggy... “He moved toward me, his lips parting slightly, the look on his face a mix between uncertainty and blatant lust.” What follows is exactly what you're thinking of right now. Spelled out. Blatantly. If you like that, you won't be disappointed. At times, I actually loved this book and was already thinking how this review would read - raving, that I was sure of. I was touched by little things that reminded me of my wife of more than 20 years. Everything was hunky-dory. And right before we were happily riding into the sunset, Sheridan royally messes up. I won't go into the details but it's so horribly bad, I felt cheated, lied to - belittled as the reader, Sheridan's audience. I don't need to be taken overly seriously but there are limits to my patience and while I suspend disbelief, experience and parts of my brain for a good romance, I won't be fooled. With the last few chapters Sheridan really manages to totally destroy the entire book for me. I'm still reeling right now because I still feel abused. Without that, I'd have awarded this book four stars at least, with this “twist” I cannot help make that two only and an author I will avoid from now. Blog Facebook Twitter Instagram
One of the easiest 5 stars I've ever given. Possibly the most beautiful love story I've ever read. I love Archer. I love Bree. I have nothing but good things to say and warmth in my heart for both characters. Such a powerful story. Would highly recommend to a friend!