Average rating4.2
is this one of my favorite books? absolutely.
could i tell you the plot. absolutely not.
I think I would have adored this a few years ago, but now not quite as much. I really liked it, but the writing style wasn't to my taste and I couldn't stand Aristotle.
Another beautifully written Saenz novel, but it still didn't move me as much as Last Night I Sang to the Monster. Also, my hardback version from JLG had at least 5 errors that the copy editor didn't catch, which I found really frustrating. None of his books have yet found an audience among my kids, but I'd like Saenz to catch on with my high schoolers.
2nd Reading (9/2018) Appreciated Lin Manuel-Miranda performing the audio. Stand by my original review, though I will say that happily my HS kids now LOVE this book! It's been a fave on the BOB list.
Sometimes, I wish there was a way to give a book two different ratings. I want to give this book 3 stars for the overall story and lack of a plot, but 5 stars for the theme and the way this book made me feel inside. I guess 4 stars is what I am just going to have to give it. I understand the reason why this book has won so many awards, it truly has the makings of a modern classic. Aristotle and Dante is truly a book unlike anything I have ever read before.
Lovely book, with interesting characters. Mostly I fell in love with the two sets of parents, who were amazing. This book was for the 2017 Reading Challenge category “Read a YA or middle grade novel by an author who identifies as LGBTQ+.”
I'm not crying, you're crying! (...I'm definitely crying)
This is a beautiful Bildungsroman, showing how discovering ourselves is every bit as difficult and mysterious as understanding those we love, and who love us. The language is so simple, yet captures the complexity of those relationships — to family, friends, ourselves. And without spoiling it, I'll just say that we need a lot more young-adult books like this one.
I want to rate this more than 5 stars. Where are the extra stars, Goodreads? I demand extra stars!
I want to tell everyone I know to read this book. The writing was flawless, the characters were well developed, and I absolutely loved them all. The friendship, love, laughter, heartache, tears... All of it just hit me so hard but I love the feeling that this book left me with.
I like how everyone's personal grief and pain was handled. It wasn't compared. It just belonged to each person. Maybe each year I'll heal a little bit too. Loving people hurts but it's also really good.
Edited after the story sat in my head for a few days.
I don't like how the thing with his brother was handled at the end. His best friend just went through a traumatizing experience and now you come in here and tell him your brother is in jail for murdering a transwomen?? Like that could have been you, that could have been your best friend...the reaction seems not right. Then they are all just smiling and putting up his pictures again. Wtf.
I struggled with this writing style a lot and found the main character a touch unlikable. Some good lessons here though.
This book is gonna be the first book I write a full review for, simply because it affected me that much. I knew I was going to like this book before i read it, it just seemed like the kind of thing I would like. But oh my god, how can I even describe my love for this book? It was beyond my expectations.
I have never read a book where I felt connected to the main character, I've never read a book where my personality and my feeling were literally laid out in front of me to read. It was scary how alike me and him were, it was also amazing. To have someone describe the way you feel about the world is so enlightening and I'm so glad someone could just understand those feelings enough to write about them at all.
I read books for the plot and for the characters, mostly becuase they aren't like me. To experience someone else's world is one of the reasons I love reading, but this book made me realize that I love reading about people that are like me too.
I loved being apart of Dante and Aristotle's journey of discovery, I loved seeing them grow up and discover who they were. Their story was one of the most sweet and pure things I've ever read and honestly reading about it just made me happy really.
Aristotle and Dante Discover the Secrets of the Universe has become my all time favourite book by far. I have never read anything that laid my emotions so bare and I don't think I will ever read anything like this for a long time, if ever.
this book is one of my absolute favorites. i felt so inmersed in the story, like i actually lived it. every moment felt real. it gave me hope to experience love like that. the ending was perfect
“Words were different when they lived inside of you”
This was a quote that genuinely made me sit back and go “woah”. That's what I loved most about this book, the writing and imagery is just beautiful.
“I think that if Dante really knew me, he wouldn't like me.”
I think one of the scariest (especially personally) and the most vulnerable thing to do is allow someone to truly see you.
It is so easy to hold personas and act in a certain way in order to try make people like us or enjoy our company. To allow those walls to come down and allow people to see us for who we truly are is so nerve racking and I truly felt Ari when it comes to these emotions, the fear and self doubt.
“Feeling sorry for myself was an art. I think a part of me liked doing that.”
There came a time in my life and it was something I was only able to address when I finally started therapy that I discovered that it is much easier to be a victim or feel sorry for myself than trying to make a change or be strong for myself.
I loved watching Ari grow into himself and start to accept himself for who he truly is. This book holds so many special quotes and I tried my hardest to just stick to three to address.
Livre poignant, magnifiquement bien écrit, bouleversant. Les personnages sont adorables et attachants, je n'ai pas réussi à lâcher le livre et je l'ai dévoré d'une traite tellement il est prenant. Beau et touchant, un petit joyau.
3.5 stars.
The writing is beautiful, the characters are well developed, and I absolutely loved both sets of parents. I see what was done with Aristotle, that the “darkness” and angst and anger inside him came from him not accepting himself and it was nice to see him realize how good he actually has it. His parents were so loving and supportive, and I loved that we went through the journey to him finally admitting that he is “crazy about them.” It was sweet, and you don't typically get that in YA novels so it was definitely appreciated.
Dante was also a wonderful character. However, I personally thought a bit too much time was spent on Ari's thoughts and often I felt he was being unfair to others by thinking what he thought. Still, this was a well written novel and the overall arc and development was beautifully done.
Such a beautiful and innocent book. Sweet words and sweet people.
Ari, what a character made me laugh, made me smile and to my surprise made me weep too.
I will pick this book up again for sure!
Imagine me pasting that Lady Gaga gif with her saying “talented brilliant incredible show stopping amazing” etc etc because, well, yeah. That's how I felt about the prose.
The transphobia is really pretty unfortunate here in what otherwise felt like an instant classic.
Every time I open this book's Goodreads page, so much happiness radiates from my laptop's screen and that is saying a lot.
I am not going to rant. I am just too lazy, and I want to sleep. But the book didn't click with me. I hated it while still 10% in and I hated it more and more as the pages flew by. I rolled my eyes repeatedly.
I hope no one hates me for this.
This is the first book I ever feel guilty about hating.
Beautiful story filled with simple yet elegant prose. Aristotle is wonderful narrator. I recommend this to those who enjoyed [b:The Perks of Being a Wallflower 22628 The Perks of Being a Wallflower Stephen Chbosky https://d.gr-assets.com/books/1363910637s/22628.jpg 2236198]4.5 out of 5 stars (rounded up this time).