Average rating3.6
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I'm not sure what to really say about this book.
You don't just leave one character miserable, like what the hell is wrong with you??? Don't do that.
They focused on all the things that I didn't care about.
I wanted a lot more of Clara's parents, because I'm in love with her dad. Michael is just A++++ tbrfh.
Honestly, in general Michael and Maggie's story would have been a better one than Clara's. Just saying.
I was sure that since this was the third book, it would be better than the second because the second is always the one with all the relationship drama. Somehow, even though literally no one was actually in a relationship, THERE WAS MORE RELATIONSHIP DRAMA. HOW DOES THAT EVEN MAKE SENSE WHAT THE FUCK!
Yeah, so I had to hold on to those occasionally good moments. Because god, this was annoying.
I am happy to say that even though the previous book in this series hugely disappointed me, this one was another touchdown! Rarely does the final book in a series leave me satisfied and content and this one did just that. I am extremely happy that I kept reading, even though the second book in the Unearthly series was so extremely disappointing.
For one, the finale had a satisfying amount of action and adventure which in turn catapulted the plot into something extraordinary. From beginning to end, this book was a non-stop roller coaster of emotions and it had me addicted to all the highs and lows that came with it. Amazing. I loved and at the same time hated not being able to predict what was going to happen next. Usually, I can guess slightly what will occur in the book that I am reading but that was not the case here. I was kept guessing and this made for a much more refreshing read than usual.
And again, the extraordinary heroine, Clara, with whom I fell in love with in the first book is back and once again true to herself. I love that she doesn't do what is expected of her, even though her purpose on earth is supposedly preordained. It's great to see a heroine who doesn't apologize for being who she is. And a bad ass one at that! She also makes a huge transformation in this book, from a questioning/curious girl to an adult comfortable in her own skin, who knows what she wants and is done denying herself that.
In addition, the rest of the characterization was also great, although I would have liked to see Tucker more throughout the book, instead of just in the end. And I feel bad saying this, but I actually got a little sick of Christian. I mean, I get that he's an important part of the story but at times he was just a lovesick puppy in my eyes and nothing more. I think I would have liked to see a possible romantic interest for him besides Clara because it seemed that his whole existence was Clara and nothing/no one else. For this reason, he seemed like the least three-dimensional character of the book.
The writing was flawless as it had been in the previous books. I just love her simple yet elegant style, which gets everything necessary across and even more at that.
I recommend this book to everyone, even if you have read the previous books in the series and have given up after the second one was such a let down. I think it was the perfect ending to a great trilogy and did not disappoint. Packed with adventure and romance, Boundless is a story worth venturing into.