Average rating3.7
Oh for Christ's sake, this book was torturous. I had to fight my way to the end because I wanted to know what happened, but even with the MAJOR cliff hanger I just refuse to read the next in the series. Every single character went from interesting(in Soulless) to downright obnoxious! Save yourself the agony.
It took me a while to get back into this world and the characters, but after I did, I really enjoyed this installment. I really wish we got more interaction between Alexia and Lord Maccon. But I still loved all the witty humor and banter that we did get. The ending of this was not at all what I was expecting and I'm mildly angry with Gail Carriger for doing that to these characters. Hopefully there is a great explanation in Blameless for the actions of a certain someone.
Changeless had the same returning pleasures the first book produced. The character interactions were smooth, amusing and the humor was still present. The pacing was good, and the story overall was decent. I was happy the reader does find out a little more about Soulless people along with the character, which I felt was really lacking in the first book.
I didn't like that the sister disappeared through the action scene and then reappeared after everything was all done and over at a silly dinner scene. The disappearance stayed in the back of my mind. I can't help but think (or hope) she shall have a more evil role in the next book because if her only role was to be an instigator I feel it was a poor on the writers part but I have more faith in this writer's talent. Over all it was distracting. Also, a bad technique was the cliffhanger ending I didn't need it to read the next book. It is also not stopping from continuing on in the series.
This was really good. I am looking forward to the next one in the series. I was super surprised at the ending. I wanted to smack Connell Maccon for assuming that his wife was unfaithful instead of realizing it was a miracle. I almost cried for Alexia being rejected by everyone.
I loved it. The characters continue to be a joy and the humour, sharp.
The story was all right, it gave some interesting revelations but didn't hold my interest too much. I only really cared about the characters.
Ridiculous in a great way. This book really does not take itself seriously, utterly strewn with puns and jokes, while at the same time having a good solid mystery to dig your teeth into. A great book if you want a smile on your face.
So I thought I was over this series and I was wrong! She pulled me in again.
I loved seeing Sidheag. I forgot how much I liked the inventions and the dirigibles. I liked the mystery and the way she solved it. I enjoyed Ivy and Felicity as well .
I didn't expect the reaction at the end. That made me sad. I will be reading the next one. I have to know what happens next.
I LOLed several times and the ending left me grabbing for the next volume, so I am well pleased with the series.
This originally appeared at The Irresponsible Reader.
I had two options to start this post with:
Ivy waved the wet handkerchief, as much as to say, words cannot possibly articulate my profound distress. Then, because Ivy never settled for meaningful gestures when verbal embellishments could compound the effect, she said, “Words cannot possibly articulate my profound distress.”
“I did so want to see the Highlands,” said Miss Hisselpenny. As though there would be some sort of line, drawn on the ground, that indicated transition from one part of Scotland to the next. Miss Hisselpenny had already commented that Scotland looked a lot like England, in a tone of voice that suggested this a grave error on the landscape's part.
The change comprised a good deal of biological rearranging. This, like rearranging ones parlor furniture for a party, involve the transition from tidy to very messy to tidy once more. And, as with any redecoration, there was a moment in the middle where it seemed impossible that everything could possibly go back together harmoniously. In the case of werewolves, this moment involved hair retreating to become fur, bones fracturing and mending into new configurations, and flesh and muscles sliding about on top of or underneath the two.
Oh for Christ's sake, this book was torturous. I had to fight my way to the end because I wanted to know what happened, but even with the MAJOR cliff hanger I just refuse to read the next in the series. Every single character went from interesting(in Soulless) to downright obnoxious! Save yourself the agony.