Average rating4.1
once again I have no idea where to start.
The way that in the start it was just so good/evil type vibe. Like good fighting evil. Somwhere along the line it shifted and just ye. I am not a super fan of the moral greyness tho. I just generally do not really like moral grey for some reason. Please dont kill me for that opinion.
The main cacarther was a... struggel for me in the start. I just did not like Will, I dont really know why. BUt the more I read the more I just wormed up to him. He is just generaly so.... thinky? He does not really jump into actions.
A caracther that I just ... I am protective with my life. IS VIOLET. I WILL MURDER WHOEVER HURTS HER. I just like her. There is also so much depth in some of these caracthers.
This book is defently not all good for me. I started loosing intrest sometimes. Like the entire middel just feels like a long lag. Just draggng out in things and details I just found no intrest in. BUT overall it was just so good. like te switch from Ok, it is good to just suddenly being GIVE ME A NEW ONE. Was kinda quick in the ending there. Like YES I like.