Average rating3.7
bit of a lame - captured prisoner/hero rescue plot but some fun world building and adventure
Following Alosa who, as the title suggests, is the daughter of the Pirate King. After being caught by another pirate, Alosa reveals that her kidnapping was the plan all along: she was supposed to find 1/3rd of a map to get to an island said to be full of treasure (Pirate of the Caribbean vibes, anyone?).
During her imprisonment, the reader sees that Alosa is more than meets the eye (no spoilers for that lol) and we meet the dashing Riden, Alosa's automatic enemy because said enemy is the First Mate of the Captain of the ship that Alosa is a prisoner on (unfortunately for Alosa, Riden is hot. Unfortunately for Riden, Alosa has a secret that puts him in danger...of falling for her).
Anyway, secrets are revealed, plot twists arrive and go quite quickly and of course, Alosa is a badass as usual (you can't expect anything less from the daughter of a pirate king, now can you?) and Riden is one hell of a charmer. Another thing I really loved, despite it being in the last parts of the book is how Alosa has an incredible bond and friendship with her crewmates and I love how they're all showcased for a bit towards the end (slight spoiler?)
Overall, this book was really great! Highly recommend
2,75 stars.
It makes me sad that I did not like the book I was hoping to like so much.
The story and the characters fell flat for me. It kind of felt like someone wrote a fanfiction and decided to publish it (I'm so sorry).
I did like the boldness of the main character. I love me some strong ass women in stories! :D
The ending was the best part of the book in my opinion.
I am still conflicted if I want to read the second book or if I'm just gonna let this one drift away.
I thought the book hadn't finished when it had :(
a favourite for sure <3
Wat een leuk verhaal. Ik denk niet dat ik al ooit over piraten had gelezen. Elosa heeft me in elk geval niet teleurgesteld!
Gosh, I love Alosa. Such a strong and amazing character, I love the fact that she knows her strength and she doesn't let any man take her down. She is the Daughter of the Pirate King and she is not afraid to fight for her dreams: that one day she may become the Queen of the Ocean, when her father's reign will end.
There's a lot happening in this book and I enjoyed reading something set at sea. There's a lot of talk about pirates, ships, the ocean, sirens and I loved reading about them, especially since Tricia's writing style is so lovely! What I loved the most was Alosa's sarcasm and wit, she is such a funny character that can't shut up, even when it would be better for her. I can relate to that
Loved it, I don't think I've ever read a book this fast. Fun and refreshing read, recommend it for anyone in a reading slump.
I really like pirate books, and the idea of a female pirate protagonist was appealing. And I did enjoy what I read for perhaps the first third of the book – until the romance plot showed up. After that, I stuck with it for the bits of heroic female pirate action, but it all felt flat. Her powers that manifest seem to come out of nowhere, and then explained through some “oh by the way” exposition that seemed to not fit with the rest of the story.
I finished it, but I likely will not read further into the series.
sOOOO fun for a swashbuckling story!! i loved it with all my heart. we are on the grip on the characters straight from the start (alosa please step on me) and the love-hate romance is exquisite to follow!! i can't wait to read the sequel <33
absolutely hard not to love. this book is feminist, enemies to lovers and obviously contains pirates... what more could you possibly ask for?
1,5 stars (0.5 extra because I didnt actually finish it)
I really,,,REALLY wanted to like this book. Because pirates??? Hell yea! But all this book feels like to me,,,is self insert Wattpad Fanfiction
A partial enemies to lovers with a solid plot.
Simple but easy to read writing and first person account that improves as you go on. Excellent foreshadowing and strong characters.
Male characters could use some work in the romance department but was still enjoyable.
Gives Jack Sparrow trickiness with a sprinkle of One Piece. Thinking I'm gonna have to find some more sea faring adventures after this one! Loved the premise and the subtle foreshadowing in this one, without being completely obvious of every major plot point.
Daughter of the Pirate King follows seventeen-year-old pirate princess Alosa as she purposefully gets herself kidnapped aboard an enemy pirate's ship in the hopes of gaining their piece of a legendary treasure map. She's met her match, however, when she meets the first mate Riden: who is charming and equally as cunning as she is.
Really, there was a LOT to love about this book. Although the beginning was sort of a rocky start for me, I'm glad I continued to read and I really look forward to the second one in the duology.
I'm going to break down this review by what I liked and what I didn't like simply because there wasn't THAT much to say about it.
What I liked:
• All the pirate-y dialogue!
• Riden and Alosa's banter was hella cute, even when it came about at unexpected times.
• The theme of unconditional love and what it means. I LOVE that. Of course, that's possibly because I'm writing a pirate book that deals with the same theme.
• Riden genuinely loves his brother, even though he's a disgusting human being. I liked this a whole hell of a lot because it's true to life. I also appreciated that Alosa honored that bond.
What I didn't like:
• The random pissing match between Drexen and Alosa in the beginning just felt so bizarre and unrealistic to me.
• Alosa was really bad at keeping her cover.
In the end, I would recommend this to teenagers and pre-teens who are new to reading. I thought it was a cute, fun, easy read and look forward to the next one!