Average rating3.7
To be honest I don't remember the intricacies of Divergent, but you don't really need to here. This has some Four backstory (which I enjoyed as much as I did the trilogy), but basically if you want the YA Feels from the Divergent trilogy from Four's POV, this book is for you.
I really liked this book! Very fast paced and enjoyable.
I can't give individual ratings to each novella because I feel like they need one another to really make sense and because of that I can't rate them like separated novellas.
All the way through Divergent and Insurgent I felt like Four was just a character that was just there for a purpose and that was it. Never found him interesting or likable in any way, because he never showed real feelings and the little he showed was just for showing his attraction to Tris, and they are not one of my favorite couples.
BUT, in this book I really get to know him so well! Being inside his head change my thoughts about a lot of things that happened in the first two books. I liked this book so much that I think I like him now (not love, just LIKE). Having a perspective of the Dauntless-before-Tris and Four having friends was refreshing.
The thing I didn't like a about this book was the whole childhood trauma about his dad. It got very repetitive sometimes. And I found the meetings with her mother boring.
But anyway, 4 solid stars for this fun read!
I have a love-hate relationship with the Divergent series sometimes I've just want to kill the characters and sometimes I love them. So with this book I felt the same. I wish I had read this book before finishing [bc:Allegiant|18710190|Allegiant (Divergent, #3)|Veronica Roth|https://d.gr-assets.com/books/1406726458s/18710190.jpg|15524549] because now it's really sad to read about Tris again... The book wasn't very interesting or new because it only explains a few things that are deducted from the entire series, but I enjoyed it but unfortunately not as much as [bc:Divergent|13335037|Divergent (Divergent, #1)|Veronica Roth|https://d.gr-assets.com/books/1328559506s/13335037.jpg|13155899].
I loved having an alternate view into the Divergent universe. Such fun characters who made me want to be in the story just as much as the first time I was introduced to Roth's version of a dystopia.
Really I give this 3.5. It's healing therapy after that traumatic book Allegient. I liked parts of this, but others were just “ok read this before”. The author should have written a more complete book as a sequel, but I get the novellas. I really wish Roth put the last few views? chapters? moments? in order into the last novella, the Traitor. Reading them out of order was just odd. This was a nice book to get from the library, but I wouldn't recommend buying it. I also won't buy the knife throwing scene.
Off to my next adventure.
Four is my favourite character in the entire Divergent series.
Loved these snippets totally from his POV.
I don't believe in guilty pleasures. The way I see it, if it makes me happy and I'm not hurting anybody, there's no cause for guilt.
That said, I feel like I shouldn't have enjoyed this collection of stories as much as I did. But I did! So very much! I have a soft spot for fast, fun reads, and this is one. Normally, the story we get is the story we get. If we want something more, we have to turn to fanfic. And then, it's not like we know that's what the author originally imagined.
But this! In this collection we get to revisit the slice of life to which we were introduced in Divergent and go behind the scenes with Four. And that's just so freaking cool!
Favourite thing: references without any elucidation to stuff that happened in Divergent. If you've read the book, you'll go, Oh, yeah, I remember that! If you haven't, there's no effort made to include you or catch you up on things. I love that. It feels like the continuation of a conversation between an author and her readers.
I read this book in little over a day, and I loved every page. Often short story collections that accompany series are just filler and fan service fun, but this one was a genuinely wonderful story in its own right. I loved it. I love Four/Tobias as a character in general, and this exploration of his life and thoughts added a great deal to my love of the series.
Great story. I'm very happy that I could read this. I wanted to know more details about Four's life.
I recommend this book to everyone. I m a very big fan of Divergent
I was supposed to read THE INFINITE SEA by Rick Yancey but I ended up reading this instead. The reasons why are: 1. I'm still having a hangover from reading The 5th Wave. That book was just too good that I still can't get over it. So I have to read something else until I'm all calmed and collected. ; 2. I missed the Divergent series. It's been more than a year now since I finished Allegiant and I think that was even way before the first Divergent film was released. I couldn't give less of a flying fudge about the films though. The films ruined the books for me and there weren't any justice to it. So here's a short review about this book.
It's interesting to relive some moments through Four's perspective and to get more insight into his past. He was a rebel before Tris and not because of her. Going through his initiation was my favorite - to see him develop friendships and enemies. It's totally a prequel and gives more insight into the universe.
I actually did see the difference in voices between Tris and Tobias. What I loved about them was everything they had in common and the different ways they came about their common goals. But onto Tobias' (or Four's) perspective, it was a little disappointing not to really gleam any new information from him. However if you love Four then this will be a ahem cute little treat for Tobias fangirls out there, and filled with some memorable quotes.
All in all, it's a definite must-read for all of the fans of the trilogy. But be warned about the short length. For those who will buy the book, the size will not warrant the price. Talk about nickel and dimming. Maybe Ms. Roth is trying to make as much $$$ as possible now just in case she won't create another hit (no offense hahaha).
It was nice to dive back into the familiar world and get more insight on Divergent
I have been ignoring this book for at least 5 years after finishing the trilogy, I decided that the book didn't deserve to have my eyes grace the words because of everything that happened in Allegiant. I'm glad I did, because I mourned the ending, mourned a good ship. Got over the fact that Four ended up with Christina 5 years later, I HATE HER SO MUCH... I haven't really gotten over it. But I will, someday.
3.5 stars!
It's a little redundant after having read divergent, but it's still entertaining to read another characters perspective.
Four was already my favourite character. He was just better written than Tris. This book just made me wish the entire series really had been written from his perspective.