Average rating3.8
I love VE Schwab. I felt this book was missing something the whole time I read it. I couldn't help but think I had heard the story before. I thought yo myself...”this feels like vicious meets Addie, meets Near Witch...”.
As I read though...I saw the story was unique and had that classic Schwab touch. What was so great was how relatable Olivia was.
Overall, the book was great...not phenomenal (like so many of her others). Great read with great characters I just felt like it was missing something. Maybe it was missing a chapter or two on just death, but maybe the mystery was the point. Still unsure.
Thank you Victoria for another great book!
it's like The Secret Garden but gothic
SPOILERS FOR BOTH THE SECRET GARDEN AND THIS BOOKsimilarities between The Secret Garden and this book:-orphans get sent to their uncles house that never wanted them-male cousin is sick and gets forced to stay in bed-male cousin thinks they are doomed to die-both aunts are also dead-dead mums ghost comes to visit them -trying to get past a wall to see a garden-everyone is secretive whats in the garden and tells them to never go in there-magic plants-welcomed into family at the end-and many more but its 10pm and im tired
also mute character that doesn't miraculously talk at the end! as a mute girl its sad to see that mute people only get to have happy ending if they talk but being mute is fine and we can have happy endings too!
4/5 stars
I want to, soooo so badly, to give this 5 stars. Because it's VE Schwab, my favorite author ever and I love everything they do, but I don't give out 5 stars as easily as I used to and we've got to be honest with my rating.
But let's be real here, I'll probably go back and give it 5 stars. I'm just such trash for Schwab that it's not even funny anymore. And there were definitely parts that were 5 stars here, especially the writing, which was absolutely gorgeous (as per usual with VE Schwab) and the story between Olivia's parents. If this story was just about Olivia's mother and father, it might be one of the easiest 5 stars I have ever given out, but, unfortunately, it probably would have been too reminiscent of Addie Larue and we got this book instead.
And, also as per usual with VE Schwab, the plot and the world are so beautiful and complex and unique. Truly unlike any other book out there.
I loved all that, but I was left wanting more (and not in the good way).
I just think the story was rushed and the characters didn't seem very fleshed out. And there were a few times here and there where I was bored. I wasn't compelled to pick it up.
I finished it a long time ago, just hasn't been active here lately. :) It was a very intriguing read, but it got quite repetitive near the end, and I was losing interest.
As Schwab is one of my favourite writers and ghosts one of my favourite subjects, it's no surprise that I really enjoyed this.
I agree with other reviewers that it's more of a very young adult or older childhood book rather than an adult read but that didn't make it any less enjoyable. I didn't agree with the fact that a lot of reviewers found Olivia really annoying. She's much more relatable and less obnoxious than Cassidy from Schwab's Cassidy Blake series, which is actually written for children. I found her mutism made her more interesting because she had to find more inventive ways to express herself or communicate, though these can be naughty as she's still a pre-teen and probably not as mentally/emotionally developed as normal having been raised by a religious orphanage. While she is communicating with the reader because it's from her POV, I didn't find her thoughts whiney or insufferable.
However, the plot didn't really feel as planned out as it should have been and, if you're an avid reader of the author like myself, you'll see a repeat of some ideas from their earlier books. It's obvious Schwab likes to write about ghosts and she has a specific idea of what they would look like, which is a theme throughout their descriptions in different books.
This reminded me a lot of Coraline, with some obvious influence from both Crimson Peak and The Haunting [on Hill House]. If you like fantastical or gothic horror, definitely give this a try.
I guess this is what happens when you have a tiny nice idea, but no plot, yet feel you HAVE to publish something. Fill it with endless repetitions and illustrations to make it look like a full novel when it's not even got a novella's worth of actual content...
Olivia as a character is great. She is inquisitive and smart and her not being able to talk is great storytelling. It is not only connected to the mystery, of where she came from and who she is, but also a big part of the way she communicates and how her life has been shaped. All the characters from Gallant as just as complex, I loved that they all had their characters and motivations really making them feel very distinct. Even the ghouls who can't say much and aren't even alive had clear characterisations.
The story was well written in the way that I usually figured out what was going on just before the characters did or it was spelt out. It makes you feel smart for knowing it but doesn't make the characters seem dumb for not seeing it. It also genuinely made me scared, the way some exposition was written made it seem like it should be made of movies scenes cut together instead of words on pages. It's like I could see exactly how this movie would be cut and directed somehow.
The only thing that bothered me about the book is the thing that bothers me about more of Schwab's books. The villain's motivation is born out of him just being a monster. Sure he has reasons for doing specific things, like inviting her or being angry at losing a piece of himself. But the reason he is evil is just because he is a monster. He is Death and supernatural beings need no explanation for being evil. I don't like that about it. For the same reason, I find her endings often very unsatisfying. Like the book sets up this great story and then drops the ball in the last 30 pages.
I wasn't really aware of what to expect from this book except from an amazing cover. And I get a dark book full of mystery and tension which I enjoyed from the first page to the last one. A solid 90% rating that would fit 4,5* out of 5*. Strongly recommended if you like haunted mansions.
Ehh, it's ok. The start was too slow moving for me, only picking up right near the end. I feel like there was a lot more that could have been done that I was hoping and expecting that never happened. Gives off similar vibes to Coraline if that's ur thing. Overall idk if I would recommend it.
This was such a fast read, holy moly! I started it like three hours ago. The writing style is great, what else would you expect from Schwab!!! I do wish the ending was prolonged a bit or that the pace of the story was more evenly ‘spread' through the book. The conclusion felt a bit rushed in my opinion.
Overall a very interesting and great read! Highly recommend. Love the spooky vibes. ;3
Books, Coffee & Passion
Gallant started slow. This is the story of an orphan girl: Olivia. She's living in an orphan house, she can't speak and the only thing she cherishes is her mother's journal. She doesn't remember her mother and she has no friends. She's a lonely girl that sees ghouls. Unexpectedly, she receives a letter from her uncle summoning her to their family home: Gallant.
Despite the slow start, Olivia's journey after arriving in Gallant, and her parents' story, were beautiful. V. E. Schwab's writing set a creepy, atmospheric, gothic vibe that hooked me. The mystery about her family and Gallant, Olivia's need to belong, to have a family, and to be loved were beautifully incorporated into the gothic manor setting. The secondary characters that lived in Gallant were interesting too. The build-up took a while and the ending felt a little rushed. I think this could've been a little longer. The illustrations included in the book were stunning and added a fantastic layer to the story.
Overall, I enjoyed this one a lot.
This felt more like a mystery or suspense for a while and I kept wondering what would be coming next.
Boring as. I know this first hour was just set up and the real story is coming but I just don't understand why it took an hour to get anywhere.
At the end of the day this was a library loan and I have better things to be reading.
writing : amazing - love V.E Schwab
Story : not for me, was me to much middle grade
5 out of 5 stars for Gallant.
It does border on middle grade mixed with YA.
This is a story about Olivia, who is an orphan living at a girls boarding school. She is also mute. She can also see ghosts. She doesn't fit in with the other girls and longs to find a place in the world where she belongs. This is a story about discovering yourself, finding your place in the world, and finding your bravery.
Olivia gets a letter calling her away to Gallant, her family home. She meets a whole new cast of characters and her adventure starts.
I loved the way that Schwab captured the voice of a young girl in this novel. She captures the innocence while also showing the young girls growth throughout her journey.
Olivia is a clever, brave girl, and the conclusion of the novel was at both times heartbreaking and satisfying.
I highly recommend this novel.
This was a surreal read; haunting, and occasionally dipping under the line of whimsy into creepy territory. Favourite moments from creepy to heartbreaking to soulful:
Thomas turning?
“Until I fall asleep”?
He's teaching her piano?!!!
Loved it.
Not really my thing, but I liked the plot. It was kind of predictable, but that's okay. My heart broke a little at the last chapter... (was not expecting that).
Loved the worldbuiling tho!
I am not ok!!! HOLY MACARONI!! I-I-I- I dont even know what to say... this book was at 4 stars the entire time until the ending!! WHY DID MATTHEW HAD TO AHHH HDEGFYHUW I AM IN PAIN IN PAIN I SAY IN PAAIIINNN!!!!! but you know he is with his dad and brother and mom now he been alone without his family and plus he was ready to give his life up!!! BUT STILL IT HURTS LIKE A BITCH.. IM HERE CRYING MY EYES OUT!!! IM SHOCKED I READ THIS IN A DAY LIKE WHHAAAATTTT!!!
This book was so GOOOOOODDD!!!! had my attention from the beginning to the end and WOOWW was it amazing.. had me on the edge of my seat trying to figure out what happen to these characters that died. V.E Schwab did it again yall!!! SHE DID IT AGAIN!!! HER WRITING IS MUWAH JUST CHEF'S KISS!!!
now i need to see some fan art of these characters.
There's a lot to like about Gallant, especially if you enjoyed her Darker Shade of Magic trilogy. Similar strengths include:
Imperfect but like-able and cheer-for-able protagonists
Tremendous shaping of the atmosphere of her world; the setting feels like a character itself
Really good scope. Gallant doesn't try to be about the whole world/universe in a way that makes the problem feel more abstract than serious (cough cough Marvel). Even though the villain has larger aspirations, the focus is on digging in deeply to one house and its rhythms. This pays off a lot by getting to know the few characters really well and in a few different layers, and the layers we learn about the house pay off in the plot in a non-gimmicky way. Also, in the age of everything being part of a cinematic universe, it was wonderfully refreshing to find an author who had a good idea, told a story about it in a reasonable number of pages, and let it be. It's self-contained because that's all it needs to be
It feels more like a fairy tale than anything, but I really like the tone. You'd think it's bleak and gothic/horror on paper, but it actually feels quite warm and sentimental in unexpected ways, especially the very end. Touching and sweet
Cons: the main character has a million questions, and the biggest ones never really get answered. Maybe that's by design to keep the reader guessing at the mystery of it all (and to make it more of a fairy tale than a hard fantasy, which is fine), but I have the same basic “so, what the heck is going on?” questions as Olivia did and I'd like to overhear someone give her the rundown
23rd May 2022:
Honestly, I don't know what to say about this book. It conveyed what it wanted to convey but it didn't feel like it was spectacularly new. I guess simply put it was not a boring book but not really my cup of tea.
Final rating: 2/5.
This book follows a young orphan woman who can see ghosts. All she has of her family is her mothers journal. One day, she gets a letter from an unknown uncle inviting her to the family house, Gallant. What follows is a haunted house story, where this young woman must confront her past and her present family, as well as the horrors beyond the wall.
VE Schwab is an incredible story teller. Her prose is always top notch. This book is no exception. However, I found this story a little predictable. I was a little underwhelmed with the twists and turns. The family was the most intersting part of the story, but I didn't feel like we got enough time exploring the characters. I felt like the house was the focus, which is fair, but I wanted some more character building. I wanted to know more about the people that already lived in this house.
All in all, a good book and worth the read.
TW: abandonment, ableism, bullying, blood, death, grief, self harm, suicide (off page), suicidal thoughts
What can I say other than I loved it. A heartfelt and haunting story. It does remind me of the movie Crimson Peak but not in any bad ways. And I think it's good to have a story where a mute girl is the protagonist because representation matters. ❤️
This is a story that will live with me forever
I'll catch myself thinking about it, mind wondering back to Gallant like I belong. Finding a piece of myself within Olivia Prior. Wishing that I could relive this tale over and over again.
Wonderfully told, the world so frightening and vivid. The two Gallants, each house a character.
How I love Olivia.
Nonverbal and yet so strong. Stubborn. Angry.
I have so many feelings after this book. Emotions that'll keep with me long after I've set the book back on the shelf. V E Schwab writes so perfectly her words flowing onto the page and resonating deep within.
I will be returning to this book often.
This deserves all the stars. Utter Perfection.