Average rating3.6
Current rating: ⭐⭐⭐
Upon rereading it a third time, two years later, I found it a lot more average. I guess with more that you read and the more excellent books that you read the standard gets higher. So I guess this book just isn't up to tha standar any more.
Previous rating : ⭐⭐⭐⭐
J'ai encore un peu de mal à me soustraire à l'univers tellement j'en ai été insatiable. J'en suis toujours. J'ai pris un plaisir monstre et inédit à suivre les aventures de Mare, héroïne maudite qui ne peut compter que sur un miracle, une étincelle de bonté là où tout n'est que conflits d'intérêts, guerres et trahisons. La guerre s'est écoulée jusqu'au caveau des os de mon corps, de mon cerveau, luttant pour ne pas pousser de petits cris de surprises dans mon bus blindé. Les cinq étoiles sont méritées !!
P.S : Cal <3
Je devais parler de lui.
16/07/'16 - 19/07/'16
Ik wil boek twee beginnen, maar dacht dat ik beter eerst nog eens deel 1 opnieuw las. Gezien ik het vorig jaar keisnel uit had, zal dit nu ook wel weer zo zijn.
En dat was het geval en ik blijf van dezelfde mening ook!
Gelezen 04/08/'15 - 06/08/'15
Oh boy, oh boy! Wat een leuk boek. Wat een plottwist!
Ik had gigantische vertraging met de trein (aansluiting gemist en zo) en ik was zowaar ontgoocheld toen ik mijn thuisstation binnen reed, omdat ik moest stoppen met lezen!
En ja, toen ik de laatste pagina uit had heb ik meteen deel twee gereserveerd via bookdepository!! :-D
(Meer hier)
This is a creative story with lots of twists and turns. There seems to be a lot of books of its kind, dystopian books about with the upper class and lower class, but I enjoyed it all the same.
Not as good as I expected, but I liked it. I was waiting for the incredible plottwist, but it wasn't really predictable. I liked the world building, but it wasn't as much as I hoped it would be.
I thought it would be a “selection” vibe, but it wasn't. I think that's why my rating isn't as high as I hoped it would be.
Mare is a Red–a normal, unpowered laborer with little hope for anything other than dying as a pawn in the Silver's endless war. When a quirk of fate reveals that Mare impossibly has Silver-like powers, the king forces her into hiding in plain sight. Mare is betrothed to the youngest Silver prince and forced to pretend to be the long-lost last surviving daughter of a noble Silver family. Mare is finally in the position to do something to help her people, but who can she trust?
This was one of those books I couldn't put down. I enjoyed Mare as a character and loved the way Aveyard built her world. There are some familiar YA tropes in this book, but there was enough to keep me guessing. I knew Mare was being played, but I wasn't totally sure until the end who was behind the manipulation. There's action, intrigue, a little romance–it's an enjoyable, fun read.
Estuvo predecible muchas veces pero me ha gustado. Este medio cuadrado amoroso que hubo, bien hecho.También en: El Extraño Gato del CuentoRed Queen es uno de esos libros que tuvo la suerte de caer en buenos publicistas: la portada fue vista por primera vez en USA TODAY y, si tenías la suerte que HARPER TEEN te cediera el libro antes de su publicación, eras algo así como el Top-Top de los bloggers. Obviamente a mí me lo dieron :v Ok, el punto no era del todo presumir, el punto es ¿Es tanta publicidad engañosa? Harper Teen tiene una gran tradición en hacer escándalo por poquito (hombre debe ser), al menos conmigo la mayoría de veces fue así. La respuesta a eso es sí y no, ahora te explico por qué.Al empezar el libro tuve un flash back con Pawn de Aimee Carter, hay mucha similitud en la manera que comienza, factor que casi me hace dejar el libro, porque como dije más arriba, los libros de Harper Teen o son muy buenos o son muy malos, no tienen casi un término intermedio. Hasta que leí un par de párrafos más y pasamos a esta escena que también fue otro motivo de 50/50 en mí: La Pelea de los Plateados. ¿Fan de X-Men o solo fan de los súper poderes? Vas a amar este escena y todas las demás que vengan con súper poderes porque hay un montón (y quizá lo veamos en el cine pronto, los derechos fueron comprados en 2013, aunque no tengo más noticias sobre algún avance).Pero así como los poderes es uno de los puntos fuertes de RED QUEEN también es uno de esos momentos que no me convencieron del todo, para mí si usas poderes físicos (aka: telekinesis, fuego, agua o cosas parecidas), no hay forma que no te crea, para mí es algo que pasa y no hay fuerza de la naturaleza que me convenza de lo contrario PERO si usas poderes como Visiones, Lectura de Mentes o Control Mental (básicamente todo lo que tenga que ver con la mente, ¿tengo una obsesión con el cerebro, te has dado cuenta?) Se me hace complicado de creer porque ¿si puedes ver el futuro como no puedes ver todo lo que pasará y me refiero a TODO? ¿Si lees la mente como es que mantienes tales secretos? El libro explica que los poderse no surgen por arte de magia (:P ironía creo) y que hay formas de “engañarlos” pero aun así... No sé, esa parte no me convenció del todo.Lo que me encantó, amé con toda mi alma a es a las malvadas: Reina Elana y Evangeline. Son unas desgraciadas pero las amo.Últimamente siento gran atracción por los libros con mucha política, Red Queen está bastante bien, quizá no tan espectacular como otro libro (cofcofTheWinner'sCusecofcof) pero sí me ha gustado un montón, sobre todo por los Rebeldes Rojos que amenazan el imperio, Farley es otro personaje que es bastante resaltante por su personalidad.Si estás cansado de leer triángulos amorosos, te tengo sorpresa, no hay triángulo amoroso, hay cuadrado :D ¡Y NO SÉ A CUAL ELEGIR! D: No puedo comentar exactamente porqué, lo que me hizo confundir mis sentimientos fue al final, donde el infierno se desató (Primer libro, era de esperarse :P) y aunque hay uno que solo merece que le escupa en la cara, tengo fe que se redima ¿Si perdemos la fe, que nos queda kitten?Por ahí leí que el libro exageraba un poco en descripciones, siendo la persona perezosa que soy, sería de esperarse que yo también lo dijera, sólo que para mí no hubo exceso de texto, luego de leer ese comentario estuve pensando exactamente dónde es que podía haber pasado y no se me ocurre ninguna, me gustó todo lo que leí, muchas veces incluso tuve la necesidad de leerlo en voz alta. Aveyard no tiene una prosa exactamente remarcable pero sí una narrativa atrayente, de las que te hacen leer un libro de más 500 páginas en un ratito.Si bien el libro tiene algunos fallos, un poco con los poderes y algunas cosas bastante predecibles, ha sido una buena lectura, es un buen inicio de trilogía. Espero que la escritora no exagere en los próximo libros con el drama romántico, no lo hizo esta vez, lo usó pero en sus momentos precisos y sin dejarse llevar demasiadoTraiciones, poderes sobre humanos, una pelea por la justicia y muertes, Red Queen te pregunta, en el futuro evolutivo ¿Serás un Rojo o un Plata?Twitter Blog Pinterest Tumblr Instagram Facebook
What a great adventure. I didn't mind that it has a strong female lead, and ideas of social injustice not unlike hunger games / divergent / twilight. All in all a fun dystopian fantasy novel with a strong cast, morals and romance, magical abilities without mysticism, and a skewed social system just primed for revolution. I took a point off as i saw influences from several other franchises but all in all worth the time. Will i suggest my hunger game obsessed niece try it, yes definitely. Will i read the sequel , yes definitely.
Read my full review here: https://vicsense.wordpress.com/2017/02/13/red-queen-red-queen-1/
There were quite a few obvious plot holes throughout the book. The most glaring one in my opinion, is the fact that Mare goes from being ‘ordinary' to having superpowers and , overnight, she seemingly gains perfect control of these new powers without much difficulty. There's no sense of hardship in learning to control her new ability, she seems to just suddenly be able to wield her powers without a second thought.
The most unlikely thing in my opinion is Mare's ability to plan a whole revolution right under the nose of the Queen (who has the ability to read minds), and never once stops to think “hey, it's really strange that the Queen isn't doing anything to stop my plans”. The final battle is so contrived, it was almost painful to read through it. Mare, who has spent the whole book being protected by the princes, suddenly has this incredible power to her disposition, turning the tide of the battle and saving Cal's life. Very unlikely. The resistance members seem to have survived death so many times, including the last ambush where Cal's 5000 soldiers stormed their hiding place...and yet every one survived. This is completely unbelievable and shows exactly where this series is going. The plot twist was clear as day, and so is the future of the revolution.
3 stars Well...the second half was kinda better but not enough for me to keep on with the story.
I really enjoyed this book the second time around. The first time I listened to it on auudiobook and I just didn't pick up a bunch of little things like I did this time. Although this time, not only did Maven get on my nerves, but so did Mare. She was so blind to Maven's true intentions but had the nerve to tell other people they were being blind to what was going on around them. But all in all, I loved it and can't wait to read Glass Sword
The beginning was a bit slow. Other than that this book had twists that made my mind spin! Definitely picking up the next one!
Hunger Games + Divergent + Game Of Thrones.
I really enjoyed this book, but it is very obvious that the author got most of her ideas from the above books
First of all, I can't get over how well-written this book is! I LOVE Victoria's writing style and her way of describing scenes and landscapes makes the whole book come alive. I could see it so clearly in my mind as if I was watching a film.
The characters in this novel felt so real. I felt like I really got to know them all; both the good and the bad ones. I loved reading about the evil ones and I loved cheering for the protagonists.
I regret watching booktube videos reviewing this book though. Even though they all claimed to be spoiler-free, they still managed to inadvertently spoil me for the biggest plot element.
I will recommend this book to anyone who enjoys a well-written story with strong characters, set in both a dystopian & fantasy world. It's an amazing story! Read it!
good book (: i loved the storyline & the characters, but felt like some wordings were repetitive but not enough to be annoying.
The writing immediately grabs you and hooks you right into the story. It's beautifully written and the settings are all amazingly vivid while still not being too flowery and too long-winded. The characters are all so real and fleshed out. Their emotions and actions all make sense, no one does anything for no reason, and the pacing is absolutely perfect. There are twists around every turn, you think you know something, then it gets flipped completely on its head.
All I can say without spoiling anything is:
Anyone can betray anyone.
I would 100% recommend this to anyone, no matter what genre you usually prefer. This is the first fantasy I've read in a long time and what a way to jump back in. I'm going to start the second tomorrow and I am beyond excited!! I've definitely found a new favorite author!
So, I did not love this book. The writing was pretty dismal. This author needs a good editor and a thesaurus. The protagonist's motto is “anyone can betray anyone.” That's the originality in a nutshell–non-existent. The plot was all over the place, trying to leach off the selection and hunger games, but not having much of its own direction. I hung in there in hopes it would go somewhere, and it kind of did. Not earth shattering, but enough of a twist to keep me engaged. 2.5 stars.
Anyone can betray anyone. What a phrase and what story. While Red Queen is not reinventing the wheel when it comes to medieval fantasy, the story told here was well done and entertaining. The characters could certainly do with some development, but for the most part I was with Mare Barrow as she struggled to fit in with this fantastical world she finds herself in. I listened to this on audiobook across several days and the performance was outstanding. Overall well done, I look forward to the next two books in this trilogy.
Well... it was an entertaining story. BUT - when all my writing notes are “oh, she's so stupid!”, the only thing that saves this book from getting only 1 star is that it's OK written and the story, how ever stupid the MC is, is OK.
I mean... she's been with the silvers for... what? Two weeks? A month? She's been their plaything for 17 years. Her brother is dead because of them. Her sister and family lost a secure livelihood because of them. But suddenly they are nice people?
Also, she asking the silvers to rescue her brothers, family and best friend... what will the other reds be thinking? I'll tell you what they are thinking:
Also, Cal and Julian were like the only silvers who had actually done something nice to him, and Julian warns her about Maven, and she defends him against Julian. Because his uncle certainly doesn't know the prince as well as she does. He has only known the boy for 17 years, and she is his bride. For, what? A week?
She had no what so ever problems with endangering Julian, and then, later, she didn't waste one thought on him.
No-one had any life, history, relations, experiences she doesn't or doesn't know anything about. How could a man old enough to be his grandfather know anything about the capital city?
And not even a thought about the fact that the Maven KNOWS ABOUT THE SAFE HAVEN.
She's just thinking about herself.
DNF this one. Too many cliches and the plot twist is fairly obvious.
This book doesn't make sense.
Actually, the main character, Mare, doesn't make sense either. Her logic leaps all over the place, and she jumps to conclusions at the speed of light. She calls people she barely knows “cruel” or “black-hearted”, only to take it back and defend them, and then turning against them again later on. This happens mostly with her main love interest, who I think shares nearly no chemistry with her—if any.
The first time I read the blurb, I was excited. The story has such an interesting premise, but the execution... not so impressive. The world-building is rather flimsy. I feel like the whole concept of the Silver's powers never started off on a strong basis to begin with, so all the details never really stuck. It's like they're simply sprinkled all over the story, but never thoroughly explained.
Needless to say, between Mare's selfish, jealous, petty thoughts and the shaky details, I found it really hard to get into the book. The writing style itself is fine, but it's these little things that bothered me to no end. Especially the leaps in logic. The betrayal everyone called “mind-blowing” didn't exactly blow my mind, though I enjoyed the way things go south from that point on.
That's about it though, the rest is definitely not my cup of tea. I can't help but feel disappointed. It had the potential to be good. I wanted it to be good. But sadly it's not as good as I hoped it would be.