Average rating4.4
There is a definite shift in tone from the first three books; it is much darker. I thought that the book could have done with a little less side-story. I really enjoyed listening to it though!
4.75 ?????? rounded up.
This one moves a bit slower than the first three and took me longer to get through than I expected (it was easier to put down, so I often did). But JKR sure knows how to write a good ending! The last 15% or so was the best part of the book.
Reading through Goblet of Fire, I got a strong sense that with this book, JK Rowling stopped writing novels that were meant to just be novels, and started writing novels that were meant to become movies. The opening World Cup action, as well as the very visual nature of the tri-wizard challenges, would seem to confirm this. Despite this, though, the book still manages to be somewhat intriguing, and the ending of it sets a very definite tone that remains with the series until it reaches its conclusion.
In the movies, this was the one that I did not like. Something about it just struck me as contrived. Thankfully, I liked the book a lot better, even though it seems that, in the end, Harry only won through because he was a “good” person. I hope that as he grows up, he'll start winning his battles by brain, rather than by aura.
I mean, its Harry Potter.
Need I say more? But I guess I have too because 16 words are required to write an offical review.
Once again I'm impressed with the character development in this series. They are imperfect as real people are, learning real life lessons. These are my favorite things about the series in general, and this book specifically.
It seems to me that this book is more of a setup for what follows than it is about the Triwizard Championship. My only complaint is that the book felt long to me at times, but that's a personal thing.
Overall, this is a fun read that is well written with some good perspectives to think on while walking the road of life.
Anyone who has read the HP series knows how amazing and magical it is, for me the Goblet of Fire is where the series grows from simple and easy to read into a more complex and detailed story.
I love it, you probably do to. If you don't we can't be friends.
Rereading Harry Potter books its always a good idea, I'm so happy a took the decision to reread The Goblet of Fire during COVID-19 quarantine; the news are full of sad and terrifying histories but Hogwarts always fells like home. Some of the words of a well-known wizard about the importance of unity on the face of hard times really spoke to me on the current situation.
Whether you are a lifelong potterhead or not this is a really good book, full of magic, great plot and super interesting magical creatures (with a little pinch of teenage romance).
I would probably give this one a 4.75 out of 5 stars. Don't get me wrong I absolutely loved it. I just found some parts slower than others. Still an amazing read!
A 4.5 star read. This book is just darker, deeper and generally more juicy than the other three books. I love that the plot and the character developments progressed more significantly in this book. I love the Tri-Wizard tournament events. I loved Cedric diggory and I was heartbroken all over again at his death. I also have a soft spot for Krum as well and I loved meeting Bill and Charlie Weasley in this novel. I found it super interesting to re read this book and notice the discrepancies between the film and book for example the scene with the merpeople (yes people not just women) was entirely different and less violent than the film depicts. Also both Durmstrang and Beauxbatons are mixed sex schools not all boys and all girls schools like the film suggests. Also the memories in Dumbledores pensieve were different than the one dramatic memory shown in the movie. Also I never remembered Rita Skeeter being a beetle and writing articles about the champions, Hermione and Hagrid until re reading this book. I also forgot about Winky so that was a lovely surprise to remember her. Overall this book is just much more thought out and richer than the first three books so I give this book 4.5 stars and I can't wait to continue with this series!
Another great book from J K Rowling. Books getting darker as the years pass. Harry comes face to face with death - unnecessary and sudden. He also learns to accept the inevitable with courage; some things simply cannot be changed - a hard lesson for the toughest among us. I also realised that most of Dumbledore's dialogues are “Quotable quotes”, really! Great story-telling. Can't wait to continue the series.
3.5/4 Читайте книги перед тем как смотреть фильм
Мой читательский опыт оставляет желать лучшего, но все же это сугубо моё мнение.
Я - фанат фильмов Гарри Поттер и как фанат обязана была прочитать книги. К кубку огня я пришла уже в 2021 году и сообственно выбрала первой книгой для прочтения в 2021 году. Вначале мне было жутко грустно переваливать через половину книги, козалось что эта книга тянется долго и нудно. Возможно из-за того что я знаю наизусть все фильмы и поэтому знаю что где и как будет (хоть приблизительно). Некоторые моменты были действительно интересны (те, что отличались в фильме и книге), но впринципи я хорошо знала сюжет. Поэтому каждое напоминание от автора где, когда и как происходило в прошлых частях меня убивало...
Да, конечно, нужно читать книги, а после смотреть фильм, и это правило должно быть не гласным, но до книг я добралась лишь сейчас, поэтому как случилось так случилось, заклинание забвения применить не удалось(
4 - за книгу и сюжет, если бы получилось применить забвение
3.5 - как маглорожденному который не правильно применял заклинание забвения
It weirdly took me a while to write this review. I feel like I read this book so quickly and deeply that I felt so much of it. I really loved this book my favorite in the series so far and I will continue to read them.
Firstly, I think that the world really opened up in this book, connecting all of the previous information that we've been building on in the world building of the previous books. By being able to see students from different schools and how the ministry is completely bumbling it's setting up really well for the next book.
For the characters, I really love the tension between Ron and Harry. It was kind of our first time seeing him lose what he thought was his friendship with Ron when in reality it's so much more. When the Weasley come and visit him for the dragon exhibition and he is so shocked that they're there like I think he's starting to actually figure out that there are family out there for him. He just needs to tell them that he loves them and when something goes wrong
Lastly, the end of the book kind of was disgusting finding out that Barty Crouch Junior was being held hostage was disgusting to me. The whole scene with Voldemort in the end was absolutely disgusting. I
'm so excited to read the next book.
There's really not much i can say that others haven't said. This book has everything - drama (both HS drama & plot-related suspense), tragedy, humor (mostly bc it's all from Harry's pov), budding romances, foreshadowing, lies & subterfuge, and that one character that everyone hates :)
OH and Hermione being an absolute ICON!!
And NO ONE can forget that glorious Malfoy-ferret scene!!!
Goblet of Fire is my favorite book in the series. This book is really when everything takes off. There's a ton of set up in the first couple books to get to this point. Lots of characters to introduce, spells and concepts to be mentioned and so forth. Now as we're to the middle point of the series, things get super complicated and even more interesting.
With the book being 20.5 hours long, thank goodness for a good narration performance by Jim Dale. He brings the characters alive and just puts to much feeling into his performance that I can just fall into the story. I have nothing bad to say about Jim Dale's work and would gladly listen to him read the phone book if he read it like this book.
Obviously don't start the series at this point, but if you like fantasy, I encourage listening to this series.
A little too many plot conveniences.
Mostly one-dimensional characters.
Some humor.
Plain, ordinary narrative language (with a bunch of false latins for spells and magic stuff).