Average rating4.4
Honestly, I think Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince (books 5-7 have always been top tier for me) may be my favorite of the Harry Potter series. I just love the background into Voldemort and we finally start seeing things coming together.
The underlying romance between Ron and Hermione, the romance between Harry and Ginny, Tom Riddle's obsession with vanquishing death and his belief that magic means that one should be master of death, Dumbledore's overall message of more love in this world (ironic that Rowling could write such a character and then have the beliefs that she does... I get in her mind that it isn't about loving someone else, but I struggle to see it in any other way), Dumbledore's speech about tyrants being afraid of someone rising up and being afraid of those that they oppress.
This book has such great moments in it. Finally, the series is no longer light and fluffy always, but recognizes that there are evils in this world and things worth fighting for.
After the high level of excitement in the last Potter novel, this one seemed like a bit of a let-down. I'll admit that the ending is rather emotionally draining, but there isn't a lot of build-up towards that. Instead we get a lot of exposition about Voldemort and his relationship to Harry; it's obvious that this is mostly just set-up material for the last book in the series, although it is definitely necessary expository information. It would have been nice, however, if that information had been spread out a bit more evenly over the series, rather than being placed in the penultimate book through the ultimate plot device, the Pensieve. At the very least, however, it does a very good job of creating anticipation for the last novel in the series.
this.. this ! omfg this!!!! ... I CAN'T
what did he do to you!! WHAT WHY WHY DID YOU DO THIS WHY OMFG WHYYYY!!! I thought Dumbledore is invincible! I thought he was the wizards' God or something... but no. when SNAPE THE ASS , said avada kedavra... I was incredulous SAYING THAT IT HAS TO BE IMPOSSIBLE... IT HAS TO BEEEE !!!!! HE CAN'T DIE! HE DOESN'T DIE! NO HE DOESN'T BUT THEN IT HIT ME!!! He can't... omfg no he can't!! I thought he would counter jinx the avada kedavra using badass wandless magic or something at the last second.. or it would turn out that he is made of rubber and therefore bounced off the ground towards his wand with a badass backflip and saved the world. but no... THIS IS .. OMFG THIS ... I can't... it feels to me that there has been a Dementors attack over our muggle world which robbed us of all hopes and dreams and everything :(THIS IS TOO MUCHHHHHHHHHH
I can't get on with my life now :(
Actually, it's really my favorite I think ! I don't know why but I really like how the feeling are treated in the book. I mean, of course, how the (love) relationships are explained. Everything is not black and white, and seeing the multiples jalousies add something more. Rowling managed to describe perfectly this “creature” of love inside everybody. And, of course, the main story is so great. For once, Harry had the right intuition, it's so funny to read how he wants to demonstrate he's right !
And every time I read it, I can't stand the secrecy behind Dumbledore. So much could be more simple if he talks and gives some explanations....
Executive Summary: I've gone back and forth on bumping my rating up from 4 to 5. The ending of this book is one of the best in the series but as a whole, I find this book just isn't quite as good as [b:Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire 6 Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire (Harry Potter, #4) J.K. Rowling https://images.gr-assets.com/books/1361482611s/6.jpg 3046572] or [b:Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban 5 Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban (Harry Potter, #3) J.K. Rowling https://images.gr-assets.com/books/1499277281s/5.jpg 2402163]. It's very though, as it's another excellent book.Jim Dale Audio Book: I really want to try the Stephen Fry versions to compare, but Jim Dale has me firmly in his corner as THE way to enjoy these books.Stephen Fry Audio Book: Now that I have tried the Stephen Fry versions, I'm still torn. I'll simply revise my opinion at this point to be you can't really go wrong with either narrator in my opinion.Full ReviewI have to start with the end. Possibly one of the largest spoilers of all time. At least in terms of people being upset finding it out before reading it. I remember being at a convention the year this came out and people seemed to be making it a point of yelling Snape kills Dumbledore. I put that in tags on the very slim chance you either haven't read the book, or somehow avoided that. If you did, I'm impressed. Tell me what your secret is please!People got really creative about this too. I remember someone did a mashup with castaway where Tom Hanks was keeping a copy of the book in that unopened package and then someone flew by the island with the spoiler on a banner behind the plane.I also recall just before the final book came out, people who preordered from Walden books had their choice of bookmark one saying Trust Snape, and the other: Snape is a very bad man. I think I was more in the former camp, than the latter, but it's hard for me to remember anymore.Above all I think this division among readers during what felt like a very long waiting time until [b:Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows 136251 Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows (Harry Potter, #7) J.K. Rowling https://images.gr-assets.com/books/1474171184s/136251.jpg 2963218] came out, is what is best about this book. It is certainly THE cliffhanger of the series.Also, in this book, Ms. Rowling finally starts to reveal some of the deeper secrets of the series as Harry and Dumbledore explore memories of the past.As a grown adult, I find the descriptions of Harry's feelings toward Ginny both amusing and nostalgic. I remember having similar feelings when I was I was high school. I don't miss that “monster” as Harry calls it.
2005 - 4 stars
2015 - 5 stars
Can't believe I had only read this one once before and that was 10 years ago!
my absolute favorite book in the series. good to know that the death of dumbledore can still bring tears to my eyes. the first time I read it i cried to the point i became sick and had a fever. sirius's death was much difficult to accept because i skimmed through the chapter and skipped the scene altogether, i couldnt bear reading harry's pain or wanting to accept that hes dead. Its one of the deaths i cant forgive jk rowling for
I finished this book late last night and it was the first time in a while I stayed up late into the night to finish a book. I have surprised myself by enjoying this book way more than I expected. While this book starts to lead into the more darker plot of the potter series, I enjoyed learning much more about Voldemort's past. I also love Snape's secret influence over Harry in the form of a battered text book, as I am an out and proud Snape lover! This book was such a great escapism read recently and I know this book is the last book that features Hogwarts school and Harry's innocence and so I think the next book isn't going to be as much fun to read as this one for me. However I give this book a strong and sassy 4.3 out of 5 stars!
Who said I'm crying?! I'm not crying! Just something fell in my eye! Really! Nothing to do with the ending...
Stephen Fry is a master at his craft.
Hastily starts listening to Deathly Hallows
4th re-read: ★★★★½
《“We're nearly there... I can Apparate us both back... Don't worry...”“I am not worried, Harry,” said Dumbledore, his voice a little stronger despite the freezing water. “I am with you.”》
No matter how many times you've reread, it doesn't get any less heartbreaking :'(
One of the darker books. Harry is losing so many of the people he has come to trust and love. From the next book on, Harry, Ron and Hermione are mostly on their own. The book continues to surprise me with little gems of wisdom and wisecracks (mostly from Dumbledore, himself) sprinkled throughout the story. The sincere love of Fleur, the tragic courage of Snape, the loss of Dumbledore - in my mind, these are the highlights of this book.
Contains spoilers
This book will always be a bittersweet 5-star for me - partially because I know what comes next. Loved seeing snippets of Fred and George being successful I've never forgiven Rowling for what she does in book 7 and I'm not sure i ever will iykyk
I re-read this because Three Cups of Tea was making me cry too much. What was I thinking, this makes me cry too. Dammit.
There is something about these books that really allows me to appreciate the magical world and escape. Dumbledore is perfection and I really enjoyed the growth in Harry's character. Onward to the final book in the series
Harry potter has always been one of my favourite series and maybe giving it 5 stars is a little high but I love these books and they are a comfort read for a familiar world to dive back into whenever I need to.
This is one of my favourites in the series despite what happens at the end, this is where the real darker parts start and where the adventures begin.
What am I supposed to say...? How do you review this story and do it justice? I suppose, given the emotional hangover I'm currently experiencing, my thoughts will be a brief summary:
1) Holy Smokes.
2) I saw it coming, and I still couldn't handle it.
3) Whatver development we get had better be good. Also, the last shred of hope I have, rests on the belief that Dumbledore anticipated the whole affair and things went exactly according to plan.
4) This book was awesome. I love a good, devistating, gut wrenching, climax.
5) Now, leave me alone. I have to read book VII.
I FUCKING HATE THIS BOOK. there are so many things wrong with it. 1.) snape. harry thinking against snape the whole book and everyone shutting him down pissed me off more than i could ever imagine. dumbledore looked like an old ass fool when harry told him that he suspected snape and he was there like “no i trust severus with my life