Average rating4.5
This has to be one of the most cutest, fluffiest and softest romantic story I have ever read. Nick and Charlie are so sweet, I might die of a diabetic coma. Their friendship and falling in love is written and illustrated beautifully and I can't wait to read more. And I have no idea what more to say except that please go and binge read this webcomic because it'll definitely make you smile.
Not my favourite but it was still a comforting read! i don't really think any book can overtop 3
1.5/5 ⭐
A dumpster fire by all accounts. It was so hard to get my grubby hands on this book. And it really let me down. It felt like nothing really happened. The characters felt kind of hollow. I get that she was busy working on the show but it really showed in this book. The conflicts were built up for the whole book but got resolved way too easily at the end. It was anti-climactic. Examples include Charlie's eating disorder and not wanting to be intimate with Nick but then Nick says that he thinks Charlie's hot and suddenly he's ok. Also the whole long-distance college selection thing. Also I get that she's trying to push messages about safe sex, “virginity is a construct”, and consent but the way it was delivered just felt like a weird PSA, health class type of thing that I didn't like. Although I did love some ace rep.
read for finishing up series vlog
this is my least fav in the series but i still adored it. i can't believe the series is almost ending
I love this series, I really, really, do. But, this book just didn't feel right. The whole plot for me boils down to Nick leaving and him and Charlie having sex. It was so focused on, tainting the experience a bit.
4.5 ⭐️
It was cute overall, it was so nice to read everything again and watch them growing and maturing. Love them all so much.
Ps: Tori's still my favorite ❤️
This series never misses, but I know I'm biased because of how invested I am in these characters already. I love how Alice handled the changes and decisions they are facing. The conversations they have show a level of vulnerability and communication skills most adults I know don't even have. Some might think it makes it less realistic, but my hope is that in reading this it helps others come to terms with their own experiences, feelings, and decisions. If you already like the series, you don't need any convincing to read this. It's great. It's iconic. It's perfect.
This was sweet! I thought all the discussions around sex were handled really well and realistically. Love those sweet boys.
Me ha gustado como siempre, y estaba deseando que saliera para poder leerlo. Es verdad que he notado como que no pasan tantas cosas como en los otros tomos, de ahí que le haya dado 4 estrellas y no 5. Pero amamos a Nick y Charlie.
I loved seeing Charlie blossom in this one! I can't wait for the next (and last
I love that Heartstopper exists and kids can grow up reading this series! I've found the issues in this volume particularly relevant as it is centered on college decisions and on the importance of prioritizing ourselves and our future, even on a relationship.
I have only one small issue with this book, and it is what prevented it off receiving my 5 stars. Although contraception is only briefly mentioned, comprehensible on a M/M focused book, it follows the usual approach: “Can't girls just take the control pill? Well, yes, but that doesn't protect against STDs”
There is an urgent need to change the narrative surrounding contraception, shifting the focus from people who menstruate, since ovulation is not a predictable and controllable event, to people who ejaculate, an event that is 100% predictable, controllable and preventable. Food for thought!
Besides this, volume 5 it's a great addition to an already wonderful series, and I am glad we will have another volume until we need to say goodbye to Nick and Charlie. I couldn't recommend this series more!
Characters: ★★★★★ Atmosphere: ★★★★ Writing Style: ★★★★ Plot: ★★★★ Intrigue: ★★★★★ Relationships: ★★★★★ Enjoyment: ★★★★★Overall Rating: ★★★★½A tender and wholesome high school love story tackles the age old college dilemma.As Nick and Charlie's relationship develops, they run into a classic high school couple's problem: do they go to the best college or the closest college? I really love how the minor characters are really starting to form their own storylines and building deeper connections with the main characters. Heartstopper has been a refreshing queer love story that's wholesome and inclusive and I hope it never ends.In conclusion, if I Nick and Charlie make their relationship long distance I'm going to be so sad.
Still super cute but very much just setting up the final volume and everything went a little too perfectly
¿Cómo es posible que un libro te deje lagrimeando todo el tiempo?
A veces eran de felicidad, otras de tristeza.
Pero sin duda este tomo es muy personal para mí, si lo hubiera leído en la época cuando iba a entrar en la universidad siento que me habría podido ayudar, pero ya qué jajaja.
Está clarísimo todo el desarrollo que tuvieron Nick y Charlie en la historia, y ese momento cuando Charlie se pone la camisa de manga corta me destruyó, sobretodo porque yo se lo que se siente que un ser amado pase por lo que pasó Charlie (incluso aún lo vivo) y fue como ver a esa persona y sentirme igual de orgullosa y feliz por él. Agradezco mucho a Alice Oseman por tocar todos estos temas tan bien, y en especial porque no sea el último tomo de la serie. Cuando esto acabe... ¿Cómo lo podré superar? Jajajja
También esa pequeña evolución que podemos leer con la mamá de Charlie me afectó, siento que ella está intentando ser una mejor madre y poder llevarse mejor con Charlie, pero me duele que esa relación no sea la misma con Tori (los que han leído Solitario sabrán de lo que les hablo) pero ojalá también su relación con Tori mejorara o se mostrara un poco más.