Average rating3.8
I didn't know much about this book when I picked it up (it was a recommended read at my local bookstore) and I'm glad that was the case! I loved the writing style and had trouble putting this book down as I was so invested in the characters and the action. I can't wait to read the next installment!
“Ladies, gentlemen and those wise enough to transcend the binary”
This is gonna be a book I will be thinking about for a long time. Not only is the plot, for me, engaging and exciting, but the messages woven throughout the book are important. First of all the best part of this book is that there are CHAPTER TITLES! and we get multi pov with a label at the start of each chapter. You don't understand how nice it is to know what is going on xD I would like to see more povs aside from the 4 characters we saw in this book, but I understand the choice not to for this book.
The magic system in this book is so very interesting and I hope we get more of it in the sequel. If I was to be in a fantasy universe of my choosing it would probably be this one. I loved all of the characters, apart from Helena of course - she I hate. They were all unique in their own way and had their own faults. The book is written in a unique way that I think would translate to a movie or tv show very well. All the scenes and flashbacks are perfectly placed and I think it would do really well. Also the pop culture references woven throughout the book were so cool and I enjoyed finding them. I know some people found them clich?? but it was something I enjoyed out of it.
As for the social commentary, I can understand why certain demographics are not as fond of the book as I am as it is quite triggering and hard to read even for me. Some people have made valid points about how things were approached and I have to agree with them. I feel like it can be improved upon and I hope that Dawson does in the next book.
That being said, this book chewed me up and spat me out, I enjoyed it so much and there were so many jaw dropping bits, especially at the end. I am absolutely shocked at the ending. Like wtf???
Great modern witch story for fans of Harry Potter, charmed, the craft etc. Simply told but entertaining story with progressive political message at the base:
In eerst instantie had ik eigenlijk helemaal geen zin om dit boek te lezen, omdat ik had gehoord dat het een erg politieke agenda had en bol stond van sociaal commentaar. Hoewel ik zeker niet zal ontkennen dat deze discussies belangrijk zijn, het is echt niet wat ik wil als ik 's avonds in mijn leeszetel kruip met een boek om te ontspannen. Dus ja, ik was dus niet echt geneigd om dit boek op te pakken en als ik het niet via mijn Fairyloot Adult abonnement had gekregen, dan vrees ik dat ik het waarschijnlijk oneindig lang voor me uit zou hebben geschoven, wat toch wel wat onrechtvaardig zou zijn geweest, gezien ik het uiteindelijk wel graag heb gelezen. Ja, het is inderdaad waar dat het een bepaalde agenda naar voren schuift en soms een beetje te zwaar op de hand wordt, maar het stoorde me niet zoveel als ik had gevreesd en nam niet te veel weg van het verhaal.
En dat verhaal was vooral gewoon leuk.
Delen ervan waren behoorlijk voorspelbaar, maar het merendeel vond ik hoogst origineel en meeslepend.
Ik was verwonderd door de reikwijdte van dit verhaal, terwijl veel belangrijke gebeurtenissen uit het verleden niet echt werden uitgediept. We hebben te maken met de nasleep van een enorm conflict en onderzoeken de manier waarop mensen reageren wanneer ze worden geconfronteerd met de mogelijkheid dat een ander conflict aan de horizon opdoemt. Ik vond het heel interessant om een verhaal van die kant van de tijdlijn te lezen, terwijl ik tegelijkertijd soms een beetje context of emotionele connectie miste om de acties van de personages volledig te kunnen bevatten. Dit was zeker in het begin voelbaar en het kostte me wat tijd om ondergedompeld te worden.
De schrijfstijl hielp me ook niet echt om verbinding te maken met het verhaal. Het is zo duidelijk Brits en gebruikt een behoorlijke hoeveelheid straattaal, wat niet echt inclusief is voor niet-moedertaalsprekers om hun weg te vinden. Ik denk dat ik uiteindelijk alles goed genoeg heb begrepen, maar een deel van mij heeft wel het gevoel dat ik waarschijnlijk wat nuances heb gemist door de keuze voor een bepaalde woordenschat.
Maar zoals ik al zei, dit verhaal was vooral gewoon leuk om te lezen, onder voorbehoud dat je naast de overduidelijke politieke agenda kunt kijken.
Ik was ook behoorlijk verrast door de richting die het verhaal naar het einde toe nam en het einde heeft me echt gechoqueerd. Wees je ervan bewust dat dit boek eindigt met een cliffhanger, een duidelijke voorbode naar het volgende boek. Persoonlijk stoorde mij dit niet al te erg, gezien ik de resolutie van dit verhaal al bij al wel bevredigend vond. Het maakt me vooral nieuwsgierig naar het vervolg.
Great book! I'm off to my indy store tomorrow to pick up the next one! Love these characters!
The ending hurt, but I have to see where this series goes in book 2.
HMRC is a very politically charged contemporary novel about witches, warlocks, and mundanes (us non magical people) living in plain and hidden sight in England. I absolutely loved how magic was described through out, such as the atoms and energy changing around them and what they felt while casting. A personal favorite was the healer using the pain of a victim and inflicting it back onto an attacker, I LOVED that.
The main characters, Helena, Leonie, Niamh, and Elle, were well defined in who they were and had their own arcs through out. Niamh and Theo's relationship was my favorite. I do wish we had more of Leonie and her coven Diaspora, and there were some choices made by characters that just didn't make sense, but overall I loved it.
There is so much that I wish I could go over without spoiling anything, but watching the two sides of the same coin, a character evolving into their true potential with love and trust and a character descending into horrid villainy because of bigotry and being unwilling to admit they were wrong is just so good and done so well.
I am incredibly excited and look forward to the sequel that comes out this year!
This is a hard one to rate as I liked parts of this - mainly Naimh and Theo's storyline, and the narrator - but I really disliked most of the other characters (Helena and Leonie mainly) and the tone of the book, for a book with feminism as a theme theres a lot of women hating other women.
The themes it was getting at were great but the sheer amount of times the reader is beat over the head with a big neon sign about “the message” was ridiculous. We get it.
I don't think I'll be continuing with this one. Definitely a disappointment.
Oh I ADORED this!! I loved all the characters (except the TERFs obvi) and I need the next book like IMMEDIATELY!!!
I LOVED this so much. Exactly the kind of urban fantasy (you hate to say ~Harry Potter for Grownups~ but also yeah basically that) that I always crave, plus an explicitly pro-trans witch/anti-TERF witch storyline?? Hell yeah. So fun and also so evocative of 90s girl friendships. Just loved it, can't wait for book 2!–I went about things backwards bc I was excited to read [b:The Shadow Cabinet 62366354 The Shadow Cabinet (Her Majesty's Royal Coven, #2) Juno Dawson https://i.gr-assets.com/images/S/compressed.photo.goodreads.com/books/1685348875l/62366354.SX50.jpg 94751998] so I decided I didn't have time to re-read this first, but then after I read Shadow Cabinet I was like “ahh I want more time with these characters” so I went back and re-read this after. It still slaps and on the re-read I noticed things I hadn't noticed/remembered that helped make the 2nd book resonate even more.And now aaaaa just gotta wait for the third one?? aaaa
So, I enjoyed this good fun witchy novel with a queer core and some modern twists.
I'm always up for a bit of magic and it was good to read something that wasn't all white and cis - just because it's fantasy doesn't mean it can't reflect reality (or not - seems to be some people here who found it too preachy and others saying it wasn't diverse enough - hey, everyone's a critic!).
Anyone, it was fun, I flew through it and what an ending!!! Can't wait to read the next one.