Discover the Foods Scientifically Proven to Prevent and Reverse Disease
Average rating4.5
This book is the primary reason my husband and I decided to try going vegan, and we've been ~90% vegan since then (1.5 years since reading the book). It has a wealth of knowledge and is convincing if you're moved by data!
Inhales deeply What are other reviews on about? This is a densely packed book full of information, it teaches about antioxidants, inflammation, mentions probiotics (which aren't that important, but one review complains how it doesn't go in depth about probiotics)
This contains so much stuff which I wish I had grown up on, I wish people sought to be healthy both in mind and body. I have been vegan for 7 years, but I haven't been on a whole food plant based diet and now I am sad about it. I started it only recently, but my skin feels so much softer. I have generally more motivation to move my body on it, because it's easier now.
If you put bad, addictive and overwhelming stuff into your body it will cause disease is a controversial thought for a lot of people. Why. People invent diets and downplay the benefits of good physical activity just to appease the consumers. We live in a society in which people want us to consume bad content, put bad chemicals into our own bodies by our own will. Profit driven incentives to sell stuff that damages your body.
The book goes over all the angles of how plants have mostly only benefits and how meat is full of downsides and why wouldn't it be so? With the current science it is ridiculous to downplay the effects of meat. The fats, the cholesterol, it's lack of fibre contents. It is the plants that are packed with the vitamins and the nutrients and the most essential stuff, not the other way around.
I have so much information now to do well with my diet, I know so many little things which will help me navigate to the best options. It is the most flavorful, colorful, dark foods that are the best foods, but the big companies decided to trick our brains and make those kinds of foods with no nutrition content. Instead of the best options it now craves for the worst ones and cannot stop, we literally now need to detox our brains in order to eat healthy again. Candy makers take advantage of your good inner food radar to sell you the most garbage content.
Rant: Greens and berries and fruits are very important and I haven't been consuming any of them for like most years of my life!!@#!!! Hello? Hello. Hello?!?!!? I am a bit mad at myself atm. Since eating healthier I started to recognize how polluting it is to walk near car roads. I can literally feel pollution 24/7 rn and I am not even kidding. I wonder how much I am actually sad and how much it's just the pollution we are on. Antioxidants put some sort of shield from the pollution, but I mean wow is walking outside damaging and why did we make it so? Wth. Is it really so difficult to combine healthy tribal living with technological advances, can't we seek the best of the two worlds smh? I live in a dystopia and I hate it. I will love it tho to combat the existential dread which I want to bury deep inside. When I die I will be like “Ha! I did my funny little person check marks!” because that's the most that a person can really do tbh and I need my little check marks for real.
Gonna bother my relatives over this book and support them in ways I wasn't supported because I am just so cool. Damn who is this nonbinary demon? I wanna be just like them. Now they will be so much hotter with this new diet and knowledge. Damn... (This is me appealing to the americans and myself)
All the studies you might want to read about how plant based diets will probably allow you to avoid disease. I can't really conceive of incorporating all these aspects as easily achievable, I am a very lazy person. Maybe berries in my morning oatmeal
About the book: How Not to Die explains how a plant-based diet can extend your life while transforming your quality of living. These blinks offer a wealth of health-boosting nutritional information and hands-on dietary advice that you won't get from your doctor.
About the author: Michael Greger, MD, is an internationally renowned doctor, author and speaker. Additionally, he serves as director of public health and animal agriculture at the Humane Society of the United States and runs the website Gene Stone is the author of several books on plant-based nutrition, including the bestseller, Forks Over Knives.
My highlights:
Poor diet is the number one cause of premature death, and it's often ignored by the medical industry.
Meat, dairy, eggs and processed foods that dominate the typical American diet are bad news. The study found that people who ate diets rich in these food groups were at greater risk of heart disease, diabetes and a number of other chronic ailments. Not just that, but excessive animal fat and processed meat also resulted in high cholesterol and an elevated chance of heart disease.
A plant-based diet can provide better treatment than pharmaceuticals.
Vegetarians of 12 years who began eating meat one day per week saw a drop in life expectancy of 3.6 years.So are vegetarians healthier? Well, cultures that eat plant-based diets certainly experience much less disease than we do in modern American society.
Plant-based diets can even help reverse disease.
Doctors find it easier to prescribe drugs than to change a diet, even though medication poses potential threats.
Plant-based diets have been shown to be just as effective and come with none of the risks.
Fruits, especially berries, help deter cancer and boost the immune system.
A healthy diet should contain four servings of fruit a day, one of which should be berries. Keep in mind that means whole fruit and not fruit juice.
Eating fruit has been found to improve lung function.
This is due to fruit's rich antioxidant content, which limits cellular damage and reduces inflammation. And don't worry about the natural sugar in fruits causing weight gain. Only the fructose in added sugars is associated with health problems. The fiber, antioxidants and phytonutrients in fruit itself can combat the adverse effects of fructose.
This incredible antioxidizing power is believed to come from their pigmentation, and berries are second only to herbs and spices as the most antioxidant-rich foods, with an average of ten times more antioxidants than other fruits.
Vegetables are vital to a healthy diet.
Whole vegetables, as opposed to processed ones, have been found to protect cellular telomeres – nucleotide “caps” that keep DNA healthy as cells divide and age. Not just that, but vegetables like broccoli and cabbage can aid liver and lung function while cutting the risk of lymphoma and prostate cancer.
Eating five servings of veggies a day is the magic solution. Out of these five, two should be leafy greens like kale, arugula and chard. One should be a cruciferous vegetable like broccoli, cabbage or cauliflower. And the other two should include carrots, beets and mushrooms. Cruciferous vegetables are essential as they produce sulforaphane, a potentially powerful, anti-inflammatory, cancer-fighting molecule. These vegetables are best eaten raw since the enzyme that activates sulforaphane is destroyed by heat. Chopping them up before cooking is fine, however, since doing so activates the enzyme, thereby forming sulforaphane. After just 40 minutes, the molecule is preserved, and the vegetable can be safely cooked. Dark leafy greens are important since they contain the most nutrition per calorie of any food on earth. If you don't like them, just try blending them into a fruit smoothie.
Beans and whole grains are great for your health.
The American Institute for Cancer Research recommends eating a serving of beans or legumes with every meal since they offer an animal-free protein with added benefits, like fiber.Soy is the most popular bean in America, but processed versions of soybeans, like tofu, should be avoided.
Lentils are a good choice for legumes as they can cut a sugar spike, even hours after a meal. Beyond that, they're loaded with prebiotics, can relax the stomach and slow the rate of sugar absorption.
You should eat beans three times a day, and the same goes for whole grains, which can deter debilitating diseases.
Whole grains can cut the risk of heart disease, type-2 diabetes, obesity and even strokes
Check nutritional labels and confirm that the ratio of carbohydrates to fiber is five to one or lower.
14 October, 2017 12:29 Share
Nuts and seeds are super nutritious.
A single daily serving of nuts or seeds can make all the difference in fighting disease?
The phytates found in nuts and seeds detoxify excess iron from the body, which can create free radicals linked to colorectal cancer. While phytates used to be considered inhibitors of mineral absorption, they've since been found to increase bone density.
The most recommended seeds are chia, hemp, pumpkin, sesame and sunflower.
Walnuts are the most nutritious. They're even among the most antioxidizing foods and boast high levels of omega-3s.
Herbs and spices make healthy foods even more beneficial.
Herbs and spices can add flare to a dish, but these fragrant flavorings are also powerful fighters of disease, especially cancer.
Spices like cloves, cinnamon, oregano and nutmeg inhibit an enzyme known as monoamine oxidase, which can spark depression.
But of all the herbs and spices, turmeric is the best, especially for cancer.
While turmeric is eliminated from the body quite quickly, simple black pepper can suppress this process.
When it comes to beverages, water reigns supreme.
Aim for at least five 12-ounce beverages per day, and there's nothing better than pure H2O.
Coffee, which benefits the liver and the brain. Those who drink more than two cups of java per day experience half the risk of both chronic liver issues and suicide.The second is tea, which can have powerful medicinal effects.
Milk is a big no-go
While moderate drinking – one drink a day for women and two for men – has benefits for heart disease, booze is also correlated with cancer.
Exercise coupled with a healthy diet is the recipe for a long life.
While healthy eating is essential, its benefits can only be increased by adding exercise to the mix. The daily recommendation is 90 minutes of moderate or 40 minutes of intense exercise.
Final summary
The key message in this book: Switching to a plant-based diet can help you live longer and more healthily. Many of the debilitating diseases we suffer from today are merely a result of eating animal-based foods. By changing your diet, you can prevent or even reverse conditions as serious as heart disease or cancer.