Average rating3.5
This was wild!
I found this book on the Bananas Romance Novels list on Goodreads and it did indeed push some boundaries! The hero looks a bit like a demon with his horns, tail, fangs and blue-gray skin. The heroine is abducted by little green men from her bedroom on Earth and steps up to be the leader of the other alien abducted women. So strange but I enjoyed it!
Madre mía qué adictivo!
5 estrellas por lo adictivo que es, me ha dado lo que esperaba del libro, lo mucho que me he reído y lo spicy (esto no me lo esperaba
Okay yes. I read this. We don't need to judge here. Goodreads is a no judgment zone. unless you're attracted to Edward Cullen, then I'm judging you. And besides, I know for a fact you have read it to. Don't even lie about it. You also have gotten into the blue alien craze.
But I'm not gonna rate this book. Did I love this alien smut book? Did I hate it? That is for and only me to know. It's none of your business.
to my family on here seeing this: we're not ever going to mention that i've read this book okay?
this had no right to be as funny as it was
this was way better than i expected and i actually had a good time reading this.
Not sure what I just read. Definitely was interested based on all the hype it is getting online. It was entertaining and just smut all day long. I don't think I will read the next one since pregnancy plots just aren't for me.
DNF'd it at about 50%. Don't get me wrong, I love a good large blue alien romance as much as the next person but this one did not hit the spot for me. Did not feel any connection between the two main characters that made me want to stick around for the whole book.
Good fun. The writing is basic but unobtrusive which is really all I ask for. World building was simple but more in-depth than I expected. Things progressed pretty fast. I thought that a lot of the outlandish decision making was explained well enough to make me accept why they were done. One of my biggest complaints SPOILERS is that she gets pregnant pretty dmn fast! And it's one of my biggest dislikes in books is the unexpected pregnancy trope. And I wasn't a big fan of the symbiont plotline. I felt is was a deus ex machina type of situation. A quick way to make the world as easy for the humans as possible. The language machine too was way too convenient that it just made it cringy. But overall it was fun.
3.5 stars. I will not be taking questions at this time. Damn you, booktok.
how is georgie and vektal's relationship communication so superior when they don't even speak the same language for half the book???
I liked it, but the beginning was hard to get through, the communication issues got a little bit boring for me, and the episode with the AI and the computer made me roll my eyes. But, it was cute to have a cinnamon roll as the hero and the main characters were a great match and cute together. Also, this book got me seriously interested in more sci-fi inter-species romance hu hu hu.
This was a good twist on the typical alien romance stories. The beginning lead me to believe it would be the stereotypical plot line, but then it took a turn for the better. Really enjoyed it although the end seemed kinda rushed.
Rating: 3.9 leaves out of 5
Characters: 4/5
Cover: 4/5
Story: 4/5
Writing: 3.5/5
Genre: Fantasy/Aliens/Romance
Type: Audiobook
Worth?: Uhh yeah
For this type of book it was pretty well written. I have been seeing this on tiktok for days and finally broke down to read them. I wasn't expecting much from this book. The cover looked like one of those sleazy easy read Harlequin novels, but at last I was proven wrong. There is PLOT! I am not a big fan of just straight erotica. I like my books to have meat on its bones.
It was an easy read and had it down in a day!
Why was this book so good?! Why am I so obsessed with it?! Give me more hunky blue aliens NOW! I'm gonna end up binging this whole series by Christmas
It kind of got boring after the first sexy time. I just wanted to know more about the planet, its pink trees and scary wildlife.
Also the barefoot and pregnant line and pairing off, meh, not for me.
The author's got talent and it wasn't bad, just not FOR ME.
However, I will not judge you unless you read CH books.